Originally posted by wdw24557
calling all teens, lets start a chat area with out no grumpy adults (marcia, jay rod, tramp, marky, to name a few)
He who pays the piper calls the tunes....that is, as soon as all of you teenagers (except DisJosh, spooky,Sheri,Alberrisford,WDW-I, and a few others) start paying your way, you can have any chat area you please! The aforementioned teens are exempt because they know how to get along with us old "grumpys",and as Tramp mentioned, they can take a hit!
As I reread this post, it occurred to me that some may interpret it to mean that only those who contribute financially should have a voice. That was not my intention! There are many members who, for one reason or another, are not able , or horrors, choose not to contribute financially. However, they do add to the forum "personality", through humor and/or knowledge, which makes it a more interesting place to visit.