Well-Known Member
Interesting.Actually yes... serious...
If I don't find a new job in Boston by the time my lease is up... I think I'll have to move back home... which after living out of home, I don't know if I can move back home...
so come like... June, July, I might start looking for jobs in baltimore.
my best friend is going to John Hopkins for med school... he was like "you should totally move down there with me"
annnnd... I've been debating it for the last few weeks...
and i just might do it...
Come summer I'll really start looking into it... I'd obviously have to find a job down there too though so it would be difficult... but something I REALLY would love to do...
i wanna move south... I've wanted to for years... really wish I went to school in North Carolina somewhere... stupid ex-girlfriend :brick:
Baltimore's not too far, but a start... :shrug:
You could babysit Anya!