Terrible restaurants


New Member
Original Poster
I have been going to Disney for about 6 years now and have seen the restaurants rapidly decline during that time. My most recent experience was at the Arbour house in MK this past Sunday. I was the third person in line and it took no less than 45 minutes for me to be handed a tray of food on which the server forgot to put all three of the drinks we had ordered, either of my daughters side items and half of my meal. :mad: The food was greasy and cold and frankly not worth $3 dollars much less the $30 it cost. :mad: The girl at the register seemed to have no knowledge of the menu and at the request of angry customers the senior server kept popping out and helping her as minimally as he could before rolling his eyes and retreating back behind the counter. This was my latest negative experience at a counter service restaurant at Disneyworld. In December it took one hour for us to get our nasty plaintain fritters at MGM ABC and that same month we gave up waiting after being asked to sit and wait for our food at AK counter service restaurant only to see over an hour elapse before they offered us a refund because they kept trying to bring us the wrong food. The first time I went to WDW I thought the stacked plates of pre cooked cold and nasty hamburgers in the Epcot American pavillion set a new low for fast food but recently the lack of service and poor quality food has become widespread.

I am sure some readers will suggest I go to the better restaurants and indeed I am not opposed to doing so although I am sure you will agree that if you eat dinner at say the Biergarten you probably don't want lunch at anything other than a casual diner. You can only eat so much in a day and so I have been eating at the counter service restaurants but from now on I think I will bring sandwiches. I used to like the Morocco counter service but the last two times I went there I was violently sick afterwards and my wife had to wait for an extra thirty minutes for her food by which time I was already being sick. The one counter service restaurant I will exonerate is the mexican one. The people are fast and friendly and the food adequate for the cost. Elsewhere the food is terrible, poorly prepared, stale tasting and the service ? Unbelieveable. For example at one restaurant the girl at the counter screwed up our order so to make amends she rang the bell to give us a magical moment and a free dessert. That was nice of her but the guy who gave us the food witheld the dessert and the two of them had an argument about it before he reluctantly handed it over. I doubt very much it was being paid for from his own pocket but rather that he is the kind of person you once only found working at Universal or Busch gardens but is now all too prevalent at WDW. If you are going there do not eat at any counter service restaurants especially if they sell traditional fast food. Don't eat at Value resorts and don't eat at Morocco unless you like the taste and can handle the puke.:cry:


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
While I can't [and wouldn't] argue with your experiences, I have to say I've never experienced anything similar. I've always had prompt, friendly service of good [though not great] food at counter service restaurants throughout the World.

I've never been to Pop Century's food court, but I've heard rave reviews of the food there. And the All Stars' food has always been palatable. It is fast food and maybe my expectations of it were lower, but it has always been edible.



New Member
When you say you were three people back in line and had a 45 minute wait, I'm guessing you meant 3 back from the cashier, not 3 back from the line waiting for food past the cashier.

Counter service at WDW isn't usually any better or worse than your typical fast food joint. Well, except for the exorbitant prices, I guess! :lol:


Well-Known Member
45 minutes???? Sorry, don't believe a word of it. There is no way you waited 45 minutes in line, even if the line was going out of the door you didn't wait 45 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Sorry you had such bad service...
Am I the only one here who never ever finds anything wrong when I go to WDW?

Maybe im just soooo happy just to be there and know that no matter what happens..Im at WDW..life is good.:)


New Member
Am I the only one here who never ever finds anything wrong when I go to WDW?

Maybe im just soooo happy just to be there and know that no matter what happens..Im at WDW..life is good.:)
I think you hit the nail on the head.

No matter how crappy WDW service may be at times, it is still food service at WDW and not at the local greasy spoon in Dullsville USA where I live!

Unless they served up a partially cooked rat, I don't think I'd complain, I'd be too busy planning my next stop on that day's route. (I prefer my rats to be fully cooked, thank you very much! :rolleyes: )


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I think you hit the nail on the head.

No matter how crappy WDW service may be at times, it is still food service at WDW and not at the local greasy spoon in Dullsville USA where I live!

