Trip Report That time I dislocated my kneecap in WDW...

Hi friends :) I’ll get back to that title in a little bit, I’m much better now but that certainly put an unwelcome twist on the trip. My best friend, trying to make me feel better, said I'm lucky-who gets to experience a hurricane and dislocate their kneecap both in Disney within a few months. She does have a point ;)

But first...a couple months ago, right before I went on my November trip, I was already getting bummed because I didn’t know when I’d be going back (I have problems:oops:…). That same day my cousin texted me saying she had a meeting in Orlando January 14th and asked if I wanted to fly down for the weekend and join her at Disney for a couple days. Well, DUH :D
We didn’t really talk about it much in the next few weeks until we saw each other over thanksgiving. My aunt was on board and I wanted my mom to come too but she said no – it’s too much trouble for her to ask off of work. I was bummed but understand the position she is in so didn’t push it – I also had an idea up my sleeve…
I suggested to my dad that we give my mom this trip for Christmas. I talked to her boss about getting the time off, explaining we wanted to surprise her etc and it was no problem. In the meantime, my cousin tells me that her little ones will be coming along, an even better surprise that once my mom found out about, she wouldn't miss this for anything.
SO I tell my mom the trip isn’t happening – made up an excuse about having mandatory things at work I really can’t get out of so my cousin is just going to the meeting and not spending any time at Disney. A relief for my mom so she didn’t have to worry about work. ;)
Christmas morning comes, my mom unwrapped her magicband and she was SO confused and excited when she figured out all our scheming. We let her unwrap gift certificates for the dining plan (something we never do), photopass, our hotel & flights, then the kids magicbands. Until that moment she thought it was just my aunt, cousin and me. She couldn’t believe it! What was even more exciting is that the trip was less than 3 weeks away!
My cousin didn’t tell the kids until New Years and they were just as excited!

So here we are –

Eliska – 6.5
Julian – 4.5
Michelle- my cousin
Phyl- My Mom/Auntie to the kids :)
Bev – My Aunt/Nonna to the kids

We were in Orlando from Friday January 13th – Tuesday January 17th.
My mom and I stayed Friday night at Port Orleans French Quarter
Michelle & Fam stayed at a nearby hotel where her conference was going on
Saturday we all switched to a Cars Suite at Art of Animation

Hope you'll join along! :)


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When we got to MK we headed straight to Tony’s for our Festival of Fantasy dining package lunch.

When I saw they announced this new lunch deal, I thought it would definitely be worth a shot, especially on the dining plan. I think it turned out to be such a great value, the package came with an appetizer, entree and dessert each and the reserved spot for FOF could NOT be beat. The food was delicious and there was soooo much of it.My mom and I ate at Tony’s almost 15 years ago and my cousins had never been, we all really enjoyed it.

Plus, got to have wine with lunch in MK:)

After lunch we walked down Main Street to look at the Pandora charms. My cousin promised Eliska one, and she wanted us all to get one to match. She picked out Ariel’s dress:)

We stopped for some photopass pictures too.

Love these two!!

Our window for the lunch parade viewing was open and we went right over to the end of Main Street. The section never filled up (even though the lunch dining package was sold out that day) and we all had a ton of room, it was so nice to be able to watch and not all be on top of each other.

While waiting we tried to get all our matching charms in. I love that we all have this charm now :) We made sure to get one for my sister too, she wished she could have been with us and hated missing out.

And some editing fun :)


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Glad you're back! :) We had a really good experience at Tony's last trip.. A hidden gem for sure! :)
Yes! It was funny too, when I was there two weeks later for work and we needed a place to go, Tony's was first available and just as delicious :)

Welcome back!! I enjoyed Tony's when I was there as well.
Thank you!! We all tried different appetizers, entrees and desserts and enjoyed them all!


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After the parade it was time for Splash Mountain! Julian was beyond excited and had been waiting for this all trip. The kids ran through the queue they were so happy!

Things went well until we went down the drop, hah! He was not happy and did not like getting wet. He had a tiny spot on his shorts and that was enough for him to hate it. When we got off he said “If this is called Magic Kingdom, why don’t they have magic to dry your clothes?!” :D:D We were dying laughing. I suppose it is a valid question though haha

We headed for our next FP at Buzz!

Then finally a spin on the peoplemover!:happy::happy:

We took a little break to sit and relax for a few, Eliska took over the camera and didn't do half bad haha



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By this point we were fastpass hopping with what was nearby and available, next up was DUMBO! I'm always up for (and request) a ride on Dumbo. I love this one, the area is so pretty too.

I loved watching my mom and aunt together in Dumbo, and on all the rides. We would laugh at them, and tease them, but it's fun to watch them be kids with their kids and grandkids :)
But really...i'd love to know the serious looking conversation happening while riding Dumbo haha:joyfull:

My little sidekick:inlove:



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In the Parks
First off, I love your parade pictures!!!! They are always amazing!

Second, the drop picture form SM was too funny

Third, Does anything beat Dumbo at sunset? Great pictures. My two favorites rides in all of WDW are Dumbo and BTMRR at night. Your pictures of Dumbo just reinforces that. Thanks again for sharing.


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First off, I love your parade pictures!!!! They are always amazing!

Second, the drop picture form SM was too funny

Third, Does anything beat Dumbo at sunset? Great pictures. My two favorites rides in all of WDW are Dumbo and BTMRR at night. Your pictures of Dumbo just reinforces that. Thanks again for sharing.
Thank you!! The Splash Mountain story and pics still have us laughing. Dumbo is magical at sunset!

I'm loving the trip report and your pictures are AMAZING!!
Thank you so much & thank you for reading!

It was great that you could use the wheelchair but still able to hop up and be part of the family pictures
well perhaps you were not hopping....

Great pics , especially on Dumbo

Haha, not quite hopping ;)


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My mom and I wanted to make sure to see the new Once Upon A Time, my cousin and the kids were deciding between that and more rides but ultimately decided on the show. We had a spot right next to the photopass photog and nobody was waiting so we just kept taking pictures haha.

This was the first time my mom saw the show, she was looking forward to getting to watch, and she really liked it:)

The lasers and additional fireworks are such a nice upgrade from celebrate the magic!


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After the show we wanted to go on It’s A Small World before my cousins left and the fireworks. By this point, I was really over being in the wheelchair. I had been sitting in it going from location to location and trying to have my mom maneuver it through the crowds of the hub after Once Upon A Time was killing me. I got up and just pushed it through, found a place to park it and moved on. I felt bad but I was so patient (very unlike me) with it all day, trying to have them push it through the crowds not knowing where they were going was making me crazy:banghead:

We finished the walk over to small world and when we were walking through the line, Julian realized we were going on another boat – he was very excited yelling as he ran through the line “Eliska! I can’t believe we get to go on another boat ride!” His excitement was the best thing.

Fitting enough with the end of It’s a Small World, we had to say bye to my cousin, aunt and the kids:cry::cry: They had a very early flight so were going to skip the fireworks and head back to pack and sleep.
So hard to say goodbye to them, we don't get to see them that often and just had the best few days, that went WAY too fast:(

But they did take the pesky wheelchair back with them too ;)

My mom headed over to catch a spot to watch Wishes. I wanted to pick somewhere a bit different than our normal go to on Main Street. The offset side view was cool until I realized too late the giant light pole in my way. Oh well…

Turns out this would be my mom’s last time to see wishes! :cry:

Always the best:inlove::inlove:


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I wanted to go back and see the princesses, so that’s where we went! :)

I don’t remember much about our conversations but the princesses were all lovely:) I'm seriously a child haha

I do remember Rapunzel liked my best day ever shirt, asked if I saw her and Flynn in the parade, and said Flynn is off now for frying pan lessons. I told her I got a similar one for Christmas and she said she would teach me how to use it haha. Love her:)

Cinderella and I had a great chat about finding my prince charming...someday:rolleyes:

And Elena wasn't nearly as fun without Julian gushing over her :inlove:

We had time for one more ride before closing and the Mine Train wait was pretty short, my mom had never gone through the whole queue, only fastpass so she was happy for the short wait!
We were in the back row and it was so much fun. All we could think of was how hard Eliska laughed when on this the other day.


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