Splash Mountain Question


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
During the sequence where you are about to go up the incline and the buzzard's Say "Time to be turning around." Was there any idea to make you fall down the drop backwards? It'd be pretty cool if that could have happend. I mean look at Malestrom......okay maybe the drop isn't as big but still it's pretty impressive idea.


Active Member
splash mt. backwards :eek:

i wouldn't like it, splash mt is a great way to see MK, and i think that would ruin the experience of "falling" into the briar patch

Walt Sent Me

New Member
That sounds like a cool idea! It would probably be a horrific challenge for WDI. They would have to warn the guests and it may even cause many guests to become injured. The g's and unknown direction could give guests whiplash or something. Especially since theres not much to hold onto

I dunno, i'm not an engineer, but that's what I think.

But hey, I'd ride it:)


Beta Return
Well, it isn't impossible or unfeasible - I seem to recall that little boat ride through Norway..... No, It's not anywhere near a 50' drop, and it's not a log - but it's still backwards.

If they had implemented a couple reversing switches into Splash, I think it would add significant wait time to the ride because they would have to add more of a buffer zone between logs, just to maintain the checks and balances around the switches - even worse than the lift hills. Neat idea though - it would indeed be a thrill!


New Member
I like that idea, maybe right before you go into the laughing place? It'd be interesting i think. just have before the drop, bars rise on the front and back and have a circle platform underwater to rotate and then bars lower and WOOSH. Of course the bars wouldnt be visible, theyd be underwater.

The boats would have to be revamped though, and id say a deeper seat would be better so when falling backwards you dont bang forward.


Well-Known Member
I think you would slam your back to hard into the seat when you hit the water at the bottom. There would also be too much risk of people trying to turn around and look at the drop and risk falling out.

The drop in the laughing place as mentioned would work but not the big one...


Well-Known Member
It is very possible, although more so on the smaller hills. However, the major concerns are very true. This would create huge problems with load and unload since the spacing would be necessary. The second problem is the infrastructure. The mountain is pretty full. This type of machinery, at least from what I have seen in deisngs, takes quite a bit of space to operate and, more importantly, to access (in event of a breakdown). Again, it could be/have been possible, but not likely.

Having said that, I think this could be a neat change for a new creation of Splash for another park like HKDL (although there it would compete with the new Pirates concept). Who knows, though!


Active Member
edwardtc said:
Well, it isn't impossible or unfeasible - I seem to recall that little boat ride through Norway..... No, It's not anywhere near a 50' drop, and it's not a log - but it's still backwards.

If they had implemented a couple reversing switches into Splash, I think it would add significant wait time to the ride because they would have to add more of a buffer zone between logs, just to maintain the checks and balances around the switches - even worse than the lift hills. Neat idea though - it would indeed be a thrill!

wait, when we went on malestrom i distinctly remember we went down the drop forwards :eek:

i'm positive that the drop was forwards


Well-Known Member
^There are two drops. The first one drops you backwards, after a confrontation with some trolls. The one you're thinking of comes just after you see out to the rest of the Norway pavillion from the waterfall.


Active Member
dandaman said:
^There are two drops. The first one drops you backwards, after a confrontation with some trolls. The one you're thinking of comes just after you see out to the rest of the Norway pavillion from the waterfall.

really, i don't remember a drop between the trools and the "big" drop :veryconfu

oh well, i guess i always knew i was senile...


Park History nut
Premium Member
After the 3 headed Troll, it`s more of a quick gravity assisted flow backwards to the waterfall; where you are switched forwards for the drop into the North Sea.


I'm not convinced that a backwards drop was ever the original thinking of Splash, but it would make the ride more thrilling. I like Splash as it is though; not because it is a thrill ride, but because it is a well thought out, well themed, fun ride. I think when you go over the crest of the final hill at night and see the lights across the park, that is one of the best views in WDW, even if it is only for a second. I would miss that with a backwards drop.


New Member
That would be awesome! whoever i go on with i grab them when were going into the laughing place tunnel that part scares me! but going backward wow good idea! i would go on it no matter how scared i am


Backwards drop down Splash Mountain?
It's been done before, as a prank.
Pretty much any way you can position yourself in a log has been done. :lol:

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