Star Tours? Has it been ignored?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind seeing a podracer theme, but i doubt it'll happen anyway. Can't say i actually like star tours all that much, too jerky, it just makes me feel sick, even though i can go any rollercoaster ok.

Luau Cove

New Member
Originally posted by DisneyInsider
Luau there are Original characters in Star Tours..C3PO and R2-D2.

I meant main usual characters like Luke, Han Solo, Darth Vader or Anakin from the latest film. Because I know how this works: The characters are used, some actors won't want to do this short film or won't be able for many reasons (busy, too old...), then the die-hard fans will question every single detail of the attraction taking it seriously and saying that doesn't concur with the trilogy. George Lucas knows that and doesn't need it, that's why he kept these main characters out of the films, and possibly that's why he doesn't want to do it now.



New Member
Why are people only thinking within the confines of the movie? There is alot of room to explore other areas, while tying it in to the whole Star Wars experience. For example, you could have the original Shuttle to Endor, but while you're in the loading zone, some Stormtroopers could charge out and yell about an escaping Rebel spy.

The spy could stow aboard your shuttle and 'pursuade' Rex to take off - leading to bumpy ride through the hangar, while evading Trooper fire and closing doors.

After exiting the hangar, you could weave through all the ships docking at the spaceport and some TIEs that are sent to intercept.

You could make the jump to lightspeed, but once you come out and you think everything is okay, a ship begins to fire on your shuttle - a face comes on the screen and it's Boba Fett, who is trying to capture the rebel.

There's a pursuit, and Rex (or the rebel) is putting out a distress call. You could have the Empire catch this call and send a Star Destroyer and just when everything seems at it's worse - you could have Rouge Squadron fly in and help you to safety.

See - there's alot of room - just need to think outside the confines of the script.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Luau Cove

I meant main usual characters like Luke, Han Solo, Darth Vader or Anakin from the latest film.
But not the only two main characters who will span the entire 6 episodes...:hammer:

el condor

New Member

The fact is, they could make a totally new ride tomorrow - 20 mionutes of top quality unedited footage exists for Star Tours, for a much larger ride that didn't make it (too nauseating). It would therefore be possible to redub it, reprogram and make a whole new set of rides, where you could actually arrive at Endor and experience lots of Ewok aggression...


Well-Known Member
20 mionutes of top quality unedited footage exists for Star Tours
Top quality in the 80's maybe, but that film has probably degraded a hell of a lot by now.

The original ROTJ prints had to be restored in 1995 for the SE's. You can bet that any spare Star Tours footage wasn't as well stored as they were.

Fact of the matter is that they would have to film a whole new sequence, and that takes a LOT of time.

Plus George Lucas would not authorise something he was unhappy with, and he would have to authorise it. Therefore you are probably looking at a 6-12 week production run for ILM to produce the footage. Plus rehabbing out each simulator, that's goning to take time and money.

Bottom line. Lucasfilm and ILM just don't have the time right now. Disney just don't have the money right now. And LFL/Disney relations are at a low eb as well.


New Member
Because I know how this works: The characters are used, some actors won't want to do this short film or won't be able for many reasons (busy, too old...),

Who said you have to use the real actors :)

Think about it, you only really need voices, something that LUcas arts has done a great job in getting actors who, while at times don't sound exactly like the originals do a damn good job. For example, the guy that they have doing Luke Skywalker in games (like Rouge Leader) is very good, stick a helmet on someone who looks kinda like Luke and there you go.

Also, I was thinking - they could probably do something like was done in Rouge Leader for the GameCube. In the game they were able to splice some movie dialog with dialog from the 'B team' actors - it sounds great.

For example, from my example (with a few modifications):

As you're being chased by Boba Fett, the Millenium Falcon zooms in to 'make the save'.

Han Solo cracks in over the intercom (the visual was knocked out by Boba Fett if you need to ask that question).

'You're all clear kid - now get out of there"

..or you could have a part come up when he has to say:

'Good shot don't get cocky - we're not out of this yet'

Just have fun - think out of the box.

Luau Cove

New Member
Star Wars world is quite complicated, that's why Lucas doesn't want more difficulties to the chronology or characters of his universe. He said that whenever he is writting for SW he thinks a million times about a scene and if it's really going to improve his creations or bring more mistery. I think he just doesn't want to re-do Star Tours not only because he is busy and will be until Episode 3 ends, sort of 2005, and also because he doesn't want to mix things and create himself another trouble of imagination and extra-hours of working.



Active Member
I don't know about a change...

I don't personally see a chane coming anytime soon...
Honestly, what's one of the most memorable scenes from the SW movies??? The Corridor chase across the Death Star...I don't really see them taking their cion out of the ride any time soon...



Well-Known Member
I like Star Tours just the way it is. Call me crazy...but it does exactly what it's supposed to do, make you feel like you're flying on a spaceship.

While some of your ideas sound great, I doubt Disney will revamp the entire ride or change the plot at a great expense. The way the economy is right now, if it changes at will be awhile.

I think us repeat park attendees sometimes become too critical of some park rides. We're spoiled in a way. While change is good when a ride or show has low attendance, just being "tired" of the same old thing indicates maybe we're just riding something too often.

I like to look at the faces of the people on the rides that are riding something for the 1st time. That's a pretty good indicator if it's a "good ride" or not.
Judging on that basis...Star Tours...the way it is...seems to still have some excitement and thrills to it.....just my thoughts. :)


New Member
Originally posted by Luau Cove
Star Wars world is quite complicated, that's why Lucas doesn't want more difficulties to the chronology or characters of his universe.

It's feasable, but I don't buy that considering Start Tours really doesn't fit anywhere in the Star Wars timeline to begin with - which is why I see no problem with a new ride playing outside of the movies as well.

Also, having read all the Star Wars books, there are a few people out there who could do a great job in thinking up a story - Lucas (or Lucasfilm) would just have to 'okay' it.


New Member
I like Star Tours the way it is, but even if they did decide to update it, I would want it to be basically the same thing. Change the movie, improve the sound, improve the seats, but leave the essence of the ride alone. But, I do like that since most people don't go to Star Tours that there is very rarely a long line :)


New Member
STAR TOURS II: Pod Racers - (3/15/02) Is the new Star Tours project back in development? One rumor claims that some Cast Members have been recruited to “test ride” some new movement programs. Can anyone confirm this or know more?


Active Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by jcrb
STAR TOURS II: Pod Racers - (3/15/02) Is the new Star Tours project back in development? One rumor claims that some Cast Members have been recruited to “test ride” some new movement programs. Can anyone confirm this or know more?

GASP!:eek: :eek:


New Member
I dnot know if Lucas is going far from Disney, It seems to have though that Disney has ignored Star Wars for a while.... But if there going to transfer Star Tours to the Podracer, Than there actually allitle out of the bet, Cause Episode2 just came out, And by the time they have that up, Episode 3 might even be out...

But still would be cool to have an outdated Podracer ride :).


New Member
This entire discussion about whether or not they should/would/could is pointless to anyone who has ridden Stormrider at Tokyo Disney Sea. Star Tours is like an embarrassing roadside museum by comparison. The cabin is big, there are special effects in the cabin, the screen is big, the picture is clear, the ride is smooth, etc. The 3-D attractions at Disney have all evolved, but for some reason they have not done anything with simulators, so this new attraction just seems like a great big leap, leaving Star Tours way behind.


New Member
Originally posted by dennikoon
This entire discussion about whether or not they should/would/could is pointless to anyone who has ridden Stormrider at Tokyo Disney Sea. Star Tours is like an embarrassing roadside museum by comparison. The cabin is big, there are special effects in the cabin, the screen is big, the picture is clear, the ride is smooth, etc. The 3-D attractions at Disney have all evolved, but for some reason they have not done anything with simulators, so this new attraction just seems like a great big leap, leaving Star Tours way behind.

yeah, i was quoting to someone else though, who asked if he thinks if George Lucas is leaving Star Wars off of Disney.....

Anyways, Is the new ride, To doubt leave Star Tours out of hand in simulation? They keeep getting get more and more advanced, I have rode Star Tours, Body Wars, then Spiderman, and finallly that really good one in Busch Gardens Williamsburg Corkscrew Hill :).

I dont know the 3-D will leave rides like Star Tours out,.. But apparently Spiderman has. :rolleyes:

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