The Attractions That Don't Get the Attention They Deserve


Well-Known Member
RealHawker said:
OK we have to talk

" El Rio Del Tiempo":rolleyes:

I hope you are kidding.

Actually, I like it too. It's a nice little ride that never has a line and it lets you get out of the sun a bit and get off your feet. I think El Rio is the definition of underrated @ WDW. A lot of people think it's stupid and pointless, but some of us see it as more.

Welcome mis amigos
To friendly Mexico.
To the LAND of fiestas
They're everywhere you go.

Listen to marimbas
And mariachis, too.
Playing Latin rhythm
And serenading you.

Come join the crowd.
The music's good and loud.
The air is full of song.
So come and sing along.

Because in Mexico,
When people smile at you,
There's just one thing to do:
You join the fiesta, too.



Well-Known Member
DisneySam said:
How could I forget my Country Bears! That is one of my favorites!!!

I think the Country Bear Jamboree gets alot of attention and it deserves it. It might not be the most popular attraction on these message boards ( :lol: ), but it seems to still do very well attendence wise. Again I naturally do not have any figures or anything like that, but everytime I've seen it the past 4 or 5 years, it's been at least 75% full and it's a decent sized theater.


New Member
Jumping on the band wagon!! Forgive the repeats!

Magic Kingdom
TTA: a definite hidden gem
Railroad: Why NOT?

Maelstrom: Relaxing boat ride, but I skip the movie!

Animal Kingdom:
Festival of the Lion King:
For the longest time I didn't even know it existed


In the Magic Kingdom, I really think that Carousel of Progress is underrated. It was Walt's own idea to make it, and it really is a fun and relaxing show. Besides, the song is great! It's been stuck in my head all day in school actually, because last night I fell asleep while listening to the whole show narraration, so when I woke up this morning from this afternoon, the famous song has been stuck in my head. Anyway, I also think that TTA deserves some more attention as well. And Magic Kingdom's Railroad is a must for me on my every trip, I love it for some reason, and no one else really does. And Snow White's Scary Adventures! I really really like this ride, and sometimes I even forget that it's there!

As for Epcot, I think that Living with the Land is underrated, as well as Maelstrom. I even like El Rio del Tiempo, but that's not really a fan favorite around here... :lookaroun Though, I don't personally think anything is really underrated in the Stuiods or in the Animal Kingdom.


New Member
I would have to say everything that isn't an "E-Ticket" deserves more attention. I get so tired of everyone talking incessantly about Test Track, Tower of Terror, and Rock n' Rollercoaster. These are three of my least favorite attractions at the Parks as I feel they are missing that special something that makes a classic Disney attraction. I know I'm probably alone in this, but I don't mind.
The attractions I think are most overlooked are, unfortunately, also the ones that are now gone. World of Motion, Horizons, Cranium Command, Journey Into Your Imagination, Dreamflight (no offense to Buzz), Food Rocks!, The Making of Me, the ORIGINAL Tiki Room, Captain EO (yes, Captain EO), The Mickey Mouse Revue, The Timekeeper - great attractions all. Unfortunately, people either overlooked them or just wanted something bigger, faster, and scarier. Thus, they got the boot. Such a shame.


New Member
TTA!!! No line, great view, shade, inside space mountain, I just love the TTA.

Agree 100%, always loved it!!

COP - To many people want to seen it gone when all it needs is some TLC

American Adventure - Wanted to skip this after I fell asleep durning Presidents, but husband made me go on. Now I see why, very well done & very heart warming.


SpenceMan01 said:
Actually, I like it too. It's a nice little ride that never has a line and it lets you get out of the sun a bit and get off your feet. I think El Rio is the definition of underrated @ WDW. A lot of people think it's stupid and pointless, but some of us see it as more.

Welcome mis amigos
To friendly Mexico.
To the LAND of fiestas
They're everywhere you go.

Listen to marimbas
And mariachis, too.
Playing Latin rhythm
And serenading you.

Come join the crowd.
The music's good and loud.
The air is full of song.
So come and sing along.

Because in Mexico,
When people smile at you,
There's just one thing to do:
You join the fiesta, too.


That's the thing though. It's not UNDERRATED. It's perfectly rated in the lower tier of rides. I can gree it has some use because of the lack of lines and getting off your feet, but that's no reason to keep it the way it is.

ex. 7 second clip of early 80's people at a pool bar in mexico. That's great. I see that mexico has come along way since the aztecs. And the people trying to sell you things at the market? I would have to say the 1st 20 seconds is nice, when u pass the volcano and go through the temple, and maybe the fiber optic fireworks, but the rest is a joke.

