Suggestions for Disney World's next park?


New Member
CommandoDisney said:
Colonial Disney wasnt it? i remember that. from what i remember, which may be completely wrong, so feel free to correct me, they were considering building a colonial themed park i think in virginia, and i thinkthat because i remember my dad driving and pointing out an area saying thats where they wanted to build it. i think i even remember seeing a sign with mickey on it dressed all colonial like. from waht i understand it feel through becuase the people who lived in the area didnt want to deal with the traffic nor have the land developed. does anyone else know anything about this? im glad they didnt build it... it sounded boring, haha

The concept art in the book shows a replica ellis yeah it looked cheesy and bad. And yes it was supposed to be in virginia, but that is way to close to williamsburg. I dont know what they were thinking.


Well-Known Member
Most definatley Disney's America is what you are talking about. The idea obivously never was completed, however many Imageneers still feel it's time will come. The park was to be Imageneering at it's finest, and the Imageneers were/are emotionally attacted to it. Think about it, what other company is so proud of it's American heritage? With such great things like Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln, Liberty Square, Hall of Presidents, Main Street, and much more in other parks, Disney is clearly very patriotic.


New Member
William Marsden said:
It's not the animation that bothered me or the voices or the lack of music, but who the hell came up with that stupid story? Not Jules Verne. If I went into a theme park or attraction and heard one word about an "energy source that thrives on the collective emotions of a civilazation...", I'd be banging on the admission gate for a refund!! I haven't ever met a fan of that movie. I apologize in advance to anyone who may have liked it. Some people may also like Roseanne Barres singing voice. Go Figure.

I actually liked Atlantis as well. Your are most correct when you say Jules Verne didn't write it. But we must realize that Disney never stays true to original stories. They always modify them to make them "family friendly". If you read the orginal fairy tales you'll find them very different. For example, in Pinocchio, he steps on Jiminy Cricket and squashes him cause he doesn't want to listen to "his conscience". Many fariy tales are also tragedies and not happy endings.

Now about an "energy source that thrives on the collective emotions of a civilazation...", as a scientist, I also think that's bogus. But philosophically speaking if you think about it, that's what built Disney and all that belongs to it. I would guess Walt didn't say "I'm going to build a park and do animation for the heck of it." He had passion. He got his brother into it, and his employees until he has all of us participating in what he dreamed of. With out the Disney fans, there would be no Disney. So Disney exist from our collective emotion for the parks, the rides, the movies, whatever it is that has us here today chatting. It's not electricity, but there is a power in emotion. I'm glad you brought this up. It's made me broaden my mind a bit. :)

William Marsden

New Member
But we must realize that Disney never stays true to original stories. They always modify them to make them "family friendly".
Now about an "energy source that thrives on the collective emotions of a civilazation...", as a scientist, I also think that's bogus. But philosophically speaking if you think about it, that's what built Disney and all that belongs to it.

I have no quarrel with Disney changing fairy tales. Most of the time I think the Disney modifications are great. I'm the company pianist for a ballet company. One of the most popular ballets in the repertoire is Sleeping Beauty. The final act of the ballet, which often is done all by itself is simply called "Aurora's Wedding". It lasts 35 to 40 minutes and the only plot is that a bunch of well-wishers celebrate at the wedding of Princess Aurora :snore:. Many times I've said in a rehersal of this ballet "Walt Disney rapped things up in about 2 minutes." :)

My opinion of Atlantis is based on the premise that I just hated the plot. I mean I really hated the stuff about the "collective emotions"!!! It was just so awful. In Cinderella (one of my favorite animated classics of all time) Cinderella asks her Fairy Godmother how she (Cinderella) could possibly attend the ball. The FG just launches into "Bibbity Bobbidy Boo". There's no mention of "collective emotions". There's no attempt to explain the magic. The magic just simply happens. We don't need to worry about pixie dust in Peter Pan, puppet transformations in Pinocchio, the magical kisses of Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. There's no need to ponder about an "energy source". The magic just happens.

I'm sorry but I just bristle at the concept of an "Energy Source". It's as if some idiot was trying to bring magic into an odd, new age realm of reality. GIVE ME A BREAK!!! I believe in God and I'm devoutly religious but I hate it when someone starts talking about the "energy" they feel in rocks or pyrimads or this or that tree and I really hate it when Disney makes a movie aimed at kids with some screwy philosophy sprinkled into it. I believe that WDW exists because Walt Disney was a visionary with unbounding imagination and a terrific work ethic. I'm sorry but "collective emotions" had nothing to do with it!

William Marsden

New Member
Hi There:wave: .. I love Atlantis... Think its a great movie, with spectacular animation of Mike Mignola's original authorship.. I am very sorry you are a argumentative, pack-following trouble starter who chooses to insult people who they haven't ever met.

And before you say anything else, let me apologize in advance as well, I like Treasure Planet as well, but then again, I don't read critics reviews and choose to make up my own mind about movies.

1. I don't read reviews and I don't follow the pack.
2. I liked Treasure Planet also. (I also liked "Brother Bear" and "Home on the Range").
3. I saw Atlantis twice in theaters before buying it on DVD. (I know this sounds crazy but I buy all of the Disney Animated classics. In October when Little Mermaid comes out my collection will be complete with the exception of Pinocchio.) My point is I've sat through many showings of Atlantis. I'm very familiar with the movie. I hate it. You on the other hand have never met me, yet you choose to call me an "argumentative, pack following, trouble starter who chooses to insult people who I've never met."
4. Everyones entitled to their opinion. If you like Atlantis, bully for you! I don't think your stupid or unkind or even wrong. We just happen to disagree on this movie.
5. Sorry if you were insulted. Eleanor Roosevelt once said that "no one could make you feel inferior without your permission." The same would hold if you feel insulted.
4. I am opinionated. I don't like to start trouble but this would be a pretty plain vanilla forum it we never talked about the things Disney produced that we didn't like. I'm sorry but I thought Atlantis was a horrible movie. I hate the stupid premise about an "energy source that thrives on the collective emotions....." I have no quarrel with the animation, with the acting, with most anything about the movie. I just hated and I mean HATED that "energy source, collective emotions" crap. Maybe I'm giving too much importance to that part of the movie but no one has really wanted to defend this part of the film which I feel is such an obvious flaw. Asking me to overlook that part of the movie is tantamount to saying "well besides that, how did you enjoy the play Mrs. Lincoln?"

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