New Member
I was there that night. However, if you REEEEEEEEEEAAAALLLY wanna get technical, this could happen at any restaurant, anywhere in the world, that uses utensils for its patrons to eat... or countless other places
However, it could happen at Universal too... I can't begin to count the times the sticks probing my camera bag only probed the main pocket... not the 4 others on the bag
So why didn't Universal Security and OPD do anything about it?
The world is a rough place
However, as *cough*RESPONSIBLE VENDORS*cough* they need to know when to cut someone off. I've never seen someone anywhere in Disney drink themselves to the point that they couldn't stand. I've seen it at Universal though.
Source please... I'm almost certain you're wrong on this one.
Yessir. Thankfully, Universal Orlando hasn't gotten a cent from me since 2004I just work my one day per year to keep my ID active. could happen at any resturaunt or spot in the world. But because it happened at Universal, you folks are up in arms and practically celebrating because it happened there, yet you still turned a blind eye that anything could happen on disney property, or when someone brings it up you dismiss it. The world IS a rough place, and will only get rougher....and the more people go to disney, the more the likely hood that something like this will happen there. As for the alcohol, I'm pretty sure they did serve it for a time in the 80's...and I have seen plenty of people drunk falling over and vomiting at disney, just as I've seen as many over flowing trash cans, peeling paint and rude Cm's as I have at Universal.
Long live the IOA freedom fighters.:drevil: