Hey everyone. It's my first post here, but I've been hanging around for the past three years or so ... I know, it took me a while, huh?
Anyway, about Star Tours ... I was thinking, given the huge fan base and general popularity of the Star Wars franchise, that star wars might be in line for a major renovation - a complelet re-thinking of the ride. But, then I realised that all of these talks really have been very vauge, and seem to hinge soely on the sucess of Episode III. If those that go to see the movie respond well to the film, I would imagine that Star Tours would recieve some kind of upgrade. Granted, there's definatley not any space to make anything accept a siulator (and the Star Wars universe has to be the absoulte best franchise I can think of to couple with this type of attraction), but I would think it would be very ill-advised of imagineering to not go forward with a full renovation of the entire show building. I personally don't see this attraction as being so classic that it should remain. The whole Star Wars theme could make for an amazing queue line (just imagine the possibilities), becasue the spaceport you guys have now is a little dated, is it not? (Oh man, and you shuold see what we have here on the west coast ... Disneyland's is even worse!) If the technology to put a motion simulatior on the chassis of a car (Indiana Jones Adventure in Disneyland, Dinosaur! in Animal Kingdom) exists, imagine what they could do for this relativley simple concept. Today, they could also implement in-vehilce effects to indicate damage to the ship. I think that this is a renovation that could be done on a very minimal budget.