Teenager Passed Out in Rock"n" Roller Coaster queue

jaybob briggs

Original Poster
Was in Fastpass line Saturday morning about 10:30 when they stopped letting people into the building. A few minutes later we releazed somebody passed out on the walk into the building. A CM came with some water. A few minutes later, a teenager in a wheel chair was pushed into the backstage area and they started to let people into the building again.


Premium Member
People pass out quite frequently in Orlando unfortunately. The temperature, and in many cases lack of hydration cause problems.

It's a reminder for people to make sure they drink plenty.

The Mom

Premium Member
People pass out quite frequently in Orlando unfortunately. The temperature, and in many cases lack of hydration cause problems.

It's a reminder for people to make sure they drink plenty.

And don't make the mistake of assuming that because you're drinking caffeinated sodas, tea, coffee, or alchohol that you're hydrated...you aren't!

You need water or juice drinks. Why do you think someone invented lemonade? :lol:


Well-Known Member
This is SOOOOOO not worthy of being posted any place. I have worked at theme parks for most of my adult life and I can tell you that during the summer time this happens HOURLY!!! Just as everyone has said drink water!



Park nostalgist
Premium Member
No word on if any changes to the queue will be made in light of this recent event. Rumors are that people are demanding water coolers and warning signs thoughout the queue, in order to prevent this terrible tragedy from affecting others. Also, no word yet on a lawsuit, but several lawyers were seen swooping in on vultures after the person collapsed.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
When are people going to realize that these lines are dangerous and shut the down. Was the line inspected by a third party to determine if it was working correctly?:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
And don't make the mistake of assuming that because you're drinking caffeinated sodas, tea, coffee, or alchohol that you're hydrated...you aren't!

You need water or juice drinks. Why do you think someone invented lemonade? :lol:
exactly! That's what they were telling us here a month or so ago...because most of my town was out of power and it was hotter than blazes. So they told us not to drink soda...and instead try to drink lots of water (which had to be bottled...since there was a boil order on part of the city too...:lol: )


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind, it wasn't the line's fault. It had to have been operator of the line. :lol: The moral of today's lesson: Use FP on outdoor queues, or don't visit during a heat wave.


New Member
For all here having fun, here is my story of passing out in WDW…

It was when I was in high school and was staying at Dixie Landings (now known as Port Orleans Riverside). My parents and I were headed to the Kingdom. I didn’t eat breakfast since we were going to eat at the <ST1:p<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
><st1:PlaceName w:st=
Magic</st1:placeName> <st1:placeType w:st=" /><st1:placeName w:st="on">Crystal</st1:placeName> <st1:placeName w:st="on">Palace</st1:placeName>. As you know, the bus rides from the Moderate Resorts are PACKED. So my mom could sit, I stood the whole way. I was in the back, right in front of the doors. As we started passing the Contemporary, I started getting light headed. I thought about sitting on the floor of the bus, but I was too embarrassed to do that. So I figured I would just wait until the bus stopped and then sit on the first bench I came to.

The bus pulled up to the stop and the doors opened. I took one step down, turned to my father and said, “I’m going to pass out.” I heard him say “What?” and then everything went black. I’m told my dad grabbed my waist just before I hit the ground. Now remember, I was the one right in front of the doors. So that meant every single person getting off the bus had to walk right past me. (Everyone better be laughing by now.) I woke up to about 10 people standing over me, including the bus driver. He had gotten a wheelchair, which I then had to sit in.

The word embarrassed doesn’t even do justice to how I felt.
Don’t worry; I didn’t sue Disney because they failed to force feed me breakfast before I got on the bus.:p


Active Member
For all you people who feel that Disney should shut down this queue, keep in mind that more people pass through that queue than the queues at your local theme park. It doesn't mean that the queue is any more dangerous than any other queue. It's just a statistical inevitability that someone will pass out while standing in line. To prove my faith in the safety of that queue, the next time I'm at MGM I will go straight to RnRC and walk through there. I have no fear that I will pass out. :hammer: :D

Time to move along to the next thread, people...

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I just can't believe the parents would permit a kid that young to go on a queue like that. I don't care if he met the height requirement or not he should have never been let in that queue. Parents these days are so irresponsible.

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