Hello all! Let's talk comics! DC, Marvel, whatever!
Myself, I'm a a born and bred DC fan! I have subscriptions to several titles at Coliseum of Comics here in Orlando, including Batman, Red Robin, Gotham City Sirens, Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, Blackest Night, and of course my favorite, The Flash. This past week I read:
Adventure Comics #4- Another title I'm subscribed to, written by my favorite writer Geoff Johns, has featured Superboy Conner Kent up until now, but seems to be taking a break for a couple of issues to feature Superboy Prime in a Blackest Night tie-in. Prime has a reality-bending backstory, so I suggest reading the wiki on him sometime. This issue has him battling an old ally, putting him in a situation that may possibly give him a chance at some redemption. I love stories like this, that play around with reality on different levels.
Dr. Horrible #1- A fun new comic! Strangely enough, I haven't seen the Sing-Along Blog yet, but quite enjoyed the bit at the Oscars, so I picked this up. It's just a lot of fun, no heavy stuff like drama or peril or anything, just a good romp with a wit that really tickles my funny bone.
The Flash Rebirth #5- Excellent story! The first couple of issues started out slow, but it's really picked up now. We get some more answers about Barry Allens life, especially why things have seemed a bit off since the reboot began. Can't wait for the conclusion!
The Outsiders- Not something I've ever read before, I got this one because it's a Blackest Night tie-in. I know it's a gimmick for them to get you interested in regularly reading additional titles, but I'm genuinely interested in how this event is affecting all corners of the DC Universe. Not knowing much about this group, it was an okay story, but with an interesting twist of a Black Lantern who has seemingly overcome the controlling influence exerted on all of the risen characters. Definitely interested to see if it's true in the next issue.
Superman/Batman #66- I've been a big fan of this title since its first issue a few years ago. Once again we have a Blackest Night tie-in, but not featuring the title characters. Instead, we have Black Lantern Solomon Grundy trying to kill Bizarro. Apparently they were friends before, which I somehow missed. Decent story, I've always had a little bit of sympathy for Bizarro, and you definitely feel it for him here.
Right now I'm also reading the trade paperback Green Lantern: Agent Orange. I read them in their individual issues several months ago, but it's well worth reading again. More Geoff Johns work, clever, clever stories. My favorite part is a bit where Hal Jordan finally and very accidentally figures out how to get an extra ring from a different Corps off his finger.
All right, let's hear it from you! Discuss!
Myself, I'm a a born and bred DC fan! I have subscriptions to several titles at Coliseum of Comics here in Orlando, including Batman, Red Robin, Gotham City Sirens, Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, Blackest Night, and of course my favorite, The Flash. This past week I read:
Adventure Comics #4- Another title I'm subscribed to, written by my favorite writer Geoff Johns, has featured Superboy Conner Kent up until now, but seems to be taking a break for a couple of issues to feature Superboy Prime in a Blackest Night tie-in. Prime has a reality-bending backstory, so I suggest reading the wiki on him sometime. This issue has him battling an old ally, putting him in a situation that may possibly give him a chance at some redemption. I love stories like this, that play around with reality on different levels.
Dr. Horrible #1- A fun new comic! Strangely enough, I haven't seen the Sing-Along Blog yet, but quite enjoyed the bit at the Oscars, so I picked this up. It's just a lot of fun, no heavy stuff like drama or peril or anything, just a good romp with a wit that really tickles my funny bone.
The Flash Rebirth #5- Excellent story! The first couple of issues started out slow, but it's really picked up now. We get some more answers about Barry Allens life, especially why things have seemed a bit off since the reboot began. Can't wait for the conclusion!
The Outsiders- Not something I've ever read before, I got this one because it's a Blackest Night tie-in. I know it's a gimmick for them to get you interested in regularly reading additional titles, but I'm genuinely interested in how this event is affecting all corners of the DC Universe. Not knowing much about this group, it was an okay story, but with an interesting twist of a Black Lantern who has seemingly overcome the controlling influence exerted on all of the risen characters. Definitely interested to see if it's true in the next issue.
Superman/Batman #66- I've been a big fan of this title since its first issue a few years ago. Once again we have a Blackest Night tie-in, but not featuring the title characters. Instead, we have Black Lantern Solomon Grundy trying to kill Bizarro. Apparently they were friends before, which I somehow missed. Decent story, I've always had a little bit of sympathy for Bizarro, and you definitely feel it for him here.
Right now I'm also reading the trade paperback Green Lantern: Agent Orange. I read them in their individual issues several months ago, but it's well worth reading again. More Geoff Johns work, clever, clever stories. My favorite part is a bit where Hal Jordan finally and very accidentally figures out how to get an extra ring from a different Corps off his finger.
All right, let's hear it from you! Discuss!