Star Wars


I still have a huge tote of SW figures in packaging in my garage from when the second trilogy came out...
And started getting all the Clone Wars figures as well... my little guy has been molded into a proper SW nut as well :)

Also I am painting 12x12 canvases for his room after the Clone Wars. Star Wars Animated style...

And Master Yoda... those pics were great! What a perfect Anakin!!

You should post pics when you are done with the canvases, they sound cool


Active Member
i once rode star wars with a row in our ship of characters, there were 2 storm troopers, darth vader, chewbacca and two ewok guys. it was awesome i got pictures, if anyone wants them PM me, but it was awesome :D

Peaches Magee

New Member
Peaches, could you take a picture of the painting when completed?

Master Yoda, I know how it is not having time to keep up to date on all things Star Wars. My wife and I just had our second child this past October, and the only time I get to read books or Star Wars Insider is on my lunch break at work. We have two little girls now and I am wondering if either of them will be into Star Wars.

I'm looking forward to both the live action and animated Star Wars TV shows. I loved the Clone Wars show and wish George Lucas would have kept that on for another season. I also wish they would do that with the original trilogy as an animated show.

Have either of you ever seen the Star Wars Holiday Special?

Yeah I am grateful to corrupt my little boy with Star Wars greatness at will! haha Little girls... not as easy. Though as a kid I played with my friends that were boys and was ALWAYS played with the Star Wars that were kept in the giant Vader head case (remember that!?) and one of my friends had an old school Trooper rifle... it was so heavy and cool! hehe

Oh I will post pics once I finish all the canvases...I have only done Leia and going to work on Yoda tonight I think. I was thinking 4 good characters and 4 villians... and probably a large canvas of Boba and Jango Fett, because they are his favorites! :)

Isn't the one Lucas and his minions working on now the CGI one based on the original trilogy and characters? That was my impression.

Holiday Special... wha?
I saw the Robot Chicken special... haaa, so great!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Peaches, could you take a picture of the painting when completed?

Master Yoda, I know how it is not having time to keep up to date on all things Star Wars. My wife and I just had our second child this past October, and the only time I get to read books or Star Wars Insider is on my lunch break at work. We have two little girls now and I am wondering if either of them will be into Star Wars.

I'm looking forward to both the live action and animated Star Wars TV shows. I loved the Clone Wars show and wish George Lucas would have kept that on for another season. I also wish they would do that with the original trilogy as an animated show.

Have either of you ever seen the Star Wars Holiday Special?
Ahhh the infamous holiday special. I was born in 71 so I remember seeing it when it originally aired. I think there is a site somewhere that has it up for viewing, much to GL's chagrin.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Does anyone else here collect Star Wars merchandise?
Some. I called myself a SW geek earlier. But huge fan would be more appropriate. I don't collect and I am not so much into the expanded universe. I had lots of SW toys when I was young, and am one of those poor souls who immediately rushes to the shops to buy yet another set of DVDs when George Lucas releases a Special Edition with the original movie versions included.

Have either of you ever seen the Star Wars Holiday Special?
I've seen it! It's probably somewhere out there on the web. It was dreadful. I mean, absolutely, shockingly bad. I don't mean Ewok cartoon movie or Jar Jar Binks bad, but way beyond that.

Some snippets of the Holiday Special. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Ahhh the infamous holiday special. I was born in 71 so I remember seeing it when it originally aired. I think there is a site somewhere that has it up for viewing, much to GL's chagrin.

I was born the same year and rememebr watching it as well. I enjoyed it at the time because it was more Star Wars and there was really no home video around at that time. I understand that Bruce Villanch was responsible for writing some of the Holiday Special...shame on him!

Green Lantern

New Member
I still have my Darth Vader's Collector's toy case from when I was a kid, filled with my original toys. Peaches, I remember the rifle case, as well as the C3-P0 case and the Chewbacca bandolier strap that you could wear and carry the figures on.

From what I understand, one of the television shows Lucas is doing takes place between Episodes 3 and 4 and is about second string characters. The other show is CG animated but is set in the Clone Wars era.

