“However, Theiler said the park will be taking measures to keep the wait time for the ride under two hours, mainly by somehow leading many to visit it later in their window.” -OC register
So basically a 3hr20min line for Peter Pan or a 1hr15min line for Pirates. Which equates to a heck of a lot of people in the land.
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In fact, we can do some math here. I hope you're sharp on your unit conversion. The capacity for SR is 1,800 guests/hour. They want it to be under 2 hours but we’ll use exactly 2 for simplicity. So 1,800 guests have to enter the line per hour. We can assume half of G1 and G2 will take those spots from 11-12pm. Then guests from G2 have to enter the queue at 1,800 guests per hour from 12pm-2. Similarly, from 2-3pm we assume half of G2 and G3 take up the 1,800 spots from that hour. So in total we can say Disney is planning to have about (0.5*1,800g/hr*1hr+1,800g/hr*2hr+0.5*1,800g/hr*1hr = 3*1,800 =)
5,400 guests per group in G2-G4 if they seriously want to keep the line below or around 2 hours.
For the first and last group, with 3 hours of the land to themselves (1,800g/hr*3hr+0.5*1,800g/hr*1hr =
6,300 guests per group in G1 & G5). In conclusion, (2grps*6,300g/grp+3grps*5,400g/grp =
28,800 reservations per day or 30,600 if they give G1 1,800 more reservations to put 2 hours worth of people in the line in the 1st hour of operation.
P.S. I think this is fairly accurate considering we're basing it on the theoretical maximum throughput AND Theiler said they'll want it to be UNDER two hours so this compensates for the overbooking they undoubtedly did.