Splash Drop vs Everest Drop


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I have a curious question. How is the drop on EE. My wife has a huge fear of heights, but at the same time loves anything Disney. She has even been on TOT, but hated every minute of the drop and vowed never again. She Loved Splash mountian. Although I think the drop was secondary to all the other details through-out. I'm sure she is going to be tempted by it although also nervous. I don't want her to have a nervous breakdown on it when we go in May. Just curious as to what people's thoughts are.


New Member
i think she can do it if shes done tot she can do any thing!
its a great fun ride! has she done big thunder? i would say its similar type of ride to that! even the backwards bits are great fun i laughed the whole way round.....go on missus enjoy it!:sohappy:


Active Member
you will have NO problems - at the end of the day its disney ;) so nothing too extreme (even mission space orange/red - orangey red) was that 'extreeme' persay. Just a load of hype for what is in essence a lateral washing machine!

Mrs cmatt is the same and i got her on almost EVERY ride, not rock and roll roller coaster or twilight zone. But she LOVED splash mountain and expedition everest.

In short - no its not the same, id say its less intense....


Well-Known Member
With Splash you are conscious of the final drop all the way up the final conveyor belt, and as the "log" tips over the edge non lovers of the drop are frightened as the view of MK appears.
Everset is different, the drop is never really apparent until you are already on it - and even then it is only like a section of Big Thunder with a steeper drop.
I say go for it - she'll enjoy


Well-Known Member
Is that right? On the outside, the drop looks much sharper than the one on Splash, although I didn't get to go on it the last time I was in the park.


Well-Known Member
I didn't even know that I had been down the drop on Everest until the ride stopped at the end and it occured to me that I must have survived the drop. :lol: The Splash drop is a 45* angle or something like that, making it pretty steep. I don't believe the Everest drop (while larger) to be that steep. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
She has been on a Thunder Mountain. She really did not care for it...she had the feeling she was going to fall out. It is the same feeling she did not like on TOT. She said it would have been different if there was a harness over her shoulders. She actually wants to try Rock and Roller Coaster this time...cause she knows it has a harness....We'll give it go...it can't hurt


Active Member
It is a good ride. My aunt has been on it and she loves it. I have been on it 106 times and I love it. I tell people that the drop you see is only a faction of what the ride is. It is the greatest ride that you will never ride.
I didn't even know that I had been down the drop on Everest until the ride stopped at the end and it occured to me that I must have survived the drop. :lol: The Splash drop is a 45* angle or something like that, making it pretty steep. I don't believe the Everest drop (while larger) to be that steep. :wave:

Well the drop is about 45 degrees I would say but and thats a big but its not straight its at a 90 degree curve so its alot less of a drop as it is more of a curved right turn down. I would let her see if first and deside then. But Ill tell you what its alot of fun I rode it 3 times like 2 weeks after it opened and cant wait to ride again. Now if you want to talk about drops that scare the ________ out of you and make you want to scream for your mommy:lol: then head to busch gardens and ride SheiKra now thats a straight drop:)eek:).


Well-Known Member
I don't ride coasters. I am terrified of heights. Everyone said Everest was "just like" Big Thunder. But everyone is wrong. It's not only the height, and the drop, but it goes backwards, through the dark and it's quite terrifying if you're not a coaster person. I absolutely was miserable the whole ride. Everest is truly a coaster. The people who say it's wussy are people who have no sense of perspective from those who aren't heights/drops/coaster junkies.

EE's drop is much taller - on the scale of 80-something feet I believe - then Splash, but it does curve much more. It's most assuredly steeper then 45 degrees however.
  • Mountain height: 199.5 feet
  • Maximum ride height: 112 feet
  • Maximum speed: 50 mph forwards, 40 mph backwards
  • Track length: 4,424 feet
  • Largest drop: 80 feet
Ultimately, it's what your wife is comfortable with. Coming from a person who doesn't like riding certain types of rides, I can assure you, being pressured into a ride is a miserable experience. No, I don't need to just "try it" once because there's enough to do without doing something that will make me sick, or upset, or whatever. I'm not saying you're the type to push, but many people are, and they don't respect a person's limits and wishes. It's ok not to like every ride and it's ok not to have to do every thing.


Well-Known Member
I don't ride coasters. I am terrified of heights. Everyone said Everest was "just like" Big Thunder. But everyone is wrong. It's not only the height, and the drop, but it goes backwards, through the dark and it's quite terrifying if you're not a coaster person. I absolutely was miserable the whole ride. Everest is truly a coaster. The people who say it's wussy are people who have no sense of perspective from those who aren't heights/drops/coaster junkies.

EE's drop is much taller - on the scale of 80-something feet I believe - then Splash, but it does curve much more. It's most assuredly steeper then 45 degrees however.
  • Mountain height: 199.5 feet
  • Maximum ride height: 112 feet
  • Maximum speed: 50 mph forwards, 40 mph backwards
  • Track length: 4,424 feet
  • Largest drop: 80 feet
Ultimately, it's what your wife is comfortable with. Coming from a person who doesn't like riding certain types of rides, I can assure you, being pressured into a ride is a miserable experience. No, I don't need to just "try it" once because there's enough to do without doing something that will make me sick, or upset, or whatever. I'm not saying you're the type to push, but many people are, and they don't respect a person's limits and wishes. It's ok not to like every ride and it's ok not to have to do every thing.

