Well-Known Member
So, just got back from the doc about my leg. Still don't know a whole lot. He's convinced that it's my hip.
WHAT AM I 80??!!
He said there's a pocket or sac in your hip that, if it gets inflammed, can hurt like heck. He thinks the combo of me....uh hurting it dancing too hard at the bachelorette party that weekend
o ) combined w/ my 1st yoga class the next week is probably the culprit. The problem is, that it's very hard to tell for sure. He prescribed me an anti-inflammatory that I'll take for a week as well as just basically baby that leg, and see if that helps. If not we'll go from there. I'm hoping it works because he mentioned something about an injection. :dazzle: :dazzle: *faints* I think I'd almost rather deal w/ the breathtaking pain.