Survival tips

I need tips on how to survive the next 2 weeks before our trip starts. We have been planning since Nov for our 8 day/7 nights at CBR. I can't believe that it is finally almost here!! I am pretty sure I am going to die of excitement just waiting for 5/28.:sohappy:


Le Meh
Premium Member
Continue to do exactly what you have been doing for the last number of months since you started planning the trip:

1. Drink pleanty of fluids.
2. Eat healthy meals.
3. Get 8 hours of sleep a night.
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New Member
I need tips on how to survive the next 2 weeks before our trip starts. We have been planning since Nov for our 8 day/7 nights at CBR. I can't believe that it is finally almost here!! I am pretty sure I am going to die of excitement just waiting for 5/28.:sohappy:

I usually watch Vacation Planning Videos, my own videos too... it's nice to go online and try to find new stuff to do at WDW and plan something different for your trip.
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Active Member
:wave: We watch the vacation planning videos too. we get the suitcases out not to pack but just to get out! Go on these boards every day. watch disney movies. I know you cant help being excited. mine is not till Dec. and I am excited already!!!!!:lol:
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New Member
I need tips on how to survive the next 2 weeks before our trip starts. We have been planning since Nov for our 8 day/7 nights at CBR. I can't believe that it is finally almost here!! I am pretty sure I am going to die of excitement just waiting for 5/28.:sohappy:

OMG, I totally feel your excitement! We are leaving on 5/26 for 8 day/7 nights at POR. Have a great trip!!!
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Princess Ariel

Original Poster
We've watched the planning video twice this weekend already. We have also filled out our souvenir luggage tags. My DS wanted to start packing yesterday, but I told it was way to soon and he would need those clothes before we go. We also have a chain to count down the trip. Each day we remove another chain. I am pretty sure that I am the most excited so far, but me and my SIL have done most of the planning. The others really have no clue of how much fun we will have!:lol:
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Remember that you are on vacation, and that if you are too tired take some time by the pool..:) Once we realized this, we started having MUCH better vacations. I think we felt like if we weren't in the parks 24/7 we were missing something but we were so exhausted we missed things anyway..
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New Member
I'm already listening to Disney music in my car and I'm not going until September! Take a quick trip to the Disney Store. You can always find someone there that would like to talk to you about your trip.
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Princess Ariel

Original Poster
Would love to go to the Disney store, we live in the middle of no where. The nearest grocery store is 1.5 hrs and nearest Walmart is 2 hrs. So needless to say the nearest Disney is a vacation in its self. But I love Disney music. In 1998 my husband gave me the entire box set of the Disney Collection. 100 Disney songs!:sohappy: (and we did not even have kids yet) I so have been jamming to Disney for 9 years now. I guess I will just have to wait, read these boards, and listen to music until 5/28.:ROFLOL:
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Well-Known Member
I'm already listening to Disney music in my car and I'm not going until September!

I did the same thing and one of my favorite songs was "On My Way" by Phil Collins from Brother Bear. Oh my... I could tear up right now thinking about getting ready to leave. I had this song ready to go the morning that we drove down. :lol:

To get ready, if you are not a big walker, take a walk everyday for a mile or two to get you ready for all of the walking at Disney World. It will get your body adjusted and you wont be so tired. :)
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Well-Known Member
Go over your lists to make sure that you have everything you will need. What I do is pack everything that I won't need prior to the trip. We watch all the planning DVDs every weekend starting a couple of months before we leave. And we also have a count down calendar that we pull off a page every morning. Have fun on your trip!! :wave:
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I need tips on how to survive the next 2 weeks before our trip starts. We have been planning since Nov for our 8 day/7 nights at CBR. I can't believe that it is finally almost here!! I am pretty sure I am going to die of excitement just waiting for 5/28.:sohappy:

I feel your pain..We leave on Friday for 11 days in the World. I'm having trouble concentrating at work, because all I'm thinking about is vacation. We're staying at POR... I just feel like I'm going to explode with excitement :sohappy: :D
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New Member
I'm feeling the excitement just thinking about you. I'm not going until August, so for now, I'm going to live vicariously thru you.:lol:

I think most important is...enjoy this excitement leading up to your trip. The trip itself will be great, but there's something to be said for the time leading up to it. It's magical in it's own way.

Have a great time!!:wave:
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Well-Known Member
I feel exactly the same way! We're leaving on 05/25 and I already have a hard time falling asleep, since I'm too excited (and I'm 25 years-old, not 5...!!!)! My husband and I watch Disney movies at home, it puts me in a Disney mood and helps me tolerate the days between now and our trip! I've also printed out customize maps of MK, AK, Epcot and MGM from the Walt Disney World website, you can choose the attractions you want to see appearing on your map and print them at home.

Have a good trip!:ROFLOL:
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New Member
How old are the kids? Have you tried the movie DisneyLand Fun? My characters LOVE that video. We also watch movies that relate to the parks. Pirates, Song of the South, Sword in the Stone. I want to get the 3 Cabrellos. That should keep us going until Sept.
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