TAFI Town Hall


One Little Spark...
If only it was that simple. Please do not assume anything of what he is like outside of this forum. He means well and is a pretty great guy. Pretty sure I angered him enough to make him take it out on you guys, so sorry about that.
You had nothing to do with why I don't like him (though I've said, and will always say, he's a nice guy and a smart guy). Nothing at all.

His own posts have everything to do with it.

So, don't beat up on yourself.


No england, no challenge. You took it too far with the personal attacks.

If people need "proof" that I'm not an idiot. I will simply post a concept I had actually been working on for a while - in the imagineer forum.

It's late, I'm bowing out of this. Gone too far.


One Little Spark...
No england, no challenge. You took it too far with the personal attacks.

If people need "proof" that I'm not an idiot. I will simply post a concept I had actually been working on for a while - in the imagineer forum.

It's late, I'm bowing out of this. Gone too far.
No, you don't get to work on a "challenge for months" and equate that to what it's like to come up with something and present it within a week or two as the comps do.

This further demonstrates why you have NO IDEA what you are talking about.

This has gone to far because you have.

You are WELCOME in the community, but do not speak for it. So stop doing so.

Also, that challenge is open whenever you'd like.

But, you are not talented enough to do it, eh?

For a reminder, Zwei and I did this in TWO WEEKS.

TWO WEEKS...not endless timeframes.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
A good friend through it all. Gotta love the moods of englanddg...;)

Jokes, jokes, jokes...


Well-Known Member
Well, for starters, I would abolish the restrictions on people being allowed to join a competition. I feel like that is taking things a bit too far. I agree that you should be required to have some experience in comps before hosting one, but competing, I just don't think we should be able to tell people that they can't participate because they are new.
There actually aren't restrictions. It's highly recommended for a newer Imagineer to try out a 14-day one before they really put their skills to the test, but it's not required. the rest of the requirements are just for people who were inactive and didn't successfully complete a competition. The rule will help show the community that this person is back and they will not become inactive again.


Well-Known Member
Also, the whole months long process to create a comp seems a bit extreme. If I were in charge, I would just set a 2 week period in a December where you give this information to the Selection Committee, whether the comps has happened in the past before:
-Brief Rundown/Rules
-Example Challenge
-How long you would ideally see it last
The problem with that is that those who will have a competition in the beginning of the year will have pretty much 0 time to plan their competition.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of tiers, and I think they are good the way they are now. But I still have one question, what tier would my comp this fall be? It was supposed to be just October I believe, but @jdmdisney99 should know all of that since I submitted it to him earlier this year.
It's really your decision, if you want to be a Tier 2 or 3. It could really fit into both.


Well-Known Member
Okay, just felt the need to clear the air on a few things. England's absolutely right when he says I usually don't like to get involved with drama like this, but I feel this whole mess has been taken a bit too far. First off, I just want to state that I'm not here to "pick sides". England, you know how much respect I have for you and our community wouldn't be nearly as strong without you around.

First and foremost, the thing we need to concentrate on above all else is having a community that feels accesible and safe. Right now, based on what's gone down, that's definitely NOT the case for at least two members here, let alone any of the newer people who may be lurking in this thread and seeing all this drama go down. I'm always going to stress this. This board is NOT just going to stay alive with the same roster of 10-20 people participating year end, year out. That's not how an active forum works. I learned that through experience when around season nine of SYWTBAI we started getting into a cycle of mostly having people that have played the game before with only one or two new faces per season. That's certainly NOT where we want to end up in a community that prides itself on picking up new members and getting them actively engaged in the competitions.

Now let's talk about Space and his so called attitude. Like I said I'm not here to pick sides, but frankly I think England took this waay more out line than Space ever did. I must say it pretty much sucks that I have someone in Space who's a good podcaster and readily available, but now I'm not even going to be able to host a show with him involved without having to worry about the "stigma" attached.

Did Space go out of line on a couple things? I don't want to drag the personal relationship element into it, but I will say I was taken aback when I first heard of it. That being said, it's not like DisneyPrincess is a nobody who barely skates by in the Creator Games. She has been one of the strongest competitors of the season and that's had NOTHING to do with Space. Believe me, I'd be as PO'd as anybody if she was a weak competitor and still got top spots in the rankings. THAT would be a scandal. The fact of the matter is she's a very outgoing new member of the community and among the strongest competitors in The Creator Games. I truly hope this ugliness doesn't draw her away from the forum.

And this goes back to a main point of mine. Space and DP simply don't KNOW the community. There's a big difference between lurking and actually posting. Space, one of your big criticisms is people saying that you've "taken" the Creator Games away from IDI, but I don't see it that way. I think part of this perception has to do with the fact that you've been on live shows talking about the game while IDI hasn't had time in his schedule. As for any sort of attitude that rubs others the wrong way...well frankly, I don't see it. I'm sure England would be happy to quote specific examples, but for me, as someone who's spoken with you directly, I definitely think this whole thing has been blown out of proportion.

Let me tell ya'll a little bit about my personal life. A lot of people have said what a "cool" guy I am. The fact of the matter is...I'm not cool in the slighest. I have absolutely NO friends in the real world. I had friends in high school, but they've all either moved out of state or have essentially abandoned me on a social level. I also suffer from Aspergers Syndrome, while my little brother who is my entire life is non-verbal and has severe autism.

My entire life is a struggle. I've never held down a real job, I medically CAN'T drive, and I've been holed up in my house with a bout of depression for years. I'm NOT a "cool guy", at least by any typical definition of the word cool. Why am I revealing all this? Because I know what it's like to be judged. I know what it's like to have people turn their back on you because of things out of your control. I've said stupid (beep) in the past that has lost me friends because of it, all because of my mental illness which makes it INCREDIBLY difficult to form bonds with people or even know how to have a conversation. Why did I turn to podcasting? Because with podcasting you're allowed to talk about any little nerdy thing you want and there's a structure to it. Obviously you guys know I'm pretty well spoken, but put me in a situation where there's not a singular topic...I fail, every time. I speak out of turn, I make dumb jokes and references that people don't understand, and in general I come off as a bit "off-putting".

So with all that being said, I really do feel for Space. This is a community that's meant to be welcoming, that's meant to encourage people like myself who may be lost in their own lives to take part in something social and productive. Space rubbing people the wrong way based on comments he may or may not have really even understood what he was saying (the "Batman hanging up his cape" thing was a prime example...it was a passing comment in a podcast that got blown WAAAY out of proportion. If I had people come after me for every dumb and slightly inappropriate thing I've said on podcasts I'd be run out of town. Hell, one of the big mission statements of my Youtube channel is to NOT suck up to Disney...to criticize them outright when they make mistakes (I'm looking at you...Frozen replacing MuppetVision...) Were in direct contest to other channels such as ThemeParkReview who openly praise every little thing Disney does and even goes as far as to openly mock hardcore fans who might not be that over-the-moon that their beloved Maelstrom is being replaced.

And England has said it himself many times...Space is a really nice guy, he's well spoken, I don't think he MEANS to have as much influence on Creator Games as he has, but you know what...even if he does have more of a public presence then IDI, he's been doing a darn good job with it. I think we all just need to take a chill pill. Space inherently hasn't done anything wrong. Has he maybe spoken out of turn and stepped on a few toes he didn't mean to step on? Of course, but again he's in a unique position of being a new member but also someone who people see as in a position of "authority" in Creator Games and people want to rebel against that because he's not a familiar face.

This thread is meant for people to post their two cents in regards to what's going on with TAFI, and I haven't seen Space do anything besides that. That's the funny thing about text and forums...you never really know what tone people are taking. Simply put, I think a lot of criticism against Space has been blown way out of proportion and based on things he said that he doesn't even realize might be taken the wrong way. As someone who's lost friends by saying stuff out of context, I have a ton of sympathy for him and his current situation. It's a MISERABLE feeling to essentially know you're rubbing everyone the wrong way even though you're not trying to antagonize anyone. I've been there...Many times.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for speaking your minds, all of you. Hopefully we can move past this quickly and without quarrel

Ok. Now that we've all gotten this insanity mostly out of the way, why don't we return to the topic at hand. Does anyone else have any other issues with this comp proposal? We'd love to hear everyone's opinions.

Sam Magic

Well-Known Member
And, I'll gladly do a 14 or 30 day comp. <goes off to think of ideas>
I'm just going to say right here that I would like to bring back Around The World In 30 Days next year.
Then it's a separate comp. Sorry.

And, I'll quote.

"Welcome one and all to a very unique challenge. A challenge that will be fun and interactive, help participants hone their imagineering skills, and offer new life for the WDWMagic Imagineering community...

First of all, we would like to cordially invite all prior participates in The Creator Games. For your hard work and dedication, we wanted to give everyone another opportunity to be involved and compete together. Because, in the end, this all is just for fun:)
@2001DISNEYLIFE, @ScorpionX, @Vipraa, @Brer Panther,@InfiniteRightEar97, @Darth_Disney"
That is exactly the point I was trying to make in the Judges Lounge, but could not articulate that. Still think of it as a nice little bonus thing for people to do. I know I'm doing it.
Again, this shows what you do NOT know. Tiki has been very gracious this year, because he is a CONVERSATIONALIST. He knows we want to make a headline for him next year. His comments have to do with how SYWTBAI will fit into this years schedule (because we are struggling to find a spot, because, again, respect).

