Surprise Trip (next week!) - Quick Questions


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, :wave:
So two days ago my grandpa came over for dinner, and asked if I'd want to go to either Foxwoods or Twin River with him for the weekend. Being that I'm 19 so I can't drink (or gamble) I wasn't too thrilled for the trip, but I told him I'd go anyways, I can't say no to him lol :lol: . After contemplating it he changed his mind to a quick Disney trip. That day, we booked it to AAA and are now planning on going next Sunday to Wednesday (06/26 - 06/29) and are staying at the Contemporary. Clearly I'm very excited :D I just have a few questions, because my grandpa has put all of the planning and little details up to me, which is great because he's 86 and I'd like to take care of him, but last time I went to WDW I was only 13, and now I'm only 19 so I'm new to some of these adult planning things lol.

On Sunday, we land in Orlando from Boston at 11:45, and we have dinner reservations at Via Napoli for 6:20. For the first day I was thinking after we check in at the hotel, we can spend the day in Epcot, and I'll probably go to the Magic Kingdom for EMH until close, grandpa probably won't be up for that so I'll be going back to the room with him sometime in between. Any input on this? Sorry if it seems like I'm overplanning I'm just excited with the idea that I finally get to plan the trip :D I even made the dinner reservations :lol:

Monday, I was thinking we'd get to the Magic Kingdom right when they open, stay there until our dinner reservations at 7:25 at The Wave (or until Grandpa wants a break, he's in great shape for an 86 year old but I don't want to push him too much), and later that night I can go to EMH at Hollywood Studios.

Tuesday, Animal Kingdom in the morning, and either Epcot or MK that night, probably MK its my Grandpa's favorite, then dinner at Kona Cafe at 7:50.

On Wednesday our flight leaves Orlando at 2:45, and we got a park hopper for that day too just in case, maybe we'll just walk through shops in MK that morning and pick up gifts there.

So just some input on how that little itinerary sounds would be great.

Only like 2 more questions, I promise!--
My grandpa is looking to rent an EVC scooter, (don't worry I swear he's not the type to hit your ankles or run people over) But how does renting them work? We get them at Guest Services when we enter the parks I'm assuming? He'll be fine to walk around the resorts, its just the parks all day that will get to him. Also if for example, he rents one at the Magic Kingdom and then we go right to Epcot from there, would be bring the same scooter or would we rent a different one once in Epcot?

Also with regards to grandpa, like I said, he is in very good shape for an 86 year old but I don't want to push him, any rides that he should definitely not go on? He doesn't have a heart condition that we know of or anything like that, but he is older and I don't want him to be in pain for our trip, so I'm thinking he should stay away from rides like Space Mountain, Dinosaur, etc...?

(1 more question sorry)--
This may be a stupid question but how long should we give ourselves to make dinner reservations? Like if we're in the Magic Kingdom when would be the best time to leave to make 7:25 reservations at the Contemporary?

Thanks so much! Sorry again for the long post :x


Well-Known Member
I can answer the EVC questions. You actually rent them not at guest services but up front at the park. In MK, it's on the right-side over by where you rent the lockers.

As for switching parks, you turn in the scooter at the first park, then when you arrive at the second, you show them the paper and they give you one at that park. There is a possibility the second park may be out of them in which case you'd get one as soon as it's turned in, but that's mainly a problem during capacity days. But it is a possibility so I wanted to mention it.

Unless he is unable to stand in the lines (in which case, he'll need a Guest Assistance Card) he can simply park the EVC in a designated area at each attraction (it varies, ask a CM) and walk through with you. If he has a Guest Assistance card, you go in the wheelchair entrance (which again varies) which typically allows him to sit longer.

Have fun!
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thank you! I think he'll be okay to stand in lines, it's just the amount of walking that worries me a little bit, hopefully if we switch parks they'll have EVCs still :eek:
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Well-Known Member
For Adrs, I would give yourself about an hour. So if you need to go from the MK to the contemporary for 7:25, Leave MK around 6:25, hop on the monorail and make it over to the restaurant you have reservations for. That itself should take about a half hour and you always want to arrive a little early for Dining reservations.
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Well-Known Member
Just have to say that I think it's really great that you're going on a trip with your grandpa. Not many people your age would. Have a great time!
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just have to say that I think it's really great that you're going on a trip with your grandpa. Not many people your age would. Have a great time!
Thank you! We're so excited for it, I've only been with my grandpa once when I was 2 years old so I don't even really remember it, it's nice to get to go with him again.
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New Member
For Adrs, I would give yourself about an hour. So if you need to go from the MK to the contemporary for 7:25, Leave MK around 6:25, hop on the monorail and make it over to the restaurant you have reservations for. That itself should take about a half hour and you always want to arrive a little early for Dining reservations.

