So for the record, a couple things that were taken out of context...
Spacemt saying England "Batman" was 'hanging up his cape' was in no way meant to imply that England was or should retire, only that he's enjoying the break he's been on since having been eliminated from TSI. Now, I realize at the same time this was happening there was a controversy over England wanting to sign up and all the spots being filled, so in retrospect Voxel you're absolutely right, it was poorly time.
As far as comments about people's nationalities are concerned, the only thing that any of us were ever implying was that it's EXCITING to get a broad spectrum of people on the cast. Any other interpretation was taken completely out of context.
I made a comment about England potentially not being as threatening as everyone was hyping him up to be based mostly on a combination of his somewhat lackluster TSI merge project and as a way to compliment Voxel for ulimately being the biggest "challenge threat" of the season (in spite of IDI winning the majority of immunities and still not receiving any votes...something I'd definitely chalk up to IDI's gameplay
So I'd just like to kindly request that on both ends we let this buisness settle itself and get back to the game at hand. Above all else were all here to have fun, and considering there's so many first time players in this cast I think we owe it to them above anyone else to make this a clean, good spirited experience moving forward.