Since I'm curious to hear what the Spirit (who seems to know a thing or two about the theme park industry beyond Disney) thinks about this, and since the topic of park admission prices has been timely recently...
I'm a SeaWorld/Busch platinum annual passholder -- this is the pass that allows you to visit any SW/Busch park in the U.S., and its cost varies depending on which park is your "home park" (i.e., where you buy it and use it for the first time). I bought my 2-year platinum AP last year at SW San Diego, where it cost $330 (a fantastic deal, as I've since visited five of the company's parks, some multiple times, more than justifying the purchase price).
Because I was bored today, I happened to look at SW San Diego's ticket/annual pass page. Turns out they have gotten rid of the 2-year platinum AP altogether, and jacked up the price of a 1-year platinum AP to $380. So now it would cost me $50 more to get for 1 year what was previously good for twice that much time. Honestly, this is one of the hugest price increases I've ever seen for any theme park admissions media -- I don't think Disney has even come close to having a price hike comparable to the relative extent of this one.
To compare, a 1-year platinum AP currently purchased at either SW Orlando or Busch Tampa is $329, and a 2-year version is $499. This means that it costs significantly more to buy a platinum AP at SW San Diego than at any other SW/Busch park.
The SW park rep I talked to explained that the price hike was due to the fact that they recently opened Aquatica San Diego, so there is ostensibly much more entertainment offered for most of the people who will end up buying platinum APs in San Diego. But consider the fact that, while it's a nice park, SW San Diego arguably has the least to offer of any theme park in the company's stable.
And add in the fact that (1) San Diego's Aquatica is almost half an hour away from SW San Diego, which makes it considerably less convenient to park hop than between, say, SW Orlando and Aquatica Orlando, (2) Aquatica SD is basically the former Knott's Soak City with a fresh coat of paint and new signage -- significantly inferior in offerings to its Florida cousin, and (3) in central Florida, you not only have SW and Aquatica adjacent to each other, but you also have Busch Tampa within driving distance as well, offering Florida platinum APers much more bang for their buck -- and SW San Diego's price hike seems even more stunning (not to mention baffling).
Have you ever seen such a thing before? And do you think it's odd that the different SW/Busch parks would have such significant differences in price with admissions media that provide exactly the same benefits? (Yes, I realize that some of these parks aren't open year-round, so the APs of some parks' locals would tend to get a bit less use, but by definition, these platinum APs provide entry to all of the company's parks nationwide, so presumably these particular passholders are self-selected people who know they will get around to the other parks quite a bit.)
Wouldn't it be odd if Disney sold their premier (all U.S. parks) AP at a different price point in Orlando than in Anaheim? And has there ever been a price hike by Disney (or any other theme park company) that has been so extreme -- not to mention clearly unjustified?