Test Track Shutdown 9.2.02 PM


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Does anyone know why Test Track was shut down on the night of 9.2.02 (Sunday)? My g/f and I wanted to go on at around 8:15pm and all the cast members were able to say was "Test Track is experiencing technical difficulties" and "there's a 50/50 chance of TT opening up." Well, that's all fine and great, but why won't the cast members open up and just give you a straight up answer as to why the ride is shut down? I mean, really, how many times can a guest hear "we're experiencing technical difficulties"?


Well-Known Member
That's because they don't want their guests to know about the "behind the scenes" inner workings about an attraction. Besides, most theme park visitors wouldn't know what in the hell to make out of an straight up response about TT technical problems, so it would be a waste of breath on the part of the CM. ;)


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
the reason is...

because the CM's for the most part have no idea what happened. other than it isn't working. Not too many OCC's (Operation Control Consoles) will tell you exactly what went wrong... it's maintenance's job to figure that out.


I used to try giving out more detailed information at Dinosaur, but it never really worked out well.

Rides like Test Track or Dinosaur are too complex to explain to guests in a few moments, so it was sort of pointless.

More importantly, cast members aren't in the middle of the loop when it comes to maintenance-related issues. Many times Dinosaur would shut itself down for a seemingly simple problem, only for Maintenance to go out and find something more serious. Operations has access to the main ride computer in Tower, but most of the more specific fault-related info comes from readouts on the vehicles, which only Maintenance sees.

Since the cast members outside the building have very little access to what is going on inside, it is often impossible to give guests any information. What at first glance appears to be a 5 minute downtime for a zone timeout may turn into a 3 hour downtime for something else. Guests get mad if you tell them 5 minutes and it becomes 3 hours, so it is best to say as little as possible.


Active Member
Originally posted by ntn_haqqer
Does anyone know why Test Track was shut down on the night of 9.2.02 (Sunday)?

Do you mean 9-1-02? As in Today? or something else?

Test Track was running fine till closing when I went yesterday, 8-31-02...


New Member
Telling guests Test Track is closed due to technical difficulties is a simple answer to give and a simple answer for them to understand...

Hmmm... We could always tell them what was really going on...

Sorry folks, Vehicle 22 had a feedback fault in zone 92 causing it to APD... Turns out it was a shoe problem... Unfortunately while trying to power it back up we had a processor lock-up and had to TPS the attraction...

We are currently in the process of resetting track around RCB 17, and once all the resets are complete we have to wait for a full sector scan...

Did that make any sense to you???


Well-Known Member
>>>Did that make any sense to you???<<<

Yep. You said that they are doing a sector scan on a locked-up processor in Zone 92? :)


New Member
well techinal dificulties is essentialy true given the history of TT being a very "Buggy" attraction. I'm not supprised by this, but I wish they would figure out a soloution to the problems given they have a list a mile long of the all the techinal problems that have occured in the last four years of the attraction


Well-Known Member
Its the same Technical Problem that always occurs each and every time that I want to ride it.
Perhaps they should send for a technician from GM :lol:


Well-Known Member
I think TT has Daily Tecnical Problems, It is so Easy to get it into 101, a little shift in weight may even do it. It takes it forever fir the attraction to go 102,

At least when i am riding it. first time i had to wate like an extra 25 min, at least my friends were behind me to chat with, the second time wasn't tecnical though, they were just adding more cars to make the line to move faster,


Well-Known Member
I just relized i was saying some CM terms,
101- Broken, Broke down, what ever the CMS say that mean it is not running,
102- Working, You can Ride it, The oposite of 101.

Man, these terms acctually get to you when reading some Cast Study Guides :lol:.


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Re: Re: Test Track Shutdown 9.2.02 PM

Originally posted by Lance

Do you mean 9-1-02? As in Today? or something else?

Test Track was running fine till closing when I went yesterday, 8-31-02...

You know, I just realized that today, Labor Day, is 9/2/02. I meant Sunday, 9/1/01. Sorry! :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by disneyreports
Telling guests Test Track is closed due to technical difficulties is a simple answer to give and a simple answer for them to understand...

