Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Premium Member
I know that not everyone agrees with me, but I have never felt that they have let down on keeping the parks in top condition, so to answer you question, we have what we have now.

Falling debris, animatronics not functional, effects turned off completely, completely torn up queues with paint scraped off, lights never replaced in several places

yeah, not let down at all.


Well-Known Member
After the state they let Splash Mountain get to... you honestly can say that with a straight face?

If so.. there are no words
No, one can sight specifics, I am talking about generally. I know you and others will not agree with me there either, but, I have seen it worse and it was in the 90's. And you're correct, there are no words because my opinions are based on what I saw, have seen and what jumps out at me. I'm a believer that some things cannot be fixed until they break, before that they are not broken.


Well-Known Member
I know of one family dark ride going into Seuss Landing (possibly). UNI Creative has actually made some fantastic family dark rides like you described. Now they just need to bring them over to this country :)

You mean like Madagascar: Crate Adventure? Oh, I would be so THRILLed if that came to UO.


Well-Known Member
No, one can sight specifics, I am talking about generally. I know you and others will not agree with me there either, but, I have seen it worse and it was in the 90's. And you're correct, there are no words because my opinions are based on what I saw, have seen and what jumps out at me. I'm a believer that some things cannot be fixed until they break, before that they are not broken.

Disney in the 90s never let the parks get as stale as they have been over the last decade.


Well-Known Member
You mean like Madagascar: Crate Adventure? Oh, I would be so THRILLed if that came to UO.
I do not know why people keep talking about Madagascar for Universal Orlando Resort. SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment may be short on cash, but I highly doubt their rights to the Madagascar characters are limited to just San Diego and Tampa.


Premium Member
No, one can sight specifics, I am talking about generally

So you can cite specifics.. including having MARQUEE attractions having a dozen or so major show elements broke for well over a year... and you gloss over things like this because you want to talk 'generally'

I think that is what we would call 'chosing to ignore' - not specifics vs general. You chose to ignore the specifics because they don't align with your generalization.


Well-Known Member
Just took a look at that Madagascar ride in Singapore on youtube. Gotta say it looks really good! I didn't know it existed before the person above mentioned it.
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Black Pearl

Well-Known Member
Just checked out the latest print guidemaps, Most of the Meet & Greets are labeled as attractions and the headline Attraction being promoted is "Storytime with Belle" for Magic Kingdom with Splash & Soak Station counted as a major attraction so is the Epcot Character Spot of all things. Really scary stuff.

For some people and kids these are major attractions. I remember from my days as a CM in entertainment the reactions I received from guests, and they were not concerned with the semantics on the park maps. They were in the moment and taking part in something that was not part of their normal day. Something fun.
WDW absolutely has (and has always had to varying degrees) issues, but it is amazing how the fans committed enough to spend time online cruising forums and searching out any shred of possible news react in the social media age. Throughout this thread alone, there has been the air of "theme park war declaration", and entitlement that seems both senseless and honestly just as bad as what may or may not be happening in the boardrooms, and happend years ago with the snobbing of Universal.

I like both parks for similar and yet completely different reasons. To please the regulars that go enough times to know every little secret, song, show, menu item, when refurbs are being done, when unannounced attractions are (maybe) going to be announced, etc. they ABSOLUTELY need to keep that "magic" evolving and add more rides, refreshen the quality, and create promotions that are actually a draw (not limited time magic). Universal is nailing this right now, but that doesn't mean that it is a "game over" scenario. People love to pick sides, hence the popularity of spectator sports filled with fans that have never stepped on the field, and apparently theme parks are no different.

Are guests here actually doing anything to edge Disney towards a more "Disney" WDW though, or are they just speculating and complaining?
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Well-Known Member
Just took a look at that Madagascar ride in Singapore on youtube. Gotta say it looks really good! I didn't know it existed before the person above mentioned it.
It is also cut down from what was originally designed and even built. Originally the attraction had two levels, but failures with the ride system prompted the second level's removal and reworking of the scenes all on the main level.


Well-Known Member
Saw your post on OU... Sounds like one of the trains was manufactured wrong and was more heavy that the other trains, which led to the train traveling faster on the track, and not being able to stop when it should causing stress on the connecting bar, which today snapped or bent or something causing a collision... Close?

