Well-Known Member
I don't know about building more non-circusy permanent structures over there to flesh out a town... we'd end up with "Main Street Lite" at the back end of the park, and that would just be awkward.
I think this location works because circuses didn't set up right in the middle of town, just an undeveloped area near the train tracks. You couldn't set up right next to the general store because there'd be no room in the center of town. Plus, who'd want carnies hanging out in their backyard?
As it is, the area seems more outskirts/fairground which is where the circus would have been back in the day.
This is why I think creating theming along the train tracks as you approach the station could fill in the story telling gap. I appreciate the way they incorporated "Carolwood Station". It really is clever. But a well thought out way of making you feel like you have arrived at a destination the circus might actually travel to would be superior. They could even incorporate the bridge the train passes under which looks circa 1930's to me.
Actually, I see what jt04 is talking about and you're being a little extreme (especially with the Space Mountain example).
To use your examples...
It would be if Main Street was just a street with train station, hub, and a store on either side.
The Haunted Mansion wasn't tucked back "up on the hill" in Liberty Square but smack dab in the middle.
Space Mountain was just that...without Tomorrowland surrounding it.
Tower of Terror without any backstory of Hollywood.
Storybook Circus is just a circus at a train station...not set in a town. And, since there is a roundtable and garage...it's actually at a train storage yard.
Even if they put up some facades like at DHS to create the illusion of a town in the distance, it would be better.
Agreed and thank you. Since it is the MK I would rather they did nothing than something haphazard or temporary looking. But there are possibilities in the long term that could be compelling I think.
I will only mention this one time here but here is my thinking. Hopefully it does not resemble someone's pet project.
The MSUSA station represents the aethetics of the expension out of the mid-west and into the west. Somewhat like Kansas City or the front range of the rockies.
The Frontierland station is a different era but logically connects to MSUSA geographically. So you could imagine traveling the front range and into and through Arizona and New Mexico and then west Texas. Then as the train proceeds you find yourself traveling through piney woods such as those in eastern Texas. It is an easy logical jump to then find yourself arriving in New Orleans as you arrive at the new train station. This area of the MK has always been swampy so it would be easy to create a small town atmosphere on a bayou (circa 1920 or 30's) with the necessary landscaping to sell the illusion. I think this scenario works subliminaly even if guests are not told specifically they are on a somewhat defined journey.
With a liitle bit of engineering and creativity WDW could even end up with a version of N.O.'s Square or at least a similarly themed area as part of such an add.
I will let the reader decide what franchise would fit this scenario perfectly.:king:
Mostly just thinking out loud here just this once. I usually keep these ideas to myself. :lol: