Test Track Shutdown 9.2.02 PM


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Originally posted by WDWdude12

What was the date?:veryconfu

We were there on 9.2.02 sitting at a window table overlooking where they keep the watermice (speedboats) and where they are renovating one of the buildings @ the poly. Speaking of which... does anyone know what they're doing that building as far as rehabs go?


New Member
I had ridden Test Track everyday from Aug 23-30, and there wasn't any technical difficulties. I was lucky. I can't say that I had the same experience on Space Mountain. I think they had technical difficulties every day I was there. Of course, it is a lot older than TT.



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Originally posted by Mag1575
I had ridden Test Track everyday from Aug 23-30, and there wasn't any technical difficulties. I was lucky. I can't say that I had the same experience on Space Mountain. I think they had technical difficulties every day I was there. Of course, it is a lot older than TT.


We rode TT Sunday afternoon and there were no difficulties, major ones at least that caused the right to shut down. Though, there was that one time Sunday afternoon, where the ride stopped and the car my g/f and I were on stopped during the "crash test" sequence (right before the car goes outside). It was interesting because there was an announcement saying how the test vehicles were stopped and then, the lights went out. We were sitting in complete darkness. I wish I had a camera on me at the time to take pictures of that. Then, the CMs started to rattle off numbers over the PA system "102, 110, etc..etc.." I'm guessing they were codes that they use to communicate with one another. Anyways, the lights turned back on, the car revved up, and out the door we went. The timing was way off though because by the time we got out on the track and saw the speedometer, it only read 55 mph and when we went under it.. it was at 60 mph. So, I guess there was something with the computer that times the ride that was off. Hey, thank God we weren't doing 5 mph around the front of the building --- I've been down that crazy road ("literally") before ;)


Active Member
By the responses, I consider myself lucky...I've only had one problem with TT, and that was when it first opened in Dec 98...waited 2 hours to get stiffed 10 feet away. But other than that, since then I've never seen it break down. I've been on it a good 7 or 8 times.


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Originally posted by Lance
By the responses, I consider myself lucky...I've only had one problem with TT, and that was when it first opened in Dec 98...waited 2 hours to get stiffed 10 feet away. But other than that, since then I've never seen it break down. I've been on it a good 7 or 8 times.

I do that in a day. I think in total, I've been on it at least 35 times. So, I guess I have no room to complain as the percentages, the way I figure it, are pretty low as to how many times it breaks down vs the amount of times I've been on the ride. :)

WOOHOO!!! I'm having a zippity-doo-dah-day!


New Member
Originally posted by ntn_haqqer

That must've been Michael Eisner's way of saying to the guests, "If we told you, then we'd have to kill you." :lol: :lol: :lol:

it actually makes sense because if they told you what happens everytime it breaks down guests would panic and not ride it. actually I know a few people with GM cars that break down more often like test track. maybe it uses GM parts :lol:


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Originally posted by Sherm00

it actually makes sense because if they told you what happens everytime it breaks down guests would panic and not ride it. actually I know a few people with GM cars that break down more often like test track. maybe it uses GM parts :lol:

There are other companies that could've been sponsoring Test Track:

FORD = Found On Road.... DEAD!!
FIAT = Fix It Again, Tony
BMW = Break My Windows

So.. I guess we got lucky when GM sponsored TT :)


New Member
Hey all, I called down today about some room ressies, and the cm I talked to made it sound like TT is down till the 20th?? Has anyone else heard this?? Because I specifically asked her if there will be any rides "down" while we are there and she said, well TT will be back up the 20th. :confused:


Well-Known Member
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Originally posted by imjoyful
Hey all, I called down today about some room ressies, and the cm I talked to made it sound like TT is down till the 20th?? Has anyone else heard this?? Because I specifically asked her if there will be any rides "down" while we are there and she said, well TT will be back up the 20th. :confused:

I'm wondering if the problem that occured Sunday night (9/1/02) on Test Track was the pre-cursor of things to come. :(


Test Track will be going down for rehab on the 19th of September and then re-opening on the 20th of September. Also, Test Track shuts down almost daily, due to either rain or technical dificulties. Technical Difficulties can mean anything. We are required to say that. Not by federal law, but its the right thing. It is not neccessary for the guests to know what happened or what didn't happen in that matter. Cast Members are just doing their jobs and say what they are told to say. Most CM's standing in front of Test Track don't even know what goes on inside the Attraction itself. As do the CM's at Body Wars, Energy, Land, Seas, Image, and the World Showcase. If something does go down, management throughout the park does know. It is their call whether to tell their CM's or not. Test Track is a very complicated attraction.The attraction itself is very, very safe.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Kenan
Test Track will be going down for rehab on the 19th of September and then re-opening on the 20th of September.

Do they frequently close TT for only one day? Seems like I recall them closeing it for a week or two at a time.:)

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