Saw your post on OU... Sounds like one of the trains was manufactured wrong and was more heavy that the other trains, which led to the train traveling faster on the track, and not being able to stop when it should causing stress on the connecting bar, which today snapped or bent or something causing a collision... Close?
Potential energy is a function of mass and height. As the car is pulled up the hill, potential energy is being stored in the car. As the car starts down the hill potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is a function mass and velocity. The cars, by themselves, may most likely are the same mass. The cumulative mass of the riders is another thing. If you have a car carload of waifs and another of WDW ECV jockeys. The carload of ECV jockeys will be traveling with much more energy at any part of the ride.

At the end of the ride, the brakes must dissipate the remaining kinetic energy so the car comes to a stop at the desired location. Too much mass results in too much energy for the braking system to dissipate. So the issue may be too much mass, compromised braking system, or a combination of both.


Well-Known Member
No, one can sight specifics, I am talking about generally. I know you and others will not agree with me there either, but, I have seen it worse and it was in the 90's. And you're correct, there are no words because my opinions are based on what I saw, have seen and what jumps out at me. I'm a believer that some things cannot be fixed until they break, before that they are not broken.

The term you're looking for is "preventative maintenance," and it is a real thing. In fact, there are two whole Disney theme parks that still believe in this...they just aren't operated by The Walt Disney Company.

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
However, WDW hasn't done much at all over the last almost 10 years. It's time to invest in the parks.
I don't think so. They have many attractions at WDW that have been there since day one and they're still popular. Take Jungle Cruise for example. When JC was first created in DL they took it very seriously. The boat skipper made a few scripted jokes but most of the ride was serious. Of course, more modern audiences are not enamored by the old school Disney JC bits. They could have spent millions to upgrade the ride, but they had a better plan. They rewrote the script.

Now, the JC is one big comedy routine. The skippers make fun of everything including the backside of water. The same thing could be done with the Tiki Room, CBJ and CoP. These attractions are old, corny, poorly maintained, boring and contemporary audiences don't take them seriously. So, let the writers come up with some scripts that will entertain people again! Seth Macfarlane could be brought in to consult on the scripts to ensure quality. It would be best to minimize WDI involvement in such a project considering their track record.

About a year ago I was on KS in the AK. The driver did a routine very similar to a JC skipper. It was hilarious and the best KS ride I've ever had the pleasure to enjoy. I can only guess that it must have been the last day for that CM and he was trying out some fresh comedy material.

Haven't you ever wanted to whack a prairie dog on Living with the Land? They could put Ping-Pong ball air guns on all the Small World boats and Nerf-Dart guns on Peter Pan's Flight. Just a few simple modifications and script changes to the old attractions would leave Universal in the dust.


Well-Known Member
WDW was unquestionable better taken care of in the 90's than it is today. Can't fathom why anyone would try to debate that...

Heck a while back one of the in the know people on here (may have been Lee, I forget) mentioned how Disney used to have a dedicated crew specifically for lightbulb work that walked around every night after hours and replaced them whenever they died. It was even company policy back then to replace bulbs BEFORE they burned out (I think it was whenever they reached 80% of their intended life), so it was usually just defective bulbs that ended up burning out during guest hours.

While it was not entirely unheard of to come across a non-working show element in a ride (though much rarer and harder to spot), in most cases the elements were fixed within a day or so (was even often the case where just riding again later that same day the element would be functioning again). Very reasonable and respectable time. They didn't let broken elements remain broken for long at all, even if it was complex and difficult to keep working.

I believe it's also common knowledge that Disney fired a bunch of their maintenance crews at WDW more than a decade ago and eliminated many of those positions entirely.

The thought that WDW is better maintained now than it was about 15-20 years ago is absolutely absurd.
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Well-Known Member
I do not know why people keep talking about Madagascar for Universal Orlando Resort. SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment may be short on cash, but I highly doubt their rights to the Madagascar characters are limited to just San Diego and Tampa.

The Madagascar characters, specifically Alex the Lion and the Penquins, are seen at their M&G location on a daily basis (if I'm not mistaken) at Universal Orlando Resort. If they can have that, why can't they have a ride?
And who "keeps talking about" it anyway? I have never seen the idea of a Madagascar ride at UOR brought up on this forum before, although I don't have the time to scour every thread, so . . .
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