Splash Mountain re-theme announced

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Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's that one whole section. Those buildings are larger than the ones themed differently, but there are way more of the other buildings. Didn't they already remove most (if not all) of those references? If not, I'm guessing they will pretty soon.

Still an antebellum reference on the French Quarter page, oddly enough, but not Riverside.


Well-Known Member
Is there a gif of the kitten from the beginning of that movie when the character were children?
I can only hope you were talking about this moment 😂


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Did you say the same thing to ChampDisney and TonyPerkis? Because they actually have been chatting about it long before I made my one-line statement.

Well, to Tony, yes. Where's that Champ?...

@MisterPenguin chooses his targets wisely.

Aha! You failed the first lesson of how not to be seen by a hall monitor!

Yeah. Maybe one day when I grow up, I can spend hours upon hours and days upon days and years upon years talking on a Disney forum relishing in acting superior to others and putting people in their place! 😍

It's great work if you can find it. I work for Big Communism.

But yeah, I don't know who started the James Gunn nonsense, but I don't want to give Mom more work with reporting off topic posts. So, if you fine Capitalists can leave that out of the verbal repartee, it would be appreciated.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
I do and I’m grateful for that. Which reverts right back to what I originally wanted to get through to you. Not everybody has the time to sit themselves down and read over a hundred pages to gather all the scoop. I’m really glad you do though...

But you didn’t bother to correct me that time, now did you? You know what that means? I did get past you!


Well-Known Member
Whoa look at you...address the points or sit down. That makes you feel better saying that? Because I don't agree with your logic and have addressed the points in my previous posts, I'm wrong? It may be time to step away from your screen and get some fresh air or a drink of water. Have a more pleasant night. That's all!
Remember what I said before? Things get irrational with some people.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Somebody needs to create a 21st century version of the "Save Mr. Toad" campaign but changed to "Save Splash Mountain". Complete with shirts and a website.

Here's photos during the "Save Mr Toad" period.






The irony is...

None of that made any difference or stopped it from happening, sadly.
'Toad' still closed in Florida and was replaced with poo.
I mean 'Pooh'.



Well-Known Member
I've stayed there many times, it's still a pretty large section of the resort. Maybe they can get away with it by removing references to "antebellum" and "old South" in the literature.

Nah. You'll have to bulldoze the entire resort to be safe. And here's some other resorts/attractions that we'll need to address soon:

* Country Bear Jamboree (Old South/Womanizing/Fat-Shaming = The Trifecta)
* Tom Sawyer Island (Old South)
* Steamboat (Old South)
* Thunder Mountain Railroad (Expansionism/Treatment of Indians/Built with Slaves)
* Haunted Mansion (Mental Illness)
* Hall of Presidents (Southern/Slave-Owning Presidents Removed)
* Peter Pan (Indian Stereotypes)
* IASW (Cultural Stereotypes)
* Aladdin Spinner (Cultural Stereotypes)
* Carousel of Progress (Lack of Diversity)
* Little Mermaid (Lack of Diversity/Fat-Shaming)
* Seven Dwarfs (Lack of Diversity/Dwarf-Shaming)
* Dumbo (Cultural Stereotypes)
* Fort Wilderness Campground (Frontier/Treatment of Indians)
* Wilderness Lodge (Frontier/Treatment of Indians)
* American Adventure (Colonialism/Racism)
* World Showcase @ Epcot (Cultural Stereotypes)
* Jungle Cruise (Cultural Stereotypes/Colonialism)
* Jungle Skipper Canteen (Colonialism)
* Swiss Family Robinson (Colonialism)
* Pirates (Womanizing)
* Animal Kingdom (Captive Animals)
* Lion King Show @ AK (Cultural Stereotypes)
* Polynesian Resort (Cultural Stereotypes)
* Animal Kingdom Lodge (Cultural Stereotypes)
* Indiana Jones Show @ DHS (Womanizing/Nazis)
* Little Mermaid Show (Lack of Diversity)
* Liberty Square (Colonialism)
* Magic Kingdom Train (Indian Stereotypes/Built with Slaves)
* Magic Kingdom Parking Ferries (Look too much like Steamboats -- see Steamboat)
* Living Seas (Captive Animals)
* Spaceship Earth (Cultural Stereotypes)
* Trader Sam's (Cultural Stereotypes)
* Coronado Springs (Glorifies Spanish Conquest of Mexico)
* Caribbean Beach Resort (Homogenization of Unique Island Cultures?)
* TRON (Appropriating Digital Culture/Nerd-Shaming)
* Tomorrowland Speedway (NASCAR/Racism)

Personally -- I think we need to stop construction on all projects currently in-progress and divert any and all funds to addressing these resorts/attractions as quickly as possible.
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Well-Known Member
Nah. You'll have to bulldoze the entire resort to be safe. And here's some other resorts/attractions that we'll need to address soon:

* Country Bear Jamboree (Old South/Womanizing)
* Tom Sawyer Island (Old South)
* Steamboat (Old South)
* Thunder Mountain Railroad (Expansionism/Treatment of Indians/Built with Slaves)
* Hall of Presidents (Southern/Slave-Owning Presidents Removed)
* Peter Pan (Indian Stereotypes)
* IASW (Cultural Stereotypes)
* Aladdin Spinner (Cultural Stereotypes)
* Carousel of Progress (Lack of Diversity)
* Little Mermaid (Lack of Diversity/Fat-Shaming)
* Seven Dwarfs (Lack of Diversity)
* Dumbo (Cultural Stereotypes)
* Fort Wilderness Campground (Frontier/Treatment of Indians)
* Wilderness Lodge (Frontier/Treatment of Indians)
* World Showcase @ Epcot (Cultural Stereotypes)
* Jungle Cruise (Cultural Stereotypes/Colonialism)
* Jungle Skipper Canteen (Colonialism)
* Swiss Family Robinson (Colonialism)
* Pirates (Womanizing)
* Animal Kingdom (Captive Animals)
* Lion King Show @ AK (Cultural Stereotypes)
* Polynesian Resort (Cultural Stereotypes)
* Animal Kingdom Lodge (Cultural Stereotypes)
* Indian Jones Show (Womanizing/Nazis)
* Little Mermaid Show (Lack of Diversity)
* Liberty Square (Colonialism)
* Magic Kingdom Train (Indian Stereotypes/Built with Slaves)
* Magic Kingdom Parking Ferries (Look too much like Steamboats -- see Steamboats)
* Living Seas (Captive Animals)
* Spaceship Earth (Cultural Stereotypes)

Personally -- I think we need to stop construction on all projects currently in-progress and diverty any and all funds to addressing these resorts/attractions as quickly as possible.
He made a list 😂
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