Not that he's giving up on hosting it.

Because the core of the community doesn't "leave for the summer", nor do they "take summer break" to participate. The time frame is not the context, but the public input is. You, yourself, are the sort who would drop out, based on that comment, because of "external matters". And, while it happens to everyone (see my Elite Eight final post that never happened) that isn't the same as someone who hasn't even done a simple comp dictating what the community is and isn't.
Totally on point with these. I know the core community goes to extreme lengths to stay active. I contacted Jdm to let him know that I will be overseas when SA starts, but that I still really want to play. He was gracious enough to work something out with me. That trip could be considered an 'external matter', but I'm making sure Jdm knows whats going on and that I still want to be active. I imagine that others in the core community would take the same meassures.

I also was aware that Tiki was having some problems finding the right place to put SYWTBAI for this years season and I think putting it in 2016 is the best option moving forward.

On another note, I'm still a bit confused on the tier system. I have read over the OP a few times and I'm still lost. Will we basically have four to five main comps and then a string of smaller contest running adjacent to those? Or can someone explain it better to me.
We are actually broken up... so thanks for reminding me.

And please, let's keep personal lives out of this.

Sense I was late to the party I'll say this and it is not directed at anyone.

The point englanddg is trying to make is that no one can join in this community and expect to be given all kinds of respect beyond general and basic respect. You are judged by what you do, while passing through and here you have to earn the ability to be taken seriously and respected. For some people they have done that by consistently posting awesome threads, others by showing themselves to be intelligent and creative competitors.

Overall, most people here have built this community from the ground up. We have fights and discussions that go way back and have created strong and firm bonds. This isn't to say we are not an open group of people. Take RM and IDI for example, they joined a year ago and based on their participation in contests they have grown to be well respected and dare I say admired members on these forums. For the rest of us old-timers we have been here since 2012 and most have been in every single comp or have participated in some way. We created the ICS, the conversationalist, helped Jdm grow TAFI. All of these things have created strong bonds.

What englanddg is saying is that as a result of this, even if you have been lurking for years, you can not just jump in and host a contest or start preaching about how the community should be organized. While you may have been able to see the main threads, you were never in those PMs (where most of us really bonded) therefore you only know half the story. You can not act as though you know everything. So of course we will be weary whenever a new member comes on and begins to judge the abilities of members, a contest, and the communities organization (though I will say that Space really provided some good input on next years structure). We want to see what gives you the right to do those things. Those rights come from participating in contest and showing use your skills not just your talking abilities.

I hope this didn't sound harsh and I hope this portrayed what exactly englanddg was trying to say.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Everybody's got to get used to englanddg' persona. He can be ready to fight you, but he'll still respect you and your creativity. Every once and a while, something escalates with him, but it all means nothing, and everybody comes out content the next day. If you want to see some real quarreling, we can bring out the 2013 PMs between Dreamfinder, Sam and I. :P

Just kidding. We've finally moved on...I think.


Well-Known Member
Everybody's got to get used to englanddg' persona. He can be ready to fight you, but he'll still respect you and your creativity. Every once and a while, something escalates with him, but it all means nothing, and everybody comes out content the next day. If you want to see some real quarreling, we can bring out the 2013 PMs between Dreamfinder, Sam and I. :p

Just kidding. We've finally moved on...I think.
Tintin anyone? :p;) I kid, I kid. :D


Everybody's got to get used to englanddg' persona. He can be ready to fight you, but he'll still respect you and your creativity. Every once and a while, something escalates with him, but it all means nothing, and everybody comes out content the next day. If you want to see some real quarreling, we can bring out the 2013 PMs between Dreamfinder, Sam and I. :p

Just kidding. We've finally moved on...I think.
While it all may mean "nothing," that doesn't quell the debilitating negative effects it may have on some members going forward.

I just think we should all try to show respect to one another, and not be quick to judge or fight, that includes myself as well. It just doesn't feel right to me and it's not something I want to partake in going forward.


Well-Known Member
While it all may mean "nothing," that doesn't quell the debilitating negative effects it may have on some members going forward.

I just think we should all try to show respect to one another, and not be quick to judge or fight, that includes myself as well. It just doesn't feel right to me and it's not something I want to partake in going forward.
I completely agree.

Now let's please end this conversation and turn more to that task at hand, which is TAFI things, more specifically the new tier system being proposed.(this is not directed at you, but towards everybody.).

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