splash Mountain V.S. Tower of terror

Which is better

  • Splash mountain

    Votes: 37 62.7%
  • Tower Of Terror

    Votes: 22 37.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
Original Poster
Which in your opinion is better?

-Splash mountain-
It has more than one drop.
Its in water.
It has anima-tronics.
Indoor and outdoor attraction.
It has a funny happy storyline.
-both have a fall-
-Tower Of Terror-
It never has the same drop.
Its an elevator which can move foward.
Its in the dark.
It has a scary storyline

My opinion- There both cool rides and I couldn't say which I like best. Because I like both of them the same.


Splash all the way! The ride is pure Disney with the story, AA's, and music. There is also moderate thrills which is great, because the whole family can enjoy it. ToT is great also, but it isn't as good as Splash.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
ToT is my favorite ride in the "world". Gotta love it! Splash Mountain is third after Space Mountain. (I love the 'falling appart', aging feeling) :p

EDIT: It is of few rides with a *clear* storyline.


New Member
Splash Mountain is just my favorite ride ever. I used to not like thrill rides, but once someone convinced me to go on splash, it changed the whole direction of my theme park experience. I'll go on anything, and I have the wonder that is Splash Mountain to thank for it.


Well-Known Member
I voteed for ToT. I don't know why or how, because I love them both so much. Splash was the first "drop" ride I had ever been on and I fell in love with it. Of course on one trip when I was younger, my family and I all did it and then when asked to go on it right after, only my mother and father (out of the 3 of us boys and the two of them) went on it. I'm glad I didn't because I took the best picture I have ever seen of Splash, better than any postcard, too. It took me forever to ride ToT but when I finally did, I fell in love with it too. So my love for the "drop" rides goes to Splash, but my favorite, only because of the fact that I never know how many times I'll drop, is ToT.


Well-Known Member
You can't start a poll and not have an opinion yourself! :p

I vote for Splash, since it is much longer and has a combination of everything in it - fun, thrills, music & AA. ToT is always in better "upkeep" though.


Well-Known Member
Well in my opinion, these are the two best attractions in Disney parks today. I voted for Tower of Terror. I guess the main reason is because of the special effects. But you can't go wrong with either one of them.


Active Member
SirGoofy said:
Splash all the way! The ride is pure Disney.
You hit the nail on the head. ToT is great but my entire family has more fun on Splash. I love the way we wind through the story with the inevitable drop towards the end. Getting a little wet is also a plus in the middle of a hot Florida summer. :)


New Member
The two rides are totally different. The thrill seekers will vote for Tower, the character fans for Splash. I'm in both these groups, but my vote goes to Splash.


New Member
Splash! Splash! Splash!

Originally posted by NemoRocks78:
Tower is fun, but my vote will of course go to Splash Mountain, which is, IMO, the greatest theme park attraction ever to be built.

I totally have to agree with you on this one! This is the 1 ride i CANNOT miss when i go to WDW! After waiting in line forever in the hot Florida sun :brick: , I believe this attraction is completely worth it. The music is great, leaves me singing along even after the ride is over (and I even have the song in my head now!)...and its long and you get cooled off quickly.

:lol: I have definitely found my laughing place! :lol:

oh yeah....ToT rocks too though! just in a different way :)


General Grizz

New Member
Tower of Terror is a creative and EXCELLENT attraction that I can't miss at MGM.

But Splash Mountain is simply better. I don't base these attractions on the thrill factor at all (I am equally amazed at both attractions without the thrill, and that's what shows how good they are)! (In fact, that should be a new standard.)

I guess what gets me is that Splash Mountain is Disney. Song of the South/America Sings Characters were all dreamed up and re-Imagineered . . . and the whole thing speaks Disney.

"Zip-a-dee-doo-dah. . . "


Well-Known Member
i gotta go with Splash Mountain. i love everything about that ride, as previously mentioned "it's pure Disney" can't go wrong with a classic. :)

Tower of Terror has excellent theming as well though...hmm...nope...still gonna go with Splash :D


Well-Known Member
Both are excellent attractions. ToT is one of my favorites in all of WDW, I can't help but let out a yell when you drop - just can't control it.

But Splash Mountain is my favorite of all the modern day WDW attractions and if I were new to WDW it would be my favorite overall because it is just that good. For nostalgia reasons I love the Haunted Mansion the most of all attractions with the Pirates coming in second. But behind those two it is Splash.

Yeah, I know too much information. Splash gets my vote.


Well-Known Member
Splash gets my vote. I used to work there, so I just had to vote for it, plus I love the whole Song of the South theme. The AA's are amazing and it's just such a fun ride. Plus I watched them build Disneyland's splash.

ToT is still a great ride and I do love it, I just love splash more.

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