Hmmm... We could always tell them what was really going on...

Sorry folks, Vehicle 22 had a feedback fault in zone 92 causing it to APD... Turns out it was a shoe problem... Unfortunately while trying to power it back up we had a processor lock-up and had to TPS the attraction...

We are currently in the process of resetting track around RCB 17, and once all the resets are complete we have to wait for a full sector scan...

Did that make any sense to you???

Not really... but if someone asks what "technical difficulties" there are, is the CM allowed to say if they know?


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Originally posted by ntn_haqqer
Not really... but if someone asks what "technical difficulties" there are, is the CM allowed to say if they know?

I recall, from when I worked attractions, even if we knew what was going on, all we were allowed to say was "Technical Difficulties" and not specify. We were never told why, we were just told that's how it was


Well-Known Member
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Originally posted by gjpjtj
You sound surprised about this ntn haqqer. Doesn't TT usually have technical difficulties.:)

My g/f and I were talking about Test Track this morning as we were having breakfast at O'hana @ the Polynesian (I highly recommend this place) and the number of times she went to Disney and the number of times I went to Disney, we both had said that "Test Track is always breaking down" and then that begged the question between us, "When doesn't TT break down?" Since TT is such a big draw for Epcot (I'm sure it'll take the backseat when Mission: Space opens), don't you guys think that TT's mechanical crew would do everything in their power to get the ride up and running and keep it that way? You have no idea how many times I've heard people while standing in line for other attractions say, "Test Track is down again. Everytime we come here, it's broken." I guess in a way I feel sorry for some of these people that I hear complain because for most of them (at least the ones that I've held conversations with), it's their 1st time @ WDW and they don't have the convenience of driving 3 1/2 hours to WDW like my girlfriend and I do (I live in Naples, FL). TT is still a "new attraction" and probably still has bugs in it. For now, we'll all learn to sit and deal with them :)

Next trip to Disney for me? Sometime in Jan 2003. I'm all disney'd out this year. :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by mktiggerman

I recall, from when I worked attractions, even if we knew what was going on, all we were allowed to say was "Technical Difficulties" and not specify. We were never told why, we were just told that's how it was

That must've been Michael Eisner's way of saying to the guests, "If we told you, then we'd have to kill you." :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by ntn_haqqer
Does anyone know why Test Track was shut down on the night of 9.2.02 (Sunday)? My g/f and I wanted to go on at around 8:15pm and all the cast members were able to say was "Test Track is experiencing technical difficulties" and "there's a 50/50 chance of TT opening up." Well, that's all fine and great, but why won't the cast members open up and just give you a straight up answer as to why the ride is shut down? I mean, really, how many times can a guest hear "we're experiencing technical difficulties"?

Sometimes it is better that they just say that becuase the truth could scare people away!!:slurp:


New Member
Originally posted by ntn_haqqer

My g/f and I were talking about Test Track this morning as we were having breakfast at O'hana @ the Polynesian (I highly recommend this place) and the number of times she went to Disney and the number of times I went to Disney, we both had said that "Test Track is always breaking down" and then that begged the question between us, "When doesn't TT break down?" Since TT is such a big draw for Epcot (I'm sure it'll take the backseat when Mission: Space opens), don't you guys think that TT's mechanical crew would do everything in their power to get the ride up and running and keep it that way? You have no idea how many times I've heard people while standing in line for other attractions say, "Test Track is down again. Everytime we come here, it's broken." I guess in a way I feel sorry for some of these people that I hear complain because for most of them (at least the ones that I've held conversations with), it's their 1st time @ WDW and they don't have the convenience of driving 3 1/2 hours to WDW like my girlfriend and I do (I live in Naples, FL). TT is still a "new attraction" and probably still has bugs in it. For now, we'll all learn to sit and deal with them :)

Next trip to Disney for me? Sometime in Jan 2003. I'm all disney'd out this year. :D

When and where were u sitting in O'Hana's?

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