Crazy Harry

Active Member
RealHawker said:
That's the thing though. It's not UNDERRATED. It's perfectly rated in the lower tier of rides. I can gree it has some use because of the lack of lines and getting off your feet, but that's no reason to keep it the way it is.

ex. 7 second clip of early 80's people at a pool bar in mexico. That's great. I see that mexico has come along way since the aztecs. And the people trying to sell you things at the market? I would have to say the 1st 20 seconds is nice, when u pass the volcano and go through the temple, and maybe the fiber optic fireworks, but the rest is a joke.

I'll say the same thing I have said before, everyone talks about how this attraction is a joke and trivializes the culture, then absolutely no one includes Maelstrom in the conversation.

If trolls and vikings are the representation of an entire culture then so are pedlers and mariachis.

For me I feel el rio del tiempo captures the essence of the nation in a fun and simplistic manner. I love that it is simple like many of the classic disney rides.


Well-Known Member
Crazy Harry said:
I'll say the same thing I have said before, everyone talks about how this attraction is a joke and trivializes the culture, then absolutely no one includes Maelstrom in the conversation.

If trolls and vikings are the representation of an entire culture then so are pedlers and mariachis.

For me I feel el rio del tiempo captures the essence of the nation in a fun and simplistic manner. I love that it is simple like many of the classic disney rides.

I totally agree on all counts.


Crazy Harry said:
I'll say the same thing I have said before, everyone talks about how this attraction is a joke and trivializes the culture, then absolutely no one includes Maelstrom in the conversation.

If trolls and vikings are the representation of an entire culture then so are pedlers and mariachis.

For me I feel el rio del tiempo captures the essence of the nation in a fun and simplistic manner. I love that it is simple like many of the classic disney rides.

I feel a bit more confortable with the quality of maelstrom vs el rio, but being scandanavian, I might have some bias.

I think the last 3 posters miss the point/title of this thread.


ARe you telling me that El RIO is not getting the attention it deserves?

Perhaps they should spotlight it in the next disney magazine or video packages?

Now Maelstrom on the other hand, is/may be Overrated. I think it gets a big draw for a very short boat ride, that shows you a polar bear and a troll, and a boat that goes backwards.(oh plus a film!, yea!).

I would pick the 360 degree films of canada and china as my picks from the world showcase.

Do a search for el rio on this forum, I think youll find alot of virtual thumbs down for this ride.


New Member
Here's one thumbs up for El Rio Del Tiempo. True, I'd like the bartering section to be changed, but like Dreamflight in the Magic Kindgdom, I consider this one of the most overlooked and underrated. But I do love the Circlevision (and 180 degree) films in EPCOT, too. I've always thought Maelstrom was overinflated...and too darned short; in fact, I was quite disappointed in it the first time I rode it. Since I hadn't heard much about the other attractions in World Showcase, I was much more impressed with them...and I still am. I'd be even happier, though, if every country got some kind of attraction (but that's getting off on a tangent).

Crazy Harry

Active Member
RealHawker said:
I feel a bit more confortable with the quality of maelstrom vs el rio, but being scandanavian, I might have some bias.

I think the last 3 posters miss the point/title of this thread.


ARe you telling me that El RIO is not getting the attention it deserves?

Perhaps they should spotlight it in the next disney magazine or video packages?

Now Maelstrom on the other hand, is/may be Overrated. I think it gets a big draw for a very short boat ride, that shows you a polar bear and a troll, and a boat that goes backwards.(oh plus a film!, yea!).

No, I didn't forget the point. Someone said el rio was underrated, someone else disagreed and I countered. It is after all a discussion board.

And I think that maybe attension should be changed to recognision. IMO I feel el rio is a much better attraction than people want to give it credit for. It is simplistically delightful.

I also feel it is a much better representation at the very least of the essense of the culture as opposed to the generalized idea maelstrom portrays.

I do however Hawker enjoy and respect your opinion, and am greatly anticipating a rebutle to my statements.

I'm just curious if trolls, vikings, and oil rigs accurately represent your culture. I feel they are merly aspects of your culture slapped together unintelagably (sp?). I also feel that Maestrom is the inferior attraction and will kindly give my reasoning.

1. The queue is highly uninteresting. It's a shame the unloading area is better imagined esspecially considering you spend less time there. Simply give people something to occupy their minds with aids in staving boredom.

2. It's way too short.

3. There are quite a few scenes after the drop which are passed by too quickly to enjoy.

4. There is obsolutely no transition between the scenes. This attraction lacks a cohesive or cronilogically assembled story.

I'm sure I can come up with other reasoning later. And now my reasons why el rio is better

1. Higher attension to detail.

2. There is no need for a good queue given the environment provides that atmospere by itself

3. It's longer.

4. It is cohesivly and inteligably assembled.

5. It appropriatly depicts the essence of the culture by representing it's many diverse aspects.

For those who do not agree, how would you change this attraction to more accuratley represent the culture.

For Maelstrom, I would either focus on one aspect such as viking heritage or norse mythology or simply represent certain aspects and evenly blend them together.

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