Studios Hat Update


New Member
Ok this may be a stupid question, but does the sign on the Blue wall that says "pardon our pixie dust.. blah blah" light up? it looks so bright in the pictures...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JTinCT
Ok this may be a stupid question, but does the sign on the Blue wall that says "pardon our pixie dust.. blah blah" light up? it looks so bright in the pictures...



Well-Known Member
GMR Painting/Rehab

On the photos of the GMR exterior, I noticed two things. First, the signs on the front that were above the exhibits are gone (located where the two parts of the building come out from the center). They were probably removed just for maintenance, but could there be a name change coming to the GMR to fit with any changes they are doing inside (although I imagine probably no significant changes are being made)?

Second, there appears to be white stripes all over the building. Is that just the photo or are they repairing cracks in the building? Just wondering :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by imagineersrock
the only current GMR change i'm aware of is that the fantasia scene is being removed and replaced.
That's ashame. I think the reason I have such hate for this ride is because its presentation is far too corney. I love all the show scenes and animatronics (Oz scene especially) but I think they should ditch the host and the cowboy take-over scene and just have the ride vehicles travel through the show building. It is annoying as I'm trying to enjoy the sights and sounds having to hear some obnoxious person yelling in my ears and pointing out obvious things that don't need pointing out in the first place. Also, either change or get rid of that montage at the end. It is FAR too long and contains films that simply shouldn't be there... ARMAGEDDON?!? PUhleese!


Well-Known Member
Yes i dont get it... Everytime i watch the movie at the end.. I get shivers down my body.. Do i need to see a doctor? :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by The_CEO
Yes i dont get it... Everytime i watch the movie at the end.. I get shivers down my body.. Do i need to see a doctor? :)

I love the ending and the narrators--add a distinctly Hollywood feel as you tour the movies, and the ending...I love the music (some of the greatest music of all time) and how the entire room shakes as the boulder rolls toward Indy. I greatly enjoy the ride, but it does need at least some updating...some of the effects/A-As were broken.

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