Test Track or Soarin for a 3 yr old?

Gig 'Em Mickey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My 3 yr old is a little daredevil. He loves the carnival rides, and smaller roller coasters at our local theme park. I really think he could handle these two very well. Just curious what others have experienced with their kids.


Well-Known Member
My 3 year old nephew is the same exact way! He's fearless! The height requirement is 40 inches for both of these rides and he is 39 inches, so he couldn't ride either on his last trip. I would've felt safe with him on Soarin, but Test Track would've made me nervous.


Well-Known Member
More importantly, is your 3-year-old more than 40" tall? My 4-1/2 year old is only 38", and unfortunately won't be doing either attraction this December.

EDIT: Previous poster said what I just said. Carry on... :)


Well-Known Member
Last trip we wanted to see if my 3 y/o cousin could ride these, but he was not tall enough. He was just under the line for the height requirement. If your son is 40" then I'd definately bring him on both rides...he would love them! :wave:

Gig 'Em Mickey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Edit-He will have just turned 4 when we go. Oh my. And yes I think he is just at 40 inches. Maybe some thick-soled shoes just to be sure.


New Member
Yes. If he meets hight requirements and wants to ride I would say go for it. When our daughter was 3 she absolutely loved the Goofy Barnstormer, so we decided to try her out on TT and Soarin'. She loved them! On TT she laughed durring the entire ride and begged to do it agian once it was over. She sobbed when she was taken out of the line for EE because she didn't meet hight requirement. She had her heart set on riding it. Now at 5 she is able to ride ToT. She loves it as well (even though her 11 year old brother would not touch it with a ten foot pole). Next year she should be able to ride EE, RR, and SM. She is going to be thrilled!

Gig 'Em Mickey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Make sure his real height is 40", don't try to make it like he is with shoes. You are only endangering your son

I know, this was meant sarcastically. I'm one of the people that's appalled that car seats aren't allowed on the magic express buses.


New Member
I'm not one for endangering kids, but I seriously doubt that a 39.5 inch child with extra-thick socks is going to be in danger on either Test Track or Soarin'. Neither is the sort of ride that tries to throw you out of the vehicle.
My son was 4 last year when he rode both. The only 'problem' was that he claimed that he was afraid the fireworks in Soarin' were going to "boom his feet off". However, he can be a bit dramatic and I wouldn't put it past him to make something like that up just to be silly... He was over 40", by the way. We're hoping he's tall enough to ride 44" rides when we go this Dec...

If you have a daredevil kid, you are going to be sad about what they CAN'T ride if they are under 40"--Splash Mt., Big Thunder, TT, Soarin'... You should check his height and the height requirements on the different rides... I call 40 the magic number for WDW. There are very few rides that require you to be taller than 40 inches to ride (EE, Space Mt., M:S, RnRC), but quite a few pretty tame rides (and those being some of the best that WDW has to offer) that you have to be at least 40 inches to ride...


I think your son will really enjoy these 2 rides! My 6 year old is a little peanut and is still not tall enough! Poor little lady. You will have to let us know how he liked them!


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
My son rode Soarin' and Test Track as soon as he was tall enough, which was right around his 4th birthday. He loved (loves) them both, and rides them repeatedly whenever we go.

The only thing on either that bothered him at all was the fireworks at the end of Soarin', because the "BOOMS" are somewhat loud. After crying for 10 seconds at the end of his first ride, he said next time he would cover his ears, which he has done every time (about 20) since. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm not one for endangering kids, but I seriously doubt that a 39.5 inch child with extra-thick socks is going to be in danger on either Test Track or Soarin'. Neither is the sort of ride that tries to throw you out of the vehicle.

I don't encourage artifically boosting a child's height either, but one should also note the fact that the ride designers generally set the official height requirement a little higher than what they believe to be the minimum safe height, because they know about the high-soled shoe and tall hair dodges.

Above all, your child's maturity level is important. You don't want them trying to wriggle out of their restraints and getting hurt.


my cousin turned 4 at the end on june and they went in sept, She LOVED soarin' rode it more that anything else in the park. she wasn't tall enough for test track.
We took our son last year at 3 and he loved test track, but hated soarin'. I think the whole idea of being lifted into the air scared him and I myself always feel like I am going to fall off. My son is afraid of a lot, but loved test track.


Park History nut
Premium Member
I'm not one for endangering kids, but I seriously doubt that a 39.5 inch child with extra-thick socks is going to be in danger on either Test Track or Soarin'. Neither is the sort of ride that tries to throw you out of the vehicle..
Sigh.... the height requirements are there for a reason. Soarin has a 65 ft fall into the Omnimax pit if someone climbs out of a restraint, or if the motion chassis fails. Test Track will E Stop you on the 44 degree banked curve, where the restraint has to hold you in your seat, at this angle, for a half hour or more.

Restraints and rules are for a reason.
My son went on Test Track on Soaring when he was 2 years & 11 months old. he loved Soaring but was scared of Test Track. We just returned from our last trip (son is now 3 years & 11 months) and he wouldn't go back on Test Track because as he said " it was to scary".

You know you child the best, if they want to try the ride and are big enough I would let them try, but don't make them do something that they don't want to as it may be years before they are willing to try it again due to a bad memory.

Have a great trip.


Well-Known Member
My niece reached 40" at age 4. She told grandma that she's afraid of Soarin', but she loves the ride where you fly over things.:shrug::lol:

Mr. Tickle

My little boy has been riding Test Track & Soarin' since about 3 1/2 yrs old and loves both of them. I always have him sit in the center seat on Test Track since the shoulder harness seat belt is too high for his height. No problems what-so-ever with Soarin'. He's 5 now & still loves to go on both of the rides.

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