I thought of one more thing. What we could do for the Trip to the Moon attractions footprint is replace the Tomorrowland Terrace restaurant completely and add it there. Three reasons why I stand by this idea:
1. At any given point in the year, TLT is either closed or open and nobody is eating there. It doesn't alleviate the crowding at Casey's Corner or Lunching Pad or Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe. The only milage TDO gets out of it is for Wishes Dessert Parties. If we build an outdoor rooftop balcony on top of the new show building or something pretty on the water for dessert parties, we solve that problem.
2. The architectural transition from Main Street to Tomorrowland is nonexistent. There appears to have been little effort made there to blend the lands, compared to more effective areas like the gorgeous Liberty Square/Fantasyland crossover. We have a good opportunity to build something like a Jules Verne-looking show building with all the ornate brass fixtures that simultaneously complements the Plaza Restaurant's vibe next door to the south and works as a piece of connecting tissue to the Tomorrowland Expo Center next door to the east. We'd almost be building a little theater district.
3. The issue that comes up now is, why have an attraction based around a movie and not use the existing facades of the Main Street Exposition Hall or the Main Street Cinema as entry point, since both places have shown movies over Magic Kingdom's lifetime. We might be able to still use the Expo Hall or Cinema for the entrance and still have the show building at TLT like I suggested. I imagine a revival of the old Penny Arcade on a grander scale over near the transition between Main Street and Tomorrowland. It can function as:
a) a way to conceal the ride
b) an exit area for the ride
c) a meaningful transition to Tomorrowland that works architecturally and thematically
d) a dedicated location for the fireworks dessert parties
e) a fulfillment of our A-ticket requirement for this assignment
I don't want to step on anyone's toes, so we absolutely don't have to do this. I just have a fair amount of insight when it comes to MK and the idea just came to me. I'm coming late to the project so
@Pionmycake and
@kmbmw777 , your ideas take precedence over mine! No hard feelings