The Holiday Special is just awful, but I do admit, I own a copy I bought at a convention years back. It does have a cool Star Wars cartoon in it with the very first appearance of Boba Fett, and it even has Mark Hammill and Harrison Ford doing their character's voices.

Peaches, how late in the 70's were you born? I was born in 1975.

Anyone remember the Muppet Show episode where Mark Hammil, Chewbacca, R2 and C3-P0 were on? 3-P0 and R2 were also on Sesame Street once.

I enjoyed the Robot Chicken Star Wars episode a lot. I thought the Family Guy episode was OK.

I've had Star Wars on and my oldest, who is only 2 years, recognizes R2 and 3-P0. I am wondering how to present these films to my kids when the time comes. Show them in numerical order? Start with the Original Trilogy? And what of the Special Editions or regular versions? Decisions decisions.

( I apologize way in advance in case I ramble on. I love Star Wars and love to talk about it with fellow fans.)

Peaches Magee

New Member
I still have my Darth Vader's Collector's toy case from when I was a kid, filled with my original toys. Peaches, I remember the rifle case, as well as the C3-P0 case and the Chewbacca bandolier strap that you could wear and carry the figures on.

From what I understand, one of the television shows Lucas is doing takes place between Episodes 3 and 4 and is about second string characters. The other show is CG animated but is set in the Clone Wars era.

The Holiday Special is just awful, but I do admit, I own a copy I bought at a convention years back. It does have a cool Star Wars cartoon in it with the very first appearance of Boba Fett, and it even has Mark Hammill and Harrison Ford doing their character's voices.

Peaches, how late in the 70's were you born? I was born in 1975.

Anyone remember the Muppet Show episode where Mark Hammil, Chewbacca, R2 and C3-P0 were on? 3-P0 and R2 were also on Sesame Street once.

I enjoyed the Robot Chicken Star Wars episode a lot. I thought the Family Guy episode was OK.

I've had Star Wars on and my oldest, who is only 2 years, recognizes R2 and 3-P0. I am wondering how to present these films to my kids when the time comes. Show them in numerical order? Start with the Original Trilogy? And what of the Special Editions or regular versions? Decisions decisions.

( I apologize way in advance in case I ramble on. I love Star Wars and love to talk about it with fellow fans.)

No way! You STILL have the Vader case!! Oh that is great!
I remember the other cases and the Chewie one too! I think I do remember the Mupper Show one, but not Sesame Street. Yeah the Family Guy one had some really funny moments, but the Robot Chicken one was like non-stop hilarious!

Oh I was born in '78... nah nah... I'm younger! :lol:
Hey I milk that ALL I CAN! haha

I started with the original trilogy with my little guy... it was just on tv and he liked it... so while it is out of order... it got him into it. Then later he really got int the new trilogy and looooved Anakin and Darth Maul & Sidious.
And then of course got Clone Wars when it came out and he really loved it...because he loves toons. I say expose them to all and then see which one they like. They will tend to like Jedi, because of the Ewoks... but its not my fav. He also collected all the Galactic Hero toys, the little short figures... he has them all. Ah, because with the movies must come all the accessories! :)

(( And heck, ramble on... cause as you can see... I do it alot too )) :rolleyes:

Green Lantern

New Member
I was just looking at the Vader case this past weekend and looking at the action figures in it. I have a lot of my Star Wars toys, even after I got older I was heavy into Star Wars, so in high school I was buying comic books and toys and whatever I could get my hands on.

Have you ever read the Marvel Comics Star Wars books? They were OK, some goofy, some great. Have you read any of the novels? There are some great books out there, both stories and books about Star Wars in general. The book Star Wars From Concept to Screen to Collectible is one of my favorites since it has pictures of the old toys and back ground about the toys.

It would be great if they made a Clone Wars animated movie.

Ah the 501st! I've seen you guys at parades, so cool!


New Member
I'm a member as well. I'd love to be able to march in the parade.