Unless they served up a partially cooked rat, I don't think I'd complain, I'd be too busy planning my next stop on that day's route. (I prefer my rats to be fully cooked, thank you very much! :rolleyes: )

What you got against rare rat! :fork::fork:



Well-Known Member
I was in WDW in December and did not personally notice a decline in any restaurant service but I also did not visit any counter service restaurants. I however do not doubt your complaints because there are bad days at every location. I worked in a counter service restaurant at WDW as a CP back in 2000 and it was hell so the attitudes you witnessed from some of the cm's you encountered do not at all surprise me.
I would also say that none of these issues will ever be resolved because of the attitudes of some of the above posts and posters. I love WDW nearly as much as anyone but when I am paying larges sums of money to be somewhere, I expect good service and just because i'm at WDW doesn't mean i'm not going to complain. Waiting 45 min. for food at fast food restaurants is unacceptable anywhere and I'm not going to ignore my long wait just because I happen to be at Disney and giving Disney a free pass to give bad service just because its Disney will just lead to more bad service.
I hope the original poster complained onsite and would also consider writing a letter to Disney detailing their complaints, it may not lead to much but it never hurts to let a company know how they are doing and in what areas they are lacking.


New Member
Similar to the gates of the parks closing once they are at capacity, why don't counter-service restaurants at the parks close their doors once they are over capacity?

It isn't like the full service restaurants let you loiter around without the expectation of getting served at some point that day in a reasonable time frame, they'll scare you off with the wait time.

Should be a fairly simple metric to figure out how fast any given fry cook can serve up burgers at the counter service joints, just meter the number of folks allowed into the queue based upon max chef capacity, not based upon how large the queue area at the restaurant is.

Orlando Jonez

New Member
Terrible you ask???

I won't ever eat at the Yachtsman Steakhouse- truly aweful service.

I've given up on the California Grill- worse service than Yachtsman. The servers all seem to have 'tudes....even though i've tried no less than a half dozen times with different waiters.

The counter service restaurants i've not found to be all that lacking but lines are and should be expected.


New Member
I'm starting to wonder if the lack of good service at the full service restaurants is due to the dining plans that include an 18% tip.

At the point the server realizes a dining plan is in use, the server knows that no matter how bad they treat the guest, they'll still get 18% of the tab. Even if they don't fill your water glass. Or fill your coffee cup. Or clear your entree plate before asking about ice cream. You name it, they have no motive to serve you.

I'm thinking the dining plans are a great thing for corporate Disney and the slacker wait staff, but have absolutely nothing that benefits the diner other than the potential for a discounted meal price that may be absent of any service.


New Member
I have been going to Disney for about 6 years now and have seen the restaurants rapidly decline during that time. My most recent experience was at the Arbour house in MK this past Sunday. I was the third person in line and it took no less than 45 minutes for me to be handed a tray of food on which the server forgot to put all three of the drinks we had ordered, either of my daughters side items and half of my meal. :mad: The food was greasy and cold and frankly not worth $3 dollars much less the $30 it cost. :mad: The girl at the register seemed to have no knowledge of the menu and at the request of angry customers the senior server kept popping out and helping her as minimally as he could before rolling his eyes and retreating back behind the counter. This was my latest negative experience at a counter service restaurant at Disneyworld. In December it took one hour for us to get our nasty plaintain fritters at MGM ABC and that same month we gave up waiting after being asked to sit and wait for our food at AK counter service restaurant only to see over an hour elapse before they offered us a refund because they kept trying to bring us the wrong food. The first time I went to WDW I thought the stacked plates of pre cooked cold and nasty hamburgers in the Epcot American pavillion set a new low for fast food but recently the lack of service and poor quality food has become widespread.

I am sure some readers will suggest I go to the better restaurants and indeed I am not opposed to doing so although I am sure you will agree that if you eat dinner at say the Biergarten you probably don't want lunch at anything other than a casual diner. You can only eat so much in a day and so I have been eating at the counter service restaurants but from now on I think I will bring sandwiches. I used to like the Morocco counter service but the last two times I went there I was violently sick afterwards and my wife had to wait for an extra thirty minutes for her food by which time I was already being sick. The one counter service restaurant I will exonerate is the mexican one. The people are fast and friendly and the food adequate for the cost. Elsewhere the food is terrible, poorly prepared, stale tasting and the service ? Unbelieveable. For example at one restaurant the girl at the counter screwed up our order so to make amends she rang the bell to give us a magical moment and a free dessert. That was nice of her but the guy who gave us the food witheld the dessert and the two of them had an argument about it before he reluctantly handed it over. I doubt very much it was being paid for from his own pocket but rather that he is the kind of person you once only found working at Universal or Busch gardens but is now all too prevalent at WDW. If you are going there do not eat at any counter service restaurants especially if they sell traditional fast food. Don't eat at Value resorts and don't eat at Morocco unless you like the taste and can handle the puke.:cry:

To me, this sounds all a bit too harsh and some of it a bit hard to believe.. Being sick from food poisoning after 30 minutes?? But reading reviews of restaurants/hotels/rides there's ALWAYS at least one or two people who hates something. Sometimes because people have bad experiences, sometimes because some people just LIKE to complain about anything and everything.


