The fact that you have never heard of my favorite movie of all time (live or animated) breaks my heart.
The first HTTYD is a masterpiece, and word of mouth turned it into Dreamworks’ most successful film. Looks like it’s going to be an entire land in Epic Universe. In the first movie, there is no obvious mention that Gobber the blacksmith (one of the main characters) is gay. In the second film, he reveals it through a casual line that’s charming and perfectly in character, and in the final movie he openly voices his attraction to another single Viking. So, director Chris Sanders (who is gay) did wait until after the first film’s success to make Gobber’s orientation an official part of an already much-loved (thanks to great writing and Craig Ferguson’s wonderful voice acting) character.
Audiences kept going, reviewers usually casually mentioned the new character factoid, and I never heard anyone, in or out of the media, object to anything.
What I love about the situation is how casual it is, in and out the the film’s world. Gobber is not defined by his orientation. And the way it’s handled, it’s clear that in this Viking village everyone knows Gobber’s gay, and it’s every bit a non-issue as it is in the universe of Strange World. What matters is that he’s an incredible blacksmith, a great teacher, a fierce warrior who’s lost two limbs defending the island, and a great friend to most of the village. He’s the mentor to the film’s young main character, and the best friend of the Chief.
The things that fans and reviewers DID occasionally object to or point out were:
1) The adult Vikings have Scottish accents and the teenage Vikings have American accents. Somehow it works.
2) The Dragon who gets trained kind of resembles Stitch from Lilo and Stitch (also a Chris Sanders film… which also features a major gay character no one objected to).
I think the thing to be learned from Chris Sanders movies is that it’s the quality of the movie that matters most in box office races, not whether or not a major character happens to be gay.