Swimming at the resorts

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I've only stayed at one disney resort and it was the fort wilderness trailers. There was no beach there. But now im going to stay at the Polynesian and i was wondering if we are allowed to swim in the lake.
I heard that we couldn't but i just want to make sure. Thanks


New Member
Well put my vote in FOR pool hopping!!! ON my last trip in late 8/2002 my best friend and I were staying at POFQ and we spent a few afternoons at the pools of AKL, POLY and Coronado, besides our own. We also had plans to visit the pool at the Boardwalk but alas no time. No one ever asked for our room key, there were plenty of chairs everywhere, no one lost out on a chair cuz we were there, etc. etc. As a disney resort guest if i want to visit another resort and visit their pool big whoop.
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Account Suspended
Originally posted by dox
Well put my vote in FOR pool hopping!!! ON my last trip in late 8/2002 my best friend and I were staying at POFQ and we spent a few afternoons at the pools of AKL, POLY and Coronado, besides our own. We also had plans to visit the pool at the Boardwalk but alas no time. No one ever asked for our room key, there were plenty of chairs everywhere, no one lost out on a chair cuz we were there, etc. etc. As a disney resort guest if i want to visit another resort and visit their pool big whoop.

So, let me ask you....when you pull into the parking lot of that "other" resort to use thier pool...what do you tell the parking attendant that you are doing there when he/she asks you??

Do you lie and say, eating breakfast, lunch, dinner? Or looking around? Etc?? Or do you come right out and tell them, "Hey, I've come to use the pool! Whoop!"??

I think you either lie or you come in on a bus and go past that part of the sneaking around. That is exactly what it is..sneaky around.
When you check into your other hotel...do they say, feel free to use the facilities of the other resorts? Feel free to use the facilites of a $400.00 per night resort at your leisure while you only paid $99.00 per night? I think not....so you can see when I say its like stealing, its cause it is! Regardless of the fact that you didnt impose on anyone....its just the principal...if everyone were to do that...it would be terrible. That is all I am saying.:zipit:
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New Member
Originally posted by mkymaus
So, let me ask you....when you pull into the parking lot of that "other" resort to use thier pool...what do you tell the parking attendant that you are doing there when he/she asks you??

Do you lie and say, eating breakfast, lunch, dinner? Or looking around? Etc?? Or do you come right out and tell them, "Hey, I've come to use the pool! Whoop!"??

I think you either lie or you come in on a bus and go past that part of the sneaking around. That is exactly what it is..sneaky around.
When you check into your other hotel...do they say, feel free to use the facilities of the other resorts? Feel free to use the facilites of a $400.00 per night resort at your leisure while you only paid $99.00 per night? I think not....so you can see when I say its like stealing, its cause it is! Regardless of the fact that you didnt impose on anyone....its just the principal...if everyone were to do that...it would be terrible. That is all I am saying.:zipit:


maybe he/she could just fork over the additional $301.00 and be allowed to use the pool. Bet he/she wouldn't want to do that!!

just goes to show....

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the way you make it sound though is that not just the pool should be off limits, so shouldnt everything that comes with the other hotels such as restaurants and stores since we paid more for the hotel only we should get to use those places.. Til disney gets strict about the pool thing people will just keep using other pools. The only place I've ever seen really enforce something like that is at the Atlantis Paradise Island where you cant even get through the doors without showing a key and they have people that walk the beach to make sure you didnt walk over from the adjacent hotels.

But let me ask this.. Do you think its a problem if your staying at an allstar and walk over to the next allstar and use their pool? They are all on the same complex and all Allstars.

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:eek: whoa 16 pages...i...read...them...all... so...very ....tired... now...
boy that was work... hmmm pool hopping is very controversial it seems ...yep yep
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The Mom

Premium Member
The difference between using the pool, and using the restaurant, etc. is that you PAY for your meal, drink, whatever, or are WILLING to purchase something in the store. A store operates under the assumption that not everyone who enters will buy something. A restaurant assumes that if you're sitting at a table, you (or someone in your party) will be purchasing food. Otherwise, you're taking up space that could be used by a paying customer. Even though someone at the pool MIGHT purchase a drink, etc at the pool bar, the price of that item doesn't compensate for the cost of pool maintenence...it pays for the bar/restaurant overhead. The room price reflects the cost of the amenities...lobby, grounds, etc, including the pool.

BTW, the last time I was at Atlantis, non-guests could purchase a day pass (bracelet) to use the facilities...much like spending the day at a water park. I don't know if they still sell them.
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Originally posted by oochr1soo
the way you make it sound though is that not just the pool should be off limits, so shouldnt everything that comes with the other hotels such as restaurants and stores since we paid more for the hotel only we should get to use those places.. Til disney gets strict about the pool thing people will just keep using other pools. The only place I've ever seen really enforce something like that is at the Atlantis Paradise Island where you cant even get through the doors without showing a key and they have people that walk the beach to make sure you didnt walk over from the adjacent hotels.

But let me ask this.. Do you think its a problem if your staying at an allstar and walk over to the next allstar and use their pool? They are all on the same complex and all Allstars.


Yes, I think its the same thing! I dont care if you go from All star to All Star, or from Coronado to Port Orleans...its the same darn thing.
And as far as not the restaurants...that is like apples to oranges...restaurants are not free, you have to pay to use them...and the stores, again you have to pay to buy something there...they are not free.

The pool is a free amenity that is offered to the PAYING guest of that resort.
Apples and Oranges...please compare it the way it should be compared...all other issues are irrelivant.
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New Member
Originally posted by The Mom
The difference between using the pool, and using the restaurant, etc. is that you PAY for your meal, drink, whatever, or are WILLING to purchase something in the store. A store operates under the assumption that not everyone who enters will buy something. A restaurant assumes that if you're sitting at a table, you (or someone in your party) will be purchasing food. Otherwise, you're taking up space that could be used by a paying customer. Even though someone at the pool MIGHT purchase a drink, etc at the pool bar, the price of that item doesn't compensate for the cost of pool maintenence...it pays for the bar/restaurant overhead. The room price reflects the cost of the amenities...lobby, grounds, etc, including the pool.

BTW, the last time I was at Atlantis, non-guests could purchase a day pass (bracelet) to use the facilities...much like spending the day at a water park. I don't know if they still sell them.

again, another good post on why pool hopping is WRONG...period.

it just goes in that catagory called honesty.

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New Member
btw, just guessing here...

but, I'll bet the majority of the people who are posting how pool hopping is OK, are the ones doing it....just a guess. lol

enforce the rules Disney.

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New Member
Fascism is alive and well I see. Not to mention major elitism. I find it interesting that you assume that "poorer" guests from "poorer" disney resorts are using the resort pools for the wealthy disney resorts where the beautiful rich people stay. Well Guess what pal?? Plenty of ppl from other resorts actually go to Port Orlean Ol' Man Island Swimming Pool. But is it your opinion those folks should be allowed to use those pools as they pay more money. The fact that you would equate theft with a disney resort guests using different resort pools is childish and incredibly naive. :p
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Account Suspended
Originally posted by dox
Fascism is alive and well I see. Not to mention major elitism. I find it interesting that you assume that "poorer" guests from "poorer" disney resorts are using the resort pools for the wealthy disney resorts where the beautiful rich people stay. Well Guess what pal?? Plenty of ppl from other resorts actually go to Port Orlean Ol' Man Island Swimming Pool. But is it your opinion those folks should be allowed to use those pools as they pay more money. The fact that you would equate theft with a disney resort guests using different resort pools is childish and incredibly naive. :p

Umm Pal! ...no I dont think any of us who stated OUR opinion in this discussion ever said that anyone who stayed at the more "elite" resorts were better than those who stayed at the moderate or value resorts. You need to understand, what is good for one is good for all.
I have stayed at almost ALL the resorts and never once, have I ever thought of imposing on the other resorts guests by using thier facilities. If I wanted to swim at that particular pool, I would of booked a room there. Its like booking a room at the Marriott and going to use the pool at the Holiday Inn or the Westin or whatever...Dont get all bent out of shape over a discussion. No one ever accused anyone of being poorer or beautiful people. Obviously someone hit a sore spot with someone and you just read it the wrong way. Its hard to get your point across on these threads without sometimes sounding like you mean something different. So, please dont YOU be childish and naive by pointing the finger to those who post THIER opinions. I dont recall any previous posts calling anyone any names.
Thank you.

