Star Wars Disney Characters Going Away?

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
So "I hope we never lose sight of one thing—that it was all started by a mouse.” is now taking the mouse out of their newest multiple billion dollar acquisition? This ranks up there as one of the most questionable decisions I can remember. I'm glad my son got his Jedi-Mickey plush a few trips ago. Yet you can still buy a Jedi or Darth Build-a-Bear. Sigh.

My god, what an abuse of that phrase. Yes, Mickey is going to THANK GOD be separate and purified from George Lucas' space opera offal. He doesn't need it and it was stupid. Or do you LIKE Darth Goofy in Mickey Mouse underwear?

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Well-Known Member
My god, what an abuse of that phrase. Yes, Mickey is going to THANK GOD be separate and purified from George Lucas' space opera offal. He doesn't need it and it was stupid. Or do you LIKE Darth Goofy in Mickey Mouse underwear? (Wouldn't surprise me).


Ok. You definitely win this one. I've never seen that photo and now I wish I hadn't. The sooner they get rid of this the better. I have not been sooo wrong on something in a long time. My son still like Jedi Mickey though.


Well-Known Member
It goes along the same lines.

You need to step back and look at the time frame those things originated in. The post-prequel years where effectively, Star Wars as a serious feature film franchise was dead. Lucasfilm really started loosening up the strings at that point. I saw some of that first hand - I consulted for a Star Wars project circa 06-09, and they were really letting things lose that they hadn't previously done (the "rules" started to disappear, as in, you can't have X-character appear with X, so on). It happened throughout the remnants of the franchise - from video game content, to EU books, and the Disney relationship.

Lucasfilm really never intended to make another live-action Star Wars film. They were intending to do a live-action TV show, but that was the future - in TV. I'm sure you know that there is an entire parody series (of something like 40+ episodes?) that was completed and produced by the Robot Chicken team all about Star Wars that was cancelled and never released - it's the same reason. Lucasfilm was pretty content with just licensing out Star Wars, as broadly as possible.

I don't use "irony" as a term lightly (too jaded by being part of the Alanis Morrisette generation LOL), but it truly was when the Disney acquisition was announced, and suddenly people are posing pictures of the dreaded "future" of what "Disney would do - Lucas would never allow this!" - which was usually accompanied by a clip of Hyperspace Hoopla, in particular. Usually Chewie or Vader. "It was the end of Star Wars now that Mickey has his claws in him!" they cried out, not realizing that it had been around for years and was fully approved by Lucas.

Lucas sold Lucasfilm because he couldn't keep the company running on Clone Wars animated and ancillary products any longer. LucasArts had been set up for failure years before, and the commercially successful games were made by 3rd parties. If Lucasfilm was to survive as a company, it had to go back into the "serious" Star Wars business - which meant the Sequel trilogy - and judging by his statements over the last few years - Lucas just wasn't up for spending another ten years, particularly citing how the reaction to the Prequels made him not want to go through that again. So the logical option was to sell - his only choice besides to spin off ILM and close the rest of the place down, just having lawyers take care of the licensing deals (which is practically what the rest of Lucasfilm had become anyway).

Now, things have radically changed. Disney is smack dab in the middle of the complete resurgence of Star Wars as more than just a nostalgia trip or kids fare. You don't really encourage the "silly" side or the parody/satire so much yourself when you are running a serious franchise - unless you are making gobs of money at it, like the Lego-stuff (which is also a good intro to the larger universe for the kiddos). So no, when Darth Vader is again a serious screen character (sorry, @PhotoDave219 - hope you've seen the trailer) you don't exactly want him performing 80's hits in a theme park.

Make sense?

I blame Disney's marketing department. There was no need to reveal that. Leave it to be a surprise and let word of mouth drive it. They're already going to have an insane opening weekend.... Amateurs.


Well-Known Member
My god, what an abuse of that phrase. Yes, Mickey is going to THANK GOD be separate and purified from George Lucas' space opera offal. He doesn't need it and it was stupid. Or do you LIKE Darth Goofy in Mickey Mouse underwear?


In honesty I've never understood why he misplaced his pants....It's like if they wanted Vader to be lazy so they use this as a a meet and greet..

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