Level 2 of the Sky Course
The Fantasy of Flight
Welcome to the Fantasy of Flight, where you can experience the wonders of the sky that has fascinated mankind for centuries! You will get to wander among the clouds and over rainbow bridges all from an elevated vantage point looking out over Disney's Gold Kingdom and feeling the wind in your face. Enjoy playing along the mountain side through a magical world of Giants, Beanstalks, Dragons, Pegasuses, and Balloons!
This section is divided into two parts, with two holes dedicated to a beautiful, shimmering cloudscape and another three holes dedicated to myths and fairy tales in the sky. Exiting the Elevator from the first level, you start on a rocky outcropping of the mountain that serves as a central icon for Disney's Golf Kingdom before quickly moving towards magical clouds with a sparkly paint that shimmers in the sun. These clouds make up the majority of the walkways and greens for this level. At the end of your tee time in the Fantasy of Flight, you'll enter a cave full of stars and ascend even higher to the third, and final, level of the course (A/N: it's basically an indoor sloped incline with some pretty lights)
Holes 7 to 9 - A World of Colors and Delight
Hole 7 - The Rainbow Bridge
The only way to bridge the gap thematically and literally between the very real world Level One and the very fantasy world Level Two is with a hole very loosely inspired by the legendary Bifrost. A Rainbow Bridge. Hit from the rocky edge onto a winding rainbow bridge. Be careful what color your ball winds up on, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and Violet all lead to different places!
- Hole elements:
- Rainbow Bridge - The first half of the bridge will have all the colors together and some wiggles and bumps to navigate, making aiming for a specific color more difficult. The second half of the bridge has the colors separate from each other, each drops the ball in a slightly different spot on the green.
Hole 8 - The Balloon Bounce
This will be one of the crazier concepts for the course. There is a trampoline type surface made to look like a balloon. You have to hit your ball off a bit of a ramp, bounce it off the trampoline, and then try to land in a ski-ball type target (all encased in Plexiglas for safety). The closer to the center target, the closer to the hole you wind up. This hole is also surrounded by balloons for decorations.
- Hole element:
- The trampoline bounce for the target is inspired by this toy. It is simple in design, but would be very unique for a mini-golf course.
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Hole 9 - Mr. Fredrickson's House
This hole takes you through the famous house from Up! It is a pretty simple hole without much special in terms of obstacles, but seeing Ellie's mural and Carl's chair and things like that will make for some very interesting visuals. A photo-op is set up for people to pose with the fireplace mural without being in the way of players.
- Hole element:
- Large-scale replica of the house from Up. Carl and Ellie's Bric-a-Brac make up some obstacles in the course, but there isn't much more than just some things to put around.
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Holes 10 to 12 - Fantastical Beasts, this is where to find them
Hole 10 - Dragons
Few fictional flying creatures have captured the imaginations of all those around the world like dragons have. This will be the curviest hole among the clouds as you have to navigate around all forms of dragons and wyverns that are sleeping on the cumulus course we are playing though.
- Hole elements:
- Five separate sleeping dragon statues on the course each inspired by a different myth or cultural interpretation.
- A shadow of a dragon passing by far above us in projected onto the course once it becomes dark enough to see it.
- Each dragon has separate unique audio for their snoring and puffs of steam/smoke coming from their nostrils. The smell of fire (The same found in the Rome Burning section of Spaceship Earth) helps complete the illusion of being among dragons sleeping in the clouds.
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Hole 11 - Pegasus's Flight
A variation on a basic windmill type course, except instead of a vertical windmill you have to navigate a horizontal spinning Mobile with Pegasuses flying in a circle knocking the balls around and adding some nice dynamics. The course is slanted in ways that make it impossible for a ball to get caught in the mobile where hitting it would be difficult. Other ridges and curves in the hole make it even more important to hit the ball through the Pegasus Mobile or else wind up way off course!
- Hole element:
- Spinning Mobile with four different Pegasus "flying" in a circle to knock the ball around.
- The Pegasus designs are not base on Hercules, but one of them has a color schemes very similar to Pegasus from Hercules as an Easter Egg.
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Hole 12 - The Beanstalk
This is a rather simple hole navigating around clouds, but at the end is Jack's Beanstalk. It is a modified
Archimede's Screw, so once you get it into the Beanstalk it will carry the ball up to the Third Level for you!
- Hole elements:
- The spinning of the Archimedes Screw will make it seem like the Beanstalk is constantly growing while also helping carry the ball up. This was used in the Winter Summerland Mini-Golf course already by Disney, so it is very simple technology despite being a very cool effect.
- The Giant from the Mickey and the Beanstalk short can just barely be seen peaking above the side of the mountain over this hole.
- Guests will have to enter a cavern in the side of the mountain that is full of starlight twinkling to walk up a sloped path to meet where there balls ended up. In a little holder waiting for them to claim them and begin Level Three. The slope inside the cavern will also give guests time to adjust to the lighting before entering the indoor black light section.
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