PS...by the way in MY opinion, it is theft. If it wasnt, they would advertise that you should take advantage of other resorts amenities when staying at any OTHER type of Disney resort, whether value, moderate or deluxe. Dont swim at the Holiday Inn when your staying across town at the Marriott!
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New Member
Originally posted by dox
Fascism is alive and well I see. Not to mention major elitism. I find it interesting that you assume that "poorer" guests from "poorer" disney resorts are using the resort pools for the wealthy disney resorts where the beautiful rich people stay. Well Guess what pal?? Plenty of ppl from other resorts actually go to Port Orlean Ol' Man Island Swimming Pool. But is it your opinion those folks should be allowed to use those pools as they pay more money. The fact that you would equate theft with a disney resort guests using different resort pools is childish and incredibly naive. :p

sounds to me like someone's a POOL HOPPER... hmmmm

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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by oochr1soo
But let me ask this.. Do you think its a problem if your staying at an allstar and walk over to the next allstar and use their pool? They are all on the same complex and all Allstars.


To clarify:

You CAN pool hop to "sister resorts".

The All-Stars are "sisters." If you are staying at Sports, you can use the pool at Music or Movies.

POR & POFQ are considered "sisters." You can use the pool at POR if you are staying at POFQ (which no one is doing right now, because it's closed. But you get the idea.)
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I will try to state my opinion ....*scarey isn't it*
ok if Disney says no don't hop from one disney hotel pool to another as a rule then don't do it .
If I were were running disney would I make that rule?
Probably not .I would need to see what it actually costs the company .

But I don't run Disney so I just follow their rules and I don't take it upon myself to police other people either because that is Disney's job aswell.
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New Member
Originally posted by rosie.ca
I will try to state my opinion ....*scarey isn't it*
ok if Disney says no don't hop from one disney hotel pool to another as a rule then don't do it .
If I were were running disney would I make that rule?
Probably not .I would need to see what it actually costs the company .

But I don't run Disney so I just follow their rules and I don't take it upon myself to police other people either because that is Disney's job aswell.

granted.... but, if there are no pool chairs left and the pools are crowded, and I over hear or find out that some people who are using the chairs and or swimming are not from that resort, you can bet I'll let someone in the resort know.....if Disney doesn't take any action, upon my departure, I'll just say I won't be back and why.

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New Member
First off you can't compare going from the pool at a Holiday Inn to a hotel at the Marriot. Second Disney does not advertise anywhere that you can't pool hop. Third having been going to disney since the 70s , people have been pool hopping since way back then.

And buddy you should re-read your post cuz they reek of elitism. Maybe that wasn't your intention, but it is definitely there as you continually stress how deluxe resort guests shouldn't have to put up with this "behavior".


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New Member
Originally posted by dox
First off you can't compare going from the pool at a Holiday Inn to a hotel at the Marriot. Second Disney does not advertise anywhere that you can't pool hop. Third having been going to disney since the 70s , people have been pool hopping since way back then.

And buddy you should re-read your post cuz they reek of elitism. Maybe that wasn't your intention, but it is definitely there as you continually stress how deluxe resort guests shouldn't have to put up with this "behavior".



Yep Pal, your the one stressing over OUR opinions concerning pool hopping.... not us.....feeling quility....? Hmmmm ...You should.

why doncha pay to play dude.... or are you one of those that likes to get something for free that really isn't free....Hmmm?

and your dam right I shouldn't have to put up with that behavior....and I'll take it upon myself to correct it. Like NOT coming back and letting the managment know the reason...period....

and if I caught you pool hopping, you would be reported...period...

based on your comments, that would sure to get you hot under the collar...hehe.

and, I believe (but I might be mistaken) it's on Disney's website about not allowing pool hopping.....I'll find it for you if you want.

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My family spent 7 nights at Disney and only used the pool at our resort two times, much less another resort's pool! How do people find time to be worried about who's in what pool? I guess different people have different interests.....
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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dox
Second Disney does not advertise anywhere that you can't pool hop. Third having been going to disney since the 70s , people have been pool hopping since way back then.

There is a big sign with red letters at every pool that states:

Use of the pool is for resort guests ONLY.

(I think that is fairly explicit)

Yes, 30 years ago, before most people posting on these boards were born, pool hopping was allowed. At that time, Fort Wilderness did not have a pool, and guests swam at the Contemporary.

Things change.........
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