The 9 Most Racist Disney Characters


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
If I were to own a copy, I would also own a PAL VCR :zipit:


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Random thought, wouldn't the Adolf Hitler personified in "Der Fuerer's Face" actually be the most racist Disney character?
You may not like the fact that Disney (as well as every other company out there), consistently throws subtle suggestions--but most of the time people don't notice them.

People don't notice it because our society as a whole has been so dumbed down and desensitized that you have to hit them in the face to get them to notice your hand.

Sarcasm is a lost art to the kids of today. People TRY to find something wrong with what you say. I just heard that Santas are not supposed to say HO HO HO anymore because it might offend some women. HOLY CRUD! If you are a "Ho" and take offense to being called one... get out of that business! If you aren't a "HO" then what do you care?!?!?

I just don't get it. :confused:


New Member
People don't notice it because our society as a whole has been so dumbed down and desensitized that you have to hit them in the face to get them to notice your hand.

Sarcasm is a lost art to the kids of today. People TRY to find something wrong with what you say. I just heard that Santas are not supposed to say HO HO HO anymore because it might offend some women. HOLY CRUD! If you are a "Ho" and take offense to being called one... get out of that business! If you aren't a "HO" then what do you care?!?!?

I just don't get it. :confused:

i read about that earlier.....they are doing it in of the dumbest things i've ever heard of doing. everything's just getting way too politicaly correct

The Mom

Premium Member
How about the 9 most stereotypical female characters, drawn to a Caucasian ideal of beauty, with male fantasy anatomy ? Or wouldn't it just be easier to say "all of them." :lol:

The article was a meant as a joke, which means that not everyone will be laughing. :)


There are people out there that will look for anything that they can to claim that it is offensive to their race, religion or any other thing in their life. And the people who run around making the living of pointing out these "injustices" are the ones that keep it going along the lines that the offense goes.

I was on the T (in Boston) last Sunday when a group of four African-American youths came on the train and were talking loud enough for all in the car to hear what just happened to them at the platform we had just left. Apparently one of them was talking up to a woman and accidentally let loose with some spittle. Well, every other word out of their mouths was the N word. Now I was offended because it would be racist of me to use that word in the same context (term of endearment between to friends like buddy) yet they throw it out there like it is nothing. It is just so surprising that they (the boys) use it with such casualness and then Al Sharpton will yell racist at anyone else using the word in any form.

I'm not trying to start a fight but before leaders of groups come out and scream up other people being racist towards them let them first tell the youth that using certain words or phrases is wrong and educate the real meaning or context before you go after someone who might think it is ok to use it now as a term of endearment.


New Member
Well, every other word out of their mouths was the N word. Now I was offended because it would be racist of me to use that word in the same context (term of endearment between to friends like buddy) yet they throw it out there like it is nothing.

Why do you care if "they" can use the N word and you can't? I mean if it means that much to you, in fact, you CAN use it. There isn't a law against it. The question is why you would feel like you're being deprived of your rights because you "can't" use the N word.

Not trying to start a fight, just saying...

And I looked at the website with the 9 most racist Disney characters, and thought for the most part it was pretty ridiculous. Especially about the Fantasia centaur. The writer seemed ticked that she was included in the film in the first place and was ticked that Disney edited her out of later releases. Make up your mind already, you know?


Well-Known Member
There are people out there that will look for anything that they can to claim that it is offensive to their race, religion or any other thing in their life. And the people who run around making the living of pointing out these "injustices" are the ones that keep it going along the lines that the offense goes.

I was on the T (in Boston) last Sunday when a group of four African-American youths came on the train and were talking loud enough for all in the car to hear what just happened to them at the platform we had just left. Apparently one of them was talking up to a woman and accidentally let loose with some spittle. Well, every other word out of their mouths was the N word. Now I was offended because it would be racist of me to use that word in the same context (term of endearment between to friends like buddy) yet they throw it out there like it is nothing. It is just so surprising that they (the boys) use it with such casualness and then Al Sharpton will yell racist at anyone else using the word in any form.

I'm not trying to start a fight but before leaders of groups come out and scream up other people being racist towards them let them first tell the youth that using certain words or phrases is wrong and educate the real meaning or context before you go after someone who might think it is ok to use it now as a term of endearment.

I somewhat agree with you on that one. It is a double standard in the African American community. Its ok when there is talk amongst 'yo homies' you can spit out the word like it is nothing and be cool with it. But if a caucasian or any other race run the word by you or make a statement toward you it is considered an offense and they'll be ready to "cut" or "beat down" someone. Imo its just one of those thin line things. Imo, any respectable black man or woman wouldnt want to be called it, whether you're a teen or an adult. Its a derogatory word that has been used as an insult in our past and why the hell would we want to "playfully" call each other it? Esp. if you use it in the presence of other races then why be so offended if the word is remarked back toward you. On a personal level, I dont use the word around any one or any other race, so I dont expect to hear it from anyone or any race without there being a beat down. Thats my $short change$ of it.

The Mom

Premium Member
Guys, don't read too much into a silly satire. If you don't see the humor, fine. If you do, fine. But let's not turn it into more than it is, OK?

This is getting a little close to political discussion. ;)


Active Member
Well, put out near-daily articles of this nature, and is very much tongue-in-cheek. It's quite funny to read if you take it with a pinch of salt instead of chastising a comedy site. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I believe this is the most racist Disney character:


:lookaroun :lol: :zipit:



Well-Known Member
Original Poster

i came back and this was 3 pages of political debate and song of the south VHS/DVD/UK/Pal topics.

i posted the article because i thought it was funny. considering most of these were done way back when, its nice to laugh and say "did they really do that!?"

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