Pfizered Fairy
Premium Member
In the Parks
Basically I am thrilled that I do not have to plan, prepare, serve and do the dishes for a WHOLE WEEK!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: Of course with experience, you find some places better than others. I avoid the fast food hamburger type stops, as there are better counter service places we habitually frequent for consistent good experiences. We did have an hour wait at Tusker House once but that was at 12:00...the line was about 30 people long.....usually if you eat at odd hours counter service is a breeze...11:00 or dinner at 4:30ish....if doing counter service. People are human and make mistakes, but as my younger son had his hotdog slide out of the bun and hit the floor at Pecos Bill I promptly approached the counter and the service person quickly handed me another with a smile and no questions asked.:sohappy:

I usually make simple boring dinners the week before to clean out my fridge and cupboards a bit....which in turn makes the food seem all the more tasty!!!:D

Truly the only restaurant I found terrible on a Disney trip was outside the park...a Houlihans or Bennigans restaurant.....same pricing as a lunch at disney but the food was cold, took forever, and every one had same spices sprinkled all over their different orders.....tasted like plastic!!!

Try different spots...and hope you have a better experience next visit!!

No matter what.....I too am just thrilled to be there.... :wave:


New Member
Original Poster
ok first off my husband wrote this and i did not want him to do so but he did anyways. I usually try to look on the positive side of things he likes to focus on negative we had a great day at Disney we went to MGM and the Magic Kingdom on this past Sunday it was not to busy we had a wonderful time except the wait for the food he was in fact third in line i left him third in line to go get a table and it did take 45 mins we had to go and look for him. He should of just simply got in another line when he realised this girl was new or not very good at her job. Once we got the food i dont know about him but mine was fine my daughter ate her mac and cheese with no complaints. Some of his other issues are a little over the top or happened on really busy days. I think this was the first time we waited too long other times we have waited a long time but it was a really busy day. He always hates the fast food places no matter what so just ignore his post honestly it is not that bad he hates the china fast food place also I love it so really it is a personal thing and my husband in general likes to complain I just ignore him when he gets like this some people are just really negative he knows i think this about him he is the glass is half empty kind of person what can you say.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I'm starting to wonder if the lack of good service at the full service restaurants is due to the dining plans that include an 18% tip.

At the point the server realizes a dining plan is in use, the server knows that no matter how bad they treat the guest, they'll still get 18% of the tab. Even if they don't fill your water glass. Or fill your coffee cup. Or clear your entree plate before asking about ice cream. You name it, they have no motive to serve you.

I'm thinking the dining plans are a great thing for corporate Disney and the slacker wait staff, but have absolutely nothing that benefits the diner other than the potential for a discounted meal price that may be absent of any service.

But remember, you cal always complain to a manager. In fact, is service is truly subpar, you really should. If enough people complain about one server, especially if it's the same complaints, that server's probably going to get tossed on his or her ear. Sometimes, a server's having a bad day, and doesn't realize he/she is taking it out on the customers until someone complains. True the serve just might develop more of an attitude, but it might make them realize "Holy cow, I'm being a complete and total turd today." And straighten up.

True, under the dining plan, there is theoretically less of an incentive to be nice or work hard, but if the server truly wants to keep his or her job, they're still going to make the effort to make the customer happy. Besides, there's no law that says the customer can't tip above what's already included in the DDP rate. Being good at your job just might get you an even bigger gratuity.


Well-Known Member
ok first off my husband wrote this and i did not want him to do so but he did anyways. I usually try to look on the positive side of things he likes to focus on negative we had a great day at Disney we went to MGM and the Magic Kingdom on this past Sunday it was not to busy we had a wonderful time except the wait for the food he was in fact third in line i left him third in line to go get a table and it did take 45 mins we had to go and look for him. He should of just simply got in another line when he realised this girl was new or not very good at her job. Once we got the food i dont know about him but mine was fine my daughter ate her mac and cheese with no complaints. Some of his other issues are a little over the top or happened on really busy days. I think this was the first time we waited too long other times we have waited a long time but it was a really busy day. He always hates the fast food places no matter what so just ignore his post honestly it is not that bad he hates the china fast food place also I love it so really it is a personal thing and my husband in general likes to complain I just ignore him when he gets like this some people are just really negative he knows i think this about him he is the glass is half empty kind of person what can you say.

In your husband's defense, I too would never go back to the ABC Commissary. It has one of the worst food anywhere, and the slowest counter service I've ever come across. Why it takes so long to get my food, even when they're not busy, is beyond me. And I've given them at least 5 difference chances, not just one or two.

But other than that, I haven't had any complaints with the service at other counter service places. I notice that you didn't try (or at least it wasn't in your husband's report) Sunshine Seasons, which is my most favorte counter service place at WDW.



New Member
ok first off my husband wrote this and i did not want him to do so but he did anyways. I usually try to look on the positive side of things he likes to focus on negative we had a great day at Disney we went to MGM and the Magic Kingdom on this past Sunday it was not to busy we had a wonderful time except the wait for the food he was in fact third in line i left him third in line to go get a table and it did take 45 mins we had to go and look for him. He should of just simply got in another line when he realised this girl was new or not very good at her job. Once we got the food i dont know about him but mine was fine my daughter ate her mac and cheese with no complaints. Some of his other issues are a little over the top or happened on really busy days. I think this was the first time we waited too long other times we have waited a long time but it was a really busy day. He always hates the fast food places no matter what so just ignore his post honestly it is not that bad he hates the china fast food place also I love it so really it is a personal thing and my husband in general likes to complain I just ignore him when he gets like this some people are just really negative he knows i think this about him he is the glass is half empty kind of person what can you say.

Well, good thing you look on the positive side of things, that evens it out :animwink: Hope your trip was good otherwise :D

Mansion Butler

Active Member
I have been going to Disney for about 6 years now and have seen the restaurants rapidly decline during that time. My most recent experience was at the Arbour house in MK this past Sunday. I was the third person in line and it took no less than 45 minutes for me to be handed a tray of food on which the server forgot to put all three of the drinks we had ordered, either of my daughters side items and half of my meal. :mad: The food was greasy and cold and frankly not worth $3 dollars much less the $30 it cost. :mad: The girl at the register seemed to have no knowledge of the menu and at the request of angry customers the senior server kept popping out and helping her as minimally as he could before rolling his eyes and retreating back behind the counter. This was my latest negative experience at a counter service restaurant at Disneyworld. In December it took one hour for us to get our nasty plaintain fritters at MGM ABC and that same month we gave up waiting after being asked to sit and wait for our food at AK counter service restaurant only to see over an hour elapse before they offered us a refund because they kept trying to bring us the wrong food. The first time I went to WDW I thought the stacked plates of pre cooked cold and nasty hamburgers in the Epcot American pavillion set a new low for fast food but recently the lack of service and poor quality food has become widespread.

I am sure some readers will suggest I go to the better restaurants and indeed I am not opposed to doing so although I am sure you will agree that if you eat dinner at say the Biergarten you probably don't want lunch at anything other than a casual diner. You can only eat so much in a day and so I have been eating at the counter service restaurants but from now on I think I will bring sandwiches. I used to like the Morocco counter service but the last two times I went there I was violently sick afterwards and my wife had to wait for an extra thirty minutes for her food by which time I was already being sick. The one counter service restaurant I will exonerate is the mexican one. The people are fast and friendly and the food adequate for the cost. Elsewhere the food is terrible, poorly prepared, stale tasting and the service ? Unbelieveable. For example at one restaurant the girl at the counter screwed up our order so to make amends she rang the bell to give us a magical moment and a free dessert. That was nice of her but the guy who gave us the food witheld the dessert and the two of them had an argument about it before he reluctantly handed it over. I doubt very much it was being paid for from his own pocket but rather that he is the kind of person you once only found working at Universal or Busch gardens but is now all too prevalent at WDW. If you are going there do not eat at any counter service restaurants especially if they sell traditional fast food. Don't eat at Value resorts and don't eat at Morocco unless you like the taste and can handle the puke.:cry:

Harbor House is my favorite counter service, and I ate there twice two weeks ago. I've never had anything like that.

Mansion Butler

Active Member
Sorry you had such bad service...
Am I the only one here who never ever finds anything wrong when I go to WDW?

Maybe im just soooo happy just to be there and know that no matter what happens..Im at WDW..life is good.:)

No, you're not the only one. I mean, I do find problems, but never on this scale.

Not to be rude, but I'm having trouble believing it.

Oh, one thing to remember, right now the new College Program participants are just getting it. There are going to be alot of people just learning their jobs.

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