The best advice we ever got...


New Member
we are going on spring break. my wife and I and our 4 kids. 10 yo daughter, 9 yo son, a 4 yo twin girls. I was trying to plan everything, this will only be my 3rd time going, my wife and older kids 2nd and twins first time. but i decided to not plan as much and just enjoy being at Disney. i do enjoy reading all the disney forums and all the great tips and bits of advice.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Totally agree with the OP...
It really is important to slow down and take some time to savor the scenery at the Parks.
No *Commando Touring* rushing from Point A to Point B..! No no no !

The point of visiting a Disney Park is not to just ride a bunch of rides..and maybe see some entertainment. It is about having EXPERIENCES...and that can come from more then just the attractions.

Take in the landscaping.
Check out the little details.
Admire the flow of one thing to another.
Appreciate the background music.

Do something that does not require standing in a long line...

I realize this can be difficult for first timers, or folks who have only visited a few times...but trust me, you will have a better , more enriching vacation if you take it one step ..and one a time.

Imagineers spent a lot of time designing what is around you. Take time to appreciate it and enjoy the little pleasures they place there for those with the right eyes to see them.



Well-Known Member
My next trip we decided to only do a few ADRs... We went last year with family but this time its going to be just my boyfriend and I. Relaxing and enjoying everything is all we plan on doing! I cannot wait!


Well-Known Member
The best advice I've been given is to take a mid-day break from the parks. Honestly, one of my favorite moments from break time came back in 2011. We were staying at the Contemporary and after I uploaded my photos from the morning, set out some things for the evening and set an alarm, I crashed out in bed. I remember waking up just ahead of the alarm, soaking in my super comfy room and thinking "I'm at Disney." :) Then I sat outside for a little while just soaking up the sights and sounds...not that it was much...but it was pleasant.


Well-Known Member
The best advice I've been given is to take a mid-day break from the parks. Honestly, one of my favorite moments from break time came back in 2011. We were staying at the Contemporary and after I uploaded my photos from the morning, set out some things for the evening and set an alarm, I crashed out in bed. I remember waking up just ahead of the alarm, soaking in my super comfy room and thinking "I'm at Disney." :) Then I sat outside for a little while just soaking up the sights and sounds...not that it was much...but it was pleasant.

This just makes me want to be there right now. Ugh, I am glad I am not the only one that loves Disney. My parents and almost all of my friends have never been so they don't really get it. It's been snowing non-stop since yesterday here in Nebraska so nothing sounds better (closing my eyes and wishing I was there now!)


Premium Member
we are going on spring break. my wife and I and our 4 kids. 10 yo daughter, 9 yo son, a 4 yo twin girls. I was trying to plan everything, this will only be my 3rd time going, my wife and older kids 2nd and twins first time. but i decided to not plan as much and just enjoy being at Disney. i do enjoy reading all the disney forums and all the great tips and bits of advice.
Please plan you sit down meals or you may wind up dissapointed. and a magical welcome to you


Well-Known Member
...was to slow down and enjoy the experience. Smell the roses, people watch, take in the shops and enjoy the architecture, see more shows and most of all realize you can't do it all so savor what you can do.
How I wish I could do this! Unfortunately when you're forced to squeeze all of Orlando into 2 weeks you just don't get that option :( I constantly find me and my dad doing everything in the parks in a single day, then needing a whole day to gain our energy back (but we don't get that day, we have 3 other parks to do!)

It's my dream to be a florida or california resident one day so I can just take my time at the parks every weekend, maybe not even do any rides! That would be glorious :)


Well-Known Member
The best advice I ever received was "Go Left". I have been nearly countless times. Many people think of WDW as a Six Flags, Busch Gardens, or other day parks. They have no concept of the enormity of it all. The other advice I offer is that if you are not a Disney fan, don't go. The simple fact is if you do not like Disney, you are not going to like Disney World. It is as simple as that. They can use that $5000 on a different vacation.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
How I wish I could do this! Unfortunately when you're forced to squeeze all of Orlando into 2 weeks you just don't get that option :( I constantly find me and my dad doing everything in the parks in a single day, then needing a whole day to gain our energy back (but we don't get that day, we have 3 other parks to do!)

It's my dream to be a florida or california resident one day so I can just take my time at the parks every weekend, maybe not even do any rides! That would be glorious :)
But no one is forcing anyone to squeeze all of Orlando into two weeks, it is a choice someone makes for themselves...enjoy what you can at a slower pace and the experience is simply better. Quality over quantity.


Well-Known Member
A few years ago we decided ADRs took away some of the fun of our trip and now we rarely make them at all...but we do go during slower times of the year, and without children, and that makes walk ups easier.

