Premium Member
As I have followed the discussion on this board I notice a trend of increasing speculation and complaints about "Disney's" decision making regarding this expansion. To my knowledge this is baseless and only being fueled by the interpretations of a couple of artist renderings andvthe decision to decorate a blank construction wall. To that point, take the site plan into consideration that was released in Oct. 2015 attatched here. I find it curious that not a single interpretation on this board is considering the revised park extents specifically rerouting the current entry to accommodate the expansion of the SOA and area south of Star Tours/Muppet area. All the drawings and area calculations are being done on the existing park layout. Seems like flawed reasoning in my opinion.
If you look at the site plan, it looks to me that there is plenty of room to connect the new Srar Wars area to Star Tours either directly to the south or via a walkway around the sout of the Muppets area. It also wouldn't surprise me to see it totally revamped to incorporate new ride technology and free up space for additional Muppets/Indy theming in its place.
Thats it for my first post.
Actually, people have brought up that idea. Current speculation is that if Star Wars Land has been moved to LMA area it was done to speed up the construction timeline. Extending out beyond the current park boundaries around Muppets would defeat this purpose. According to the permit the area shown in that map beyond the current entrance road is to be used for parking, although it's possible that has changed.