I just finished my HHH rewatch. My overall thoughts are I think this season is much better than what its reputation says. I think with many of this more recent seasons, initial reactions have overtaken how good they actually are. We haven't built up a reverence for them yet, like we have with many of the old school seasons. Yes, there are glaring flaws with this season, which I'll get to. But overall it's pretty solid.
Let's start with the bad.
Obviously the thing that sticks out like a sore thumb is the surprise final four fire making. It's just as hard to watch it on the replay as it was watching it when it first aired. It really still feels like a gimmick that was thrown in last minute to help Ben get to the end. There was no mention of it all season until after Ben had found and played his idol at the final 5. Listening to RHAP's retrospective on the season, they said there was no media knowledge of it until the preseason press, and usually an insider gets some knowledge on that before the season films. It felt a little gross.
Another thing that felt pretty "convenient" for Ben was his final idol find. He was just talking about how he was pretty much giving up on finding an idol. Then he sat down on the raft and it's right there. This one is a little harder for production to force, but it still felt a little off. Whether Ben was able to locate that spot because producers/cameras were heavily focused on it or what, it felt a little forced.
This bad thing wasn't necessarily bad for viewing, but the gameplay was actually pretty poor on most people's ends this season. In a season where "secrets" were pushed, nobody kept any secret. Everybody told everybody everything. And loose lips sink ships, and more often than not, the people who couldn't keep a secret got voted out or suffered repercussions because of it. The only person who could keep a secret was Ben when he found his idols, and unsurprisingly it paid off.
To continue with the bad gameplay, there weren't many people who had good social games. Everybody got in personal fights with everyone. They didn't feel like normal arguments. They felt deeper. Ben had several. Chrissy had several. Ryan had some, with many comments given during confessionals. Devon had some. Joe was the king of it. Lauren had some. I think the best social game goes to Desi who was the first juror. The final three had really weak social games. Chrissy and Ryan never talked to anybody outside of their core two or three. So when it came to the end, nobody had that connection with them to make them want to vote for them. Chrissy was very transparent when she held a grudge, only until she needed something from them.
To piggy back off of that, Chrissy is a really good strategic player. However, she really lacked the social game. I think that gets forgotten because of how Ben won. Yes, I probably would have still voted for her over Ben. But I totally understand how the jury voted for Ben over her. Her answers felt scripted. Her responses and emotions felt scripted. She felt cold. And I know that's just her personality, but it isn't an asset in Survivor.
Joe was also very hard to watch. He claimed to be super strategic, but he was really just a bully. He was arrogant, and I really never want to see him play again.
I also think there was a lot of arrogant honesty in this season. The cast was so open about gloating and bragging when they got the upper hand. Very few people played it subtle. I was surprised with that. I had forgotten how arrogant people like Chrissy, Devon, Lauren, Ben, Ryan, Ashley, Mike, etc. were when they had the power.
Now onto the good.
I really forgot how good Devon was this season. He controlled pretty much the entire game. He always knew who was going home. He had Ryan and Ashley wrapped around his finger for large parts of the season. He was an equal, and maybe even majority owner in his partnership with Chrissy. If he had made it to the final three, he should have won against anybody.
The challenges were really fun this season.
The spaghetti reward with the idol clue was amazing. I forgot how fun that was. Cole covered up the plate with a napkin, thinking that wouldn't be suspicious to eat spaghetti off a napkin when there's a plate underneath.
Desi was fantastic when she was in the game. A great narrator. She got screwed by being with Joe the entire time and being linked with him. She went down because of his poor gameplay, but she really had good reads. I hope to see her again.
I love that women won 8 out of the 9 immunity challenges. Chrissy was great in them, winning 4 total.
Ali was a really good player in the premerge. I hope to see her back, too.
Overall, here's my rankings for who I'd want to see a second time:
- Devon
- Chrissy
- Desi
- Ali
- Lauren
- Ashley
Everyone else I've seen enough of.
My players I have in my top 100 all-time player rankings:
- Devon at 50
- Chrissy at 52
- Ben at 78
Overall this season took a big jump in my complete list of season rankings. It went from 32 to 20.
Up next: Ghost Island! I'm not sure if I'll start that soon or take a break.