Yes, they can be a negative depending on how far one allows it to take over your life or effect your behavior.
Not to get too far off topic, but being the Parks these last few days it is clear most people are not really appreciating the surroundings.
Their eyes and attention are completely glued to that tiny LCD screen in their hand.
A shame, really. They are missing out of half of the reason they paid admission in my opinion but to each their own.
I have never felt compelled or the need to own one.
What is incredibly ironic is I just spent some time with someone I deeply respect, and when he found out I don't have a cell phone he was amazed I could function in today's world without one.
He then told me I should get one!
But getting back on topic now.....
I will be back in the Park later this afternoon with my camera doing a quick round of photos.
I will take a few shots for everyone from what it looks like inside the Park.
Will probably be a few days before I can share them here however, but hopefully they will still be of interest as they will be examples of what Guests are seeing from above the wall.
Spent some time over by Big Thunder Mountain again the other day, sitting on a bench taking a break over near the exit of the Attraction.
It is a great spot to sit to hear people's reaction to what they are seeing poking out from above the wall since there is plainly visable and very vertical construction now.
Some of the reactions I have heard include these -
The kids will point and gush about how that is 'Star Wars Land' to their parents.
The adults kind of look over and are, like, 'what the heck is that big mess over there?'
And then their are the other folks who stride over at a pace expecting to be able to cut through to Fantasyland via the pre-existing Big Thunder Trail and are hit in the face with a wall.
A few seemed to have no idea what was going on over there which kind of surprised me considering all the press the area has received.
I even heard a couple lamenting the loss of the goats.
Good times.