I thought it was pretty well done, 8 out of 10. The time travel bit was ok, I'm glad it ended up being science based and not some "magical" device.
De-aging still not 100%, especially in the action scenes, but overall was passable.
A good send off and end to the Indy saga in my opinion. I'm ok if they want to continue with a female lead series in the same universe, Indy is not being replaced, more below.
The anti-female rhetoric of Youtubers like Doomcork with "inside" information about Phoebe going to erase Indy and take over the fedora never came to pass, just as expected it wouldn't. Indy was not written or played as feeble or helpless as these Youtubers were claiming. Not sure why people still put so much stock in anything that guy says, he ends up being wrong like 95-99% of the time. Even if there was an idea thrown around at one point about Phoebe taking the fedora, it never made it into the final product as he claimed it would, which is the whole point, he was wrong.