BS. If no one cared, I wouldn't have awakened to five pages of posts talking about it. Most (sadly) either restating the obvious: Disney just uses family values as a convenient excuse. It really doesn't wish to take on mega-casino resorts for business. ... Or they act as if Marvