So, I avoided reading this until I had to time to sit and have my focus on what I read. (Lisa went to bed real early tonight).
I want to thank TP2000, and so many others who have added to this thread.
Today, we drove to Temecula with my Mother for a late Christmas Celebration, to see my Uncle (A long time Disney/ABC CM who won an Emmy for his work during the 1984 Olympics) and one of my Cousins A Disney/Comic-Con fanatic, who has a Signature AP and does a lot of Merchandise stuff. She was at the Galaxy Edge Opening Day, stayed at the GCH and spent the Morning over at Launch Bay instead of GE....
So our Christmas gift exchange included the Emmy on the Dining Room Table, and getting a Marvel Spirit Jersey from ComicCon (Yes, the very rare one). And my Uncle picks Applebee's for Lunch.... Oh well.
In 2010, I started the Decade getting married at Knott's Church of Reflections (currently SBNO), one of the best things I have ever done!
Also, Al Lutz was starting his issues with Parkinson's, and it was the beginning from switching from MiceAge to MiceChat.
I also started to do work for a couple of TV Production Companies that had Theme Parks as part of its catalog (Mainly Travel Stuff).
So I was phasing away from Disney. But I was using my mainly former CM's contacts for my new work, which brought me closer. Also, Al Lutz was sharing more of his CM folks to me due to his personal journey.
My Father was having his own health issues, including Dementia and Cancer of the Brain. He finally passed at Home in La Jolla, with me at his side.
Some other life changing decisions included deciding to consolidate households, as driving multiple times a month over the last few years up and down the I-5 was getting to Lisa and I.
So in 2014, Lisa and I found a house that worked (price, etc.) It was the former home of Dick Gray, the first LA Dodger to hit a Home Run. In Mr. and Mrs. Gray's later years, they added an addition due to their health, basically adding a large Second Master Bedroom on the ground Floor. (The original had 4 upper level bedrooms). So since my Mother needed an ADA friendly place, it suited our needs.
So we moved from Tustin to West Anaheim. Little did I know this was the start of the next phase of my personal Disneyland Adventure.
One that started in the early 1960's, where due to my Father's Job and all the International visitors that stayed in our house (My Dad's Job was an International Organization through the US Department of State and the UN). And we are talking Russians, Japanese, Central and South America, China, Cuba, etc). Many countries where getting permission to enter the US wasn't easy). But I started in a stroller, tagging along with all the visitors who wanted to see, Disneyland, Knott's, Universal, etc. Disneyland became a personal playground, one where I had so many ride coupons, as the visitors left their extras to me... My parents would start to let me go free, first for short times, until where I was allowed full freedom during the day. I used to study rides, so much so Bud Hurlbut came to me as a pre-teen at Knott's and asked what I was looking at, and he liked the answer, and explained some things to me. I had no idea who Bud was at the beginning, just a Knott's employee. I did learn a couple of visits later. and that started my second phase. Now an accepted outsider to a group of folks involved in ride manufacture and maintenance. Then life changed, and while Disney never left my life, other things took over. But my girlfriend in the 1980's and early 90's lived in Tustin, and we had AP's (She was involved in Community Theater and we had a lot of CM friends, now from the Entertainment side). Add to that my Father's work with Hubbs-SeaWorld, I had a quite an assortment of park related friends. In the early 1990's, I was approached by a newspaper writer seeking my knowledge, at the time was the start of WestCot and DisneySea discussions, so now I entered a new phase, a reporter on Disneyland.
So in 2014, I wasn't involved much with Disneyland, I had left MiceAge, and more focused on getting Lisa and I settled in our new house, having it upgraded, and then getting my Mother moved. I was still doing the TV work, mainly in research and prep.
In February 2017, I was so close to death, something totally unexpected, that I ended up in a Coma for a couple of weeks, followed by a nursing home, then back home, slowly learning to walk again, use my hands again, etc. As part of my recovery, I got involved with Anaheim Politics (I was slightly involved prior to the Coma, but more as a resource to others).
And then, out of the blue (to me), I was approached by S.O.A.R., which is the Disneyland and Resort businesses political arm. I find out that many folks had nominated me to fill an empty seat. And when I found out who, it was very humbling. And so surreal. And that was the start of my current role in my Disneyland life. One where I went from a person Disneyland Presidents didn't like due to my reporting, to one that now approach me for conversations. A person whom is trying to make the Resort Engine work as smoothly as possible. So now an Engineer/Imagineer that isn't trying to help improve an attraction, but now one who is trying to keep others employed in good paying jobs while improving the community I live in.
One I never imagined while riding Junior Autopia while my Grandfather watched, trying to figure out how Mr. Lincoln and the Carousel of Progress actually worked.
Looking forward to what the 2020's bring. I know it won't be a smooth ride, but with the 2028 Olympics in site, it does look like it will be a fun journey. One that will see the Sun Icon from DCA to be brought out of Storage and placed at 39 Commons, one that will see major changes to the Resort Area, and one with a new Ballpark in town.
And with that, back to reading a 100 page Planning Commission Staff Report about a Hookah Lounge asking for crazy things they won't get....