Well-Known Member
Do you have a Box Lunch (also owned by Hot Topic group)? The store is like 1/3rd Disney, 1/3rd Harry Potter and 1/3 Japanese properties.There are Hot Topics in every mall(those that still stand) that sell all kinds of Japanese focused shirts, backpacks you name it. I would say Japanese cinema as a whole is one of most embraced in North America. I don't pretend to understand what some of that Anime is about but even Barnes and Noble carries lots of different ones as well as a whole Studio Ghibli section. I could see something in the Japan's WS doing extremely well. Remember Star Wars was certainly influenced by Hidden Fortress. And heck Godzilla...
I also wonder if perception is regional. I grew up in the Pacific NW and between Seattle and Vancouver.. I was definitely exposed to Manga and Anime in the 90s. We went to see Spirited Away at a movie theater in Canada, and one of the earliest things I did when we got that new fangled "DVDs in the mail" program aka Netflix, was to work my way through all the Miyazaki films.