Disney Irish
Premium Member
While I can't explain the entire fandom and all their individual opinions, here is my take.then why didn't they go see 'SOLO'? I rest my case your honor. DISNEY DOES NOT UNDERSTAND STAR WARS AT ALL
Solo is a purely a nostalgia film for nostalgia sake. It didn't appeal to new SW fans looking for more on Rey, Poe, Finn, Kylo and their story. And it didn't appeal to old school fans who only wanted to see Harrison playing the character.
I personally didn't think it was a bad film. I thought it was a passable backstory movie. This was Lucas/Disney trying something, swinging for the fences and missing. It happens, in time it may be seen as a better film than the box office showed. Not every SW film is going to knock it out of the park at the box office. Especially when you go off and tell additional stories away from the core saga. Which is why I think a lot of those non-core saga stories should be on Disney+, which it looks like is happening.
Nostalgia is a funny thing. Start messing with it too much and people get upset. Its why there was uproar when Lucas himself put out the prequels. I remember hearing a lot of similar things about the prequels that are being said now, Lucas doesn't understand fans, blah blah blah....
However that doesn't apply to everything SW related. For example not all SW fans, just like yourself, accept the EU books (some even created with Lucas) that were produced prior to Disney. Those told stories away from the main Skywalker saga, some fans like them others didn't. But there wasn't some big uproar saying that Lucas didn't understand fans.
So you never can tell what will be a hit with fans and what won't be. But in my opinion SW and the fandom will be fine. Older generations of fans will either move on or pass on (sorry to say) and the new generations will grow up with the new SW stories being told and end up being nostalgic for them as time passes. That is the way this stuff works, the next generation has different likes and dislikes than the generation before them.