I thought it was a perfectly "alright" 6/10. More than any of the other Disney remake, it felt like it had an identity crisis on whether it wanted to be a whimsical, old fashioned fairy tale or whether it wanted to be a more grounded, modern and realistic story.
Rachel Zegler is great as Snow White and they managed to give her more agency without turning her into the stereotypical "girl boss" action heroine. I also liked the romance with her and Jonathan quite a bit, even if it was a bit too reminiscent of the Rapunzel/Flynn Ryder romance. And while I like the story change of Jonathan being a poor bandit, it does rob us of the iconic "Someday My Prince Will Come."
I got used to the CGI dwarves but still feel that going the Polar Express CGI route was a very bad decision. They should have definitely cast live action actors, as it was always jarring to see them in the same space as real humans. I did like how they expanded on the relationship between Snow White and Dopey. I found her encouraging him to come into his own rather touching.
Jonathan's sidekicks of bandits felt like they had A LOT of scenes on the cutting room floor. The way they were framed in several scenes made it look like the camera was giving them the importance of main characters, but we had almost no screen time with them. I wouldn't be surprised if there was an earlier version of the movie where they were originally much more prominent, and then they had their roles pared down in reshoots.
The new songs feel dreadfully out of place. Way too pop-like and modern. They would be more at home in something like High School Musical than a fairytale classic. I did like the new version of "Whistle While You Work," however.
Gal Gadot's acting isn't very good, but I still enjoyed the Evil Queen and the expanded lore behind her. She could have been one of the all-time great live action Disney villains in the hands of a more capable actress. I feel this rewritten version of the Evil Queen actually feels like what King Magnifico was supposed to be in Wish. In fact, the climax of the movie, where Snow White encourages the kingdom to stand in resistance to the Queen, was extremely reminiscent of the ending of Wish.
This movie will probably bomb at the box office and I'm in an odd situation where I feel the movie doesn't deserve the extreme hate it's getting, yet I don't feel strongly enough about the movie to go out of my way to defend it. It's a very typical live action Disney remake. If you like the remakes, you'll probably like this. If you hate the remakes, I'd advise staying home as I don't think this will change your mind.