Well-Known Member
Employees playing roles to create a background story and interactions is working in other parks to a very high level. Knots is doing it with their Ghost Town Alive. We have a park in UT called Evermore that does it full time. I was SURE that Disney was trying to create that kind of experience. How they miss so badly? I’m stunned at the wave of OK to poor trip reports. This is a multi-billion dollar investment. I keep reading about poor design but beautifully built immersion. No fun or whimsy. No shade. No music. One ride and the other experiences are all high end. Are people being crazy critical? I’m comparing these TRs to what I have read about Pandora (mostly raves). Do we really have a 2 billion dollar stumble?
I don’t think we re being too critical. I think if anything we re judging an incomplete land with ROTR not being open. With that said, I don’t think ROTR solves most of the issues people have with the land.