1. Relax. Save your panic for when she's asking for keys to the car or bringing home a guy she met on the Internet.
2. At a minimum, downgrade dining plan. Some table service places like character interaction can be fun if planned around her schedule but 2 or 3 a day, no way. I don't even want to do that!
3. Naps are your friend.
I have no idea why we were so mean to them as youngsters.
4. Take a stroller she likes. Expecting a kid to spend hours a day in a strange, new or uncomfortable stroller is just begging for issues.
5. Take your time. from the beginning, we understood completely our trip revolved around our littles and their schedules. Don't worry or be affected by those racing around you, enjoy your moments. You paid for them.
6. Always have snacks and drink available!
Lines for food and drink can be long. If nothing else, it can provide a distraction as necessary.
7. Expect meltdowns and tantrums. It's ok. You will see grown a$$ adults having them, too so there is nothing to be ashamed of.
Just roll with it. Better yet, take some pics of the meltdown while at WDW. Awesome pics for the hIgh school graduation picture board some day.
Crying at Disney?!?! She'll love you for it....ok, maybe not until she becomes a mom someday.
8. Enjoy. 2 is a cake walk compared to what's to come.