I am with Miss M on this one. I love coasters and have a great time on them, but that is me. If your wife was uncomfortable on Big Thunder Mountain she wont do well at all on Everest. I think she would be OK on RNRC though as you said it does have a harness ( put it as tight on her as she can stand and keep her head back and her neck loose, any kind of tension in your neck can be painful on that ride) and also the ride is very short ( 1minute 29 seconds I believe) and it is in the dark so she wont see the hills she is going on!!!!!! Either way, I wouldnt force anyone on a ride they arent ready for. Encourage, yes, not force though. Belle


New Member
To do it or not is and should be totally up to your wife. I hate drops, but recently stepped out of myself and after visiting WDW once a month for the last 3 years, rode splash...guess what? Not bad at all to me...I love it! It is now my favorite ride at MK. Everest...it's okay. The drop is really not that bad and is over before you know it. I like to sit in the front because you don't see to feel "it" as much..my observation.
But really, the worst experiences for me were when I was pressured to get on a ride I just was not comfortable with...so...be careful.


Pete C

Active Member
you will have NO problems - at the end of the day its disney ;) so nothing too extreme (even mission space orange/red - orangey red) was that 'extreeme' persay. Just a load of hype for what is in essence a lateral washing machine!

Yeah, Mission Space isn't that extreme...all hype, huh? Is that why more people stumble off this ride and complain about dizzyness and disorientation for hours than any other? MS's forces are not terribly strong, but that they are applied for such a long duration messes a lot of people up. Not to mention staring at a video screen that is telling your mind one thing, while your body is experiencing another.

Anyway, back on post, EE's drop and Splash's drop are two different beasts. On Splash, you get a touch of negative Gs as you freefall down. Some people don't like this feeling. EE doesn't have any of that, as you take the drop already at speed and they didn't shape the drop to accentuate those kinds of forces. However, the bottom of EE's drop produces strong positive G forces...pushing you into your seat. The positive Gs on EE (especially the backward portion) are stronger than any other ride at Disney, however they are so short in duration that it won't bother anyone but the most extremely sensitive people. EE is a very fun ride, and the drops don't create the butterflies that some people dislike on drops.


Well-Known Member
Well the drop is about 45 degrees I would say but and thats a big but its not straight its at a 90 degree curve so its alot less of a drop as it is more of a curved right turn down. I would let her see if first and deside then. But Ill tell you what its alot of fun I rode it 3 times like 2 weeks after it opened and cant wait to ride again. Now if you want to talk about drops that scare the ________ out of you and make you want to scream for your mommy:lol: then head to busch gardens and ride SheiKra now thats a straight drop:)eek:).

I almost p.eed my pants on the drop in Jurassic Park at IoA. Literally. I was almost in the lap of the person I was with. :lookaroun


New Member
I am a huge wuss. I do not like roller coasters and am terrified of heights.

My husband; however, loves roller coasters and was dying to go on Everest. I didn't want him to go alone so I agreed to go on it...:eek:

The outcome...it's honestly not that bad. The anxiety of going on it for me was worse than the ride itself. I wouldn't recommend watching it - just get on it. I did better anxiety wise with Rockin Roller Coaster and Space Mountain because I didn't know what I was getting into. If I hadn't watched the drop on EE I probably wouldn't have been as anxious and would have had a better time on it.

The drop is not straight down - it kind of curves, so you don't get that I'm going to fly out of my seat sensation!!!

Going backwards was probably more intense than the drop.

I would ride it again and would recommend it to others.

Good luck and have a great time.


New Member
I don't ride coasters. I am terrified of heights. Everyone said Everest was "just like" Big Thunder. But everyone is wrong. It's not only the height, and the drop, but it goes backwards, through the dark and it's quite terrifying if you're not a coaster person. I absolutely was miserable the whole ride. Everest is truly a coaster. The people who say it's wussy are people who have no sense of perspective from those who aren't heights/drops/coaster junkies.

EE's drop is much taller - on the scale of 80-something feet I believe - then Splash, but it does curve much more. It's most assuredly steeper then 45 degrees however.

  • Mountain height: 199.5 feet
  • Maximum ride height: 112 feet
  • Maximum speed: 50 mph forwards, 40 mph backwards
  • Track length: 4,424 feet
  • Largest drop: 80 feet
Ultimately, it's what your wife is comfortable with. Coming from a person who doesn't like riding certain types of rides, I can assure you, being pressured into a ride is a miserable experience. No, I don't need to just "try it" once because there's enough to do without doing something that will make me sick, or upset, or whatever. I'm not saying you're the type to push, but many people are, and they don't respect a person's limits and wishes. It's ok not to like every ride and it's ok not to have to do every thing.

This is a GREAT post. I think I may print it out and hand it to my husband the next time has asks me if I want to ride Splash (the answer is no, just like the last 3,000 time he asked)

I can ride M:S all day long and it never bothers me.. but EE.. just from the outside I can tell I'd rather skip that one. Everyone is different.


The drop on Splash is 100x worse than the one on EE. The EE one is curved and is over before you know it. Plus EE is the best ride on property, so I would try to convince her to go on it.:D

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