Where do you live? The 501st is invited (or had been) every year for every weekend. The Florida Garrison normally handles the applications for everyone and sets it up. Keep tabs with me in the spring next year and if you want to march, I can give you the link to the info!

Who knew there were so many Star Wars fans here - it's great!! I collect pins mainly but do have a lot of vintage figures from when I was a kid - including the original early bird set! I stopped collecting the action figures a few years ago because there are just too many - how many Chewbacca's can you have?! But I do like all of the Disney stuff, especially the big figs - I have the jedi Mickey and leia Minnie.

mighty mouse

New Member
Where do you live? The 501st is invited (or had been) every year for every weekend. The Florida Garrison normally handles the applications for everyone and sets it up. Keep tabs with me in the spring next year and if you want to march, I can give you the link to the info!

Thanks!!! I live in New Orleans. Our squad is part of the Star Garrison, but with the way we're growing we'll be forming our own garrison soon. One of our TKs use to live in Pensacola, and he's told us how cool it is being in the parade. We've marched in parades during Mardi Gras but I bet its not as cool as SWW. I've been to 3 SWWs. The last one I went to was in 2005 for the premiere of Episode 3. I took my son (who was 6 at the time) to see it with me. I remember seeing the original trilogy in theaters when I was a child and wanted to share the SW experience with him. He's even done a few troops with us as a Jawa.

Green Lantern

New Member
Where do you live? The 501st is invited (or had been) every year for every weekend. The Florida Garrison normally handles the applications for everyone and sets it up. Keep tabs with me in the spring next year and if you want to march, I can give you the link to the info!

Who knew there were so many Star Wars fans here - it's great!! I collect pins mainly but do have a lot of vintage figures from when I was a kid - including the original early bird set! I stopped collecting the action figures a few years ago because there are just too many - how many Chewbacca's can you have?! But I do like all of the Disney stuff, especially the big figs - I have the jedi Mickey and leia Minnie.

I know what you mean regarding too many figures coming out. But, I must admit, I did recently buy a new Chewbacca figure. It's the Ralph Maquarrie concept figure. Chewie looks pretty cool, kind of scary in his early concept stage, but it's pretty cool. I'm trying to find the Boba Fett one but having no luck.

I want to get a Jedi Mickey Big Fig. But what I really want are those Disney character figures dressed like Star Wars characters. Donald as Han Solo! They would like nice in any collection. I'll have to buy two sets, one for the kids to play with and one for me to display.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Who knew there were so many Star Wars fans here - it's great!!

There are a lot of Disney fans out there. And a lot of Star Wars fans. And it has long been a gut feeling of mine that there is also a major overlap between the two.

I think Disney has consistently underestimated this overlap. I can't help but wondering what great things couldn't have been achieved if Disney had pushed its ties with Lucas twenty years ago. Disney theming + Star Wars universe...imagine. Two of the greatest merchandise franchises in contemporary American culture too. Both are missing out.

What if Disney had build a SW themed area at the Studio's back in '89? It would've been a Mecca for SW fans throughout the whole near decade of twentieth anniversary re-releases and the new trilogy...

Green Lantern

New Member

There are a lot of Disney fans out there. And a lot of Star Wars fans. And it has long been a gut feeling of mine that there is also a major overlap between the two.

I think Disney has consistently underestimated this overlap. I can't help but wondering what great things couldn't have been achieved if Disney had pushed its ties with Lucas twenty years ago. Disney theming + Star Wars universe...imagine. Two of the greatest merchandise franchises in contemporary American culture too. Both are missing out.

What if Disney had build a SW themed area at the Studio's back in '89? It would've been a Mecca for SW fans throughout the whole near decade of twentieth anniversary re-releases and the new trilogy...

But aren't there rumors that they are in fact going to extend the Star Wars area in MGM finally? Inlcuded in this will be the new ride for Star Tours? I know this has been around for a while this rumor, but it seemed to be sounding as if it was going to happen.

Would be cool though to have an even bigger area for it.

By the way, I like your screename Empress Lilly. My oldest daughter's name is Lily, though we spell it with one L at the end.

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