Teenager Passed Out in Rock"n" Roller Coaster queue


New Member
:wave: Oh no. Its Mission Spaces fault. He must have just ridden MS, then got on a bus and traveled to MGM and got in line at RRC. then, passed out. I knew it!! better call the press...........:lol:

:lol: I wonder if there'll be an investigation into this progression of events by the Sentinel...


New Member
I actually passed out last summer while in line for RnRC. It was probably late August and it was just blazing hot. I was drinking water but I guess not enough. I knew it was coming bc I started feeling like crap, I looked at my boyfriend and told him I don't feel good I think I'm gonna pass out and bam, next thing I knew I was on the ground with a ton of people crowded around me. One lady was even shoving a water bottle in my face, litterally. My bf is an EMT so he knew how to take care of me and kept telling the ppl around this but they would not give me space. I really appreciated that they all were concerned and wanted to help but I just wanted my space. We got outta line and went and sat inside the gift shop in the AC for a while and drank some water and ate some gummie candy to get my suger back up and I was good as new. It was pretty embarassing but I know I'll never see any of those people again so its all good. Now when its hot I always make sure I drink lots of water and I carry around one of those little hand held pocket fans. :D


New Member
Why Blame the Media?

I don't know why everyone is quick to blame the media for everything. You must remember that the media only reports the news, it doesn't make it.:cool:

Tim G

Well-Known Member
As from next year they're going to solve these problems..

So after the big succes of Disney's Fast Pass,

As from January 1, 2007... There will be Disney's LIGHT Queues,

Only Disney's Light Queue Pass, will offer you complimetary no faint lines...

Get your Light Queues Passes right after you enter the parks, at the special Light Queues machines beside the stroller stations... And enjoy the Light lines with extra aircondition and showers, for absolute comfort.

So don't forget to get your Disney's Light Queue Pass.


New Member
I don't know why everyone is quick to blame the media for everything. You must remember that the media only reports the news, it doesn't make it.:cool:

'Cuz it's easier to blame the media. And fun, too!

'Round these parts, everyone knows that the media are out to get Disney.

Investigative reporters are sniffing around Dumbo as we speak! Look out! Bob Woodward is going after Goofy! And is that a news crew from "60 Minutes" parked in front of the Pooh ride?

Run, Pooh, run!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I don't know why everyone is quick to blame the media for everything. You must remember that the media only reports the news, it doesn't make it.:cool:

That's definately arguable.

The first example that pops into my head is basically anytime Heraldo Rivera opens his mouth! :lol:

LeeLee D

New Member
Normal sane people will do common sense things like drinking water but when people get into parks they throw caution and commmon sense in the trash. Saturday I was at ToonFest and saw numerous people slogging along because they were over heated and dehydrated at a simple little event. It is something Disney needs to address. They do not need guests passing out from heat stroke and dehydration in lines like RRC or Dinosaur.

Why? We as guest do have some responsibility, don't we? There are water fountains (icky, yes, but better than passing out), they sell water and according to another post they will give you ice.

Do they need to hook us up with IV's :rolleyes: (Mickey Ear shaped, of course:animwink: ).

Even people who take all precautions can run into trouble, but I don't think Disney needs to address anything.


New Member
Why? We as guest do have some responsibility, don't we? There are water fountains (icky, yes, but better than passing out), they sell water and according to another post they will give you ice.

Do they need to hook us up with IV's :rolleyes: (Mickey Ear shaped, of course:animwink: ).

Even people who take all precautions can run into trouble, but I don't think Disney needs to address anything.

I'm on vacation darn it! I shouldn't have to eat on my own volition.:lol:


New Member
I almost passed out at Disney once, and I wasn't even outside. People pass out in hot places if they're dehydrated.. Nothing you can do about it... except for start drinking more water

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