We are the same. Just the 2 of us during a "slower" time. We walked up to several places for lunch instead of dinner without making ADR's. It's more fun for us this way rather than watching the time and having ADR's dictate in advance which parks we tour.

But to answer OP.. I agree. Slow down. Accept that you will have to wait in lines.


Well-Known Member
Usually our first day there (what we call "travel day") we spend exploring the hotel and heading over to DTD followed by a nice dinner. I guess we still haven't gone enough to figure out how to do Disney easy... we usually come back exhausted, but we love it. :)


Well-Known Member
Stay offsite in a condo or house. I had no idea how the extra space would make the trip SO much more relaxing.

I resisted going off the WDW property for so long because so many people said it was terrible. Wish I'd done it sooner. :)

What's it like to stay offsite? My husband always wants to do that and I'm the one that always resists! What are the benefits if you don't mind my asking?


Over the years, pool and resort time, and DTD time has become increasingly important to us. Priorities change and touring the parks has less urgency than it once had.

This to me as well, fist trips were go go go, now we take a day to enjoy the resort, downtown, this time boardwalk. my DS lives the pools ect. That be my advice leave a day or two to be lazy by pool, meander about down town and relax enjoy Disney doesn't have to be go go go all the time

Stu bailey

Well-Known Member
Most good restaurants everywhere require reservations. We like the ADR's and dining nicely once a day at a resort or a park and we like to plan it. If you don't, then don't. You can eat off site. Make your own under certain circumstances or wing it as lots like to do. As to the rides, fast pass has been around for years. Your options under the current fast pass system is to use the system and minimize lines, don't use it and avoid the big tides or not care about waiting in long lines or to go to the parks in much less crowded times when lines are not much of an issue. Newer tech is changing the fast pass system but not really the choices.

Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
I rember my first trip back in the 80s somebody got me Birnbaum's as a gift and said read it and you'll know what your getting into! So my first trip was 4 park days I rode every ride saw all the shows parades etc. found the French bakery, saki, beer, wine, etc. didn't have a bad meal so since then I've become the crazy planning lady!! It was easier back then 2 parks and no ADRs to worry about! One thing hasn't changed I see and do everything on my family's list and have fun doing it!
Ah, a fellow Disney commando! We (and I use that term loosely because my husband would much rather be traveling with @epcotisbest) literally hit the ground running and run for an entire week. My DH LOVES to sit at the outdoor seating area at Rose & Crown and relax with his beer and the whole time my leg is bouncing and my foot is tapping, waiting to rush on up to France for a slushie. I swear every year to slow down, enjoy everything and come home rested but each year I just make sure I'm in better shape to go faster. So I guess that would be the tip I took the most from.....get in good shape to eat all, drink all, and be all at WDW for a week! ;)


Premium Member
Ah, a fellow Disney commando! We (and I use that term loosely because my husband would much rather be traveling with @epcotisbest) literally hit the ground running and run for an entire week. My DH LOVES to sit at the outdoor seating area at Rose & Crown and relax with his beer and the whole time my leg is bouncing and my foot is tapping, waiting to rush on up to France for a slushie. I swear every year to slow down, enjoy everything and come home rested but each year I just make sure I'm in better shape to go faster. So I guess that would be the tip I took the most from.....get in good shape to eat all, drink all, and be all at WDW for a week! ;)
A couple of us have a thread down in chit chat" Working out for Disney " it's just to compare notes and encourage each other to get in Disney sahpe come join us!


Well-Known Member
I have (had, really) a Disney friend/coworker who like me enjoys at least one trip a year.... while she and her husband go with the flow and have at most one ADR, I like to have an ADR for every dinner. To her, it meant that I would be running around to meet the demands of the ADR while she would decide spur of moment, and if the restaurant could not accommodate, she would go elsewhere. She thought I gave up too much of my freedom and relaxation, but truth be told we planned our days to do what we want and knew that at a given time (usually after 7 pm) we had a dinner reservation somewhere and planned around it.

So, really it is just how you like to have your vacation - I like to take my time and go where I want for the day and change it up as needed but have the security of knowing that I will be dining at one of my favorite restaurants. While my (ex)friend prefers to play dinner roulette.

Advice is great, but you have to adapt it to what works best for those in your party....


Well-Known Member
Save for the trip you want. Plan for the trip you want. So we don't cut corners, we do everything we dream of doing. Arrange the ADR's and splurge on meals, take a tour we're interested in, buy a souvenir without worry.
We do Disney so we don't come back wishing we had done something that we should have.

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