It took me a few months, but I finally finished my Kaoh Rong rewatch. I haven't seen it since it aired. A very underrated post merge. The premerge was a little bland, only helped by the crazy medevac, unfortunately.
I do get why Michele won, and she deserves it 100%, but I still don't agree with it. Aubry didn't play a flawless game by any means, but she played a much stronger game than Michele in Kaoh Rong. The thing that ultimately hurt Aubry is she didn't have relationships with a majority of the jury. There was virtually none with Scot, Jason, Julia, or Nick. And three of those people are ones to hold grudges. The other was Michele's best friend and future roommate.
The remove a jury member advantage was really bad. In the finale, Jeff says they were thinking about it for 7 years, but I think they just pulled it out when they had three medevacs on an 18 person season, and they needed something else to fill the time.
Speaking of filling time, they got really lucky that Aubry and Cydney made fire for that finale episode. Otherwise they would have had to drag it out even longer.
Cydney is a fantastic player. I honestly do not know who I think deserved it more had Aubry and her both been in the final 3. Cydney played a nearly flawless game. Her only issues were betraying Scot and Jason, who you know were going to hold it against her. And then not having a backup #1 ally outside of Aubry, when Aubry clearly had a stronger relationship with Joe than with her.
Aubry also got screwed by Joe leaving. If he stayed, it's very easy to see that the final three would have likely been Aubry, Joe, and Tai or maybe Cydney, but most likely Tai. I think Aubry wins that unanimously with Tai. Maybe Cydney gets a couple votes, but I doubt enough to win with how much Scot and Jason hated her.
I know people mention she could have been voted out had Neil stayed, but his idol could have changed that.
Overall a great season. I have it ranked #15 out of all 40 seasons! I've finally ranked all the seasons and all the players! I still want to go rewatch at least seasons 33-35 to refresh my memory and have a more accurate/updated list. Not sure how long that will take. Probably a while yet, but I'll share the full lists when I finish!
I do get why Michele won, and she deserves it 100%, but I still don't agree with it. Aubry didn't play a flawless game by any means, but she played a much stronger game than Michele in Kaoh Rong. The thing that ultimately hurt Aubry is she didn't have relationships with a majority of the jury. There was virtually none with Scot, Jason, Julia, or Nick. And three of those people are ones to hold grudges. The other was Michele's best friend and future roommate.
The remove a jury member advantage was really bad. In the finale, Jeff says they were thinking about it for 7 years, but I think they just pulled it out when they had three medevacs on an 18 person season, and they needed something else to fill the time.
Speaking of filling time, they got really lucky that Aubry and Cydney made fire for that finale episode. Otherwise they would have had to drag it out even longer.
Cydney is a fantastic player. I honestly do not know who I think deserved it more had Aubry and her both been in the final 3. Cydney played a nearly flawless game. Her only issues were betraying Scot and Jason, who you know were going to hold it against her. And then not having a backup #1 ally outside of Aubry, when Aubry clearly had a stronger relationship with Joe than with her.
Aubry also got screwed by Joe leaving. If he stayed, it's very easy to see that the final three would have likely been Aubry, Joe, and Tai or maybe Cydney, but most likely Tai. I think Aubry wins that unanimously with Tai. Maybe Cydney gets a couple votes, but I doubt enough to win with how much Scot and Jason hated her.
I know people mention she could have been voted out had Neil stayed, but his idol could have changed that.
Overall a great season. I have it ranked #15 out of all 40 seasons! I've finally ranked all the seasons and all the players! I still want to go rewatch at least seasons 33-35 to refresh my memory and have a more accurate/updated list. Not sure how long that will take. Probably a while yet, but I'll share the full lists when I finish!