I really don't think you need to leave an hour early for your Wave ADR, the monorail is not that slow. Maybe 30 mins. As far as rides with your grandpa, definitely space mountain. Maybe Tower of Terror? The drops are very heart stopping. I would only be worried about eating dinner later than he is used to but if your going to be snacking a lot then that should be okay. :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks so much everyone! :sohappy: Also anyone know how the crowds are in the end of June? I've only been during school vacation weeks in April or the 4th of July, so I'd assume the crowds wouldn't be as bad as those times? Though we are cutting it kind of close to the 4th lol
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Well-Known Member
Thank you! I think he'll be okay to stand in lines, it's just the amount of walking that worries me a little bit, hopefully if we switch parks they'll have EVCs still :eek:

It really shouldn't be a problem. I just know it's within the realm of possibility so I wanted to mention it just in case. You should be fine. :)
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Well-Known Member
Thank you! I think he'll be okay to stand in lines, it's just the amount of walking that worries me a little bit, hopefully if we switch parks they'll have EVCs still :eek:

Check in with Walker Medical to rent an EVC for your grandpa for the entire length of the trip, including to and from the bus stops and around the resort etc. The webiste is The EVC's do go on the bus and monorail so you shouldnt have any issue. Have a great time!! Marie
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Well-Known Member
Enjoy the wonderful trip with your Grandpa. What a great guy to think of you and want to spend this time with you. I have wonderful memories of both my grandparents although we didn't get to do trips together. I suggest you have a million photos taken of you both throughout the trip so you may look back years from now to remember those 3 / 4 special days. If you do any amount of walking be sure to do foot checks regularly to look for blisters and pressure sores that could appear from the heat and extra time on his feet. Those can cause havoc on an elderly person. Another tip is to plan for a mid day nap / rest. When my elderly mother went to WDW she found that she needed to return to the resort for a mid day rest and then was refreshed for the rest of the night. When she went back sometimes I went with her and hung out at the pool for an hour or two and sometimes she wanted me to stay at the park and we arranged to meet somewhere at a specific time.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
While I hope your trip is great, I do worry that, for a trip with someone in their 80s, you're overplanning. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to imply your grandfather isn't strong. But a WDW trip can be brutal on people at any age. It's not uncommon for people to need their second day there to recuperate from their first day there. And in late June, the heat and humidity could be brutal, the kind of weather where you just stand in it and wilt.

I'd hope your grandfather would let you know if he feels overwhelmed, but maybe, in order not to harsh your buzz, he'll push himself harder than he needs to. My main suggestion would be to keep making sure he's not uncomfortable or tired, and don't try to see too much but really enjoy what you DO see, advice most people never take when they only have a few days at WDW, especially if it's their first trip or the first trip in a long time. As far as more specifics...

When you arrive, give him the option to rest at the resort before going to Epcot (he may also want to just check the resort out, it is kinda cool, you know). Once you're at Epcot, you may get one or two rides - Soarin' might be nice if it's not too busy, I don't know if test Track or Mission Space would be too much (though Mission Space does have a more mild version). And the shows and films throughout World Showcase are all lovely, if he has a nation he's most interested in, consider going there first. Enjoy Illuminations, make sure he gets back to the room all right and then, if you have the energy, walk over to MK.

The 2nd day going to Mk is a good call because you're a monorail or short walk away if either one of you is feeling tired from the trip and fun the day before. Anticipate a nap, for both of you, you may need it too, you young whippersnapper, you.

Because the temp will be so hot, if at all possible, plan on getting to AK early. It will be more tolerable for both of you, and the odds are better the animals will be out and about. Definitely go for the Safari, first thing or early Fastpass if you can.

That last day, use the trip there as a guide. If that was exhausting for him, don't wipe him out trying to cram too much into that day before the plane ride home. Maybe consider just going back to MK, so if you're using Magical Express to get back to the airport, you know you won't have a problem getting back to the Contemporary in time to be picked up.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks so much everyone! :sohappy: Also anyone know how the crowds are in the end of June? I've only been during school vacation weeks in April or the 4th of July, so I'd assume the crowds wouldn't be as bad as those times? Though we are cutting it kind of close to the 4th lol

You might want to invest in a spray bottle bc its HOTT there around this time , I kno its pretty much always hot but I know Grandpas like to wear pants alot make sure you pack some extra shorts and tee shirts for gramps! Itll be hot
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Well-Known Member
One other thing (actually a couple). Make sure that your Grandpa has a list of his medications and medical conditions including allergies and past surgeries on him at all times in the park. As a physician I can't stress how helpful this can be when evaluating a new patient. Also, keep him hydrated. It's going to be hot, and you don't want him suffering heat stroke or becoming dehydrated assuming he doesn't have heart failure.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks again everyone :) We'll definitely be taking lots of breaks and taking everything slow, the funny thing is he's acting somewhat like a little kid in the sense that there's so much he wants to do in so little time so I've been trying to find a good in between for him.

The spray fan is a great idea, I think I still have one from the last time I went so I'll probably bring that instead of buying a new one. He's very good with his medications, he actually isn't on many at all for someone his age. I don't know if Mission Space would be good for him or not because I've never been on it, I was thinking of trying the milder version for this trip, but if it's debatable if my grandpa should go on it I'll probably just pass, I'd rather ride something we can do together.

Also I hope it didn't sound like I'm going to leave my grandpa to go back to the parks at night in my original post :lol: I meant that like, I'll go back to the hotel and relax with him for a bit and when he gets ready for bed I might go back out for a bit, I'm definitely not going to leave him.

Overall I think he'll be fine, the only thing to worry about now is that the ADRs are later than he's used to eating, but he loves his Disney snacks, so I'm sure he won't go hungry during the day, its just the fact that if he's tired he has dinner at the later times. Though he did say he doesn't plan on having to leave any of the parks midday, that he'd rather just sit on a bench, have a drink and people watch for a bit instead of going back to the room.
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Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
I just got to say, your Grandpa is awesome, and it's great you guys have such a good relationship. Have fun, and take your time to enjoy all the sites. The rides are great but the moment you guys spend laughing about something or having a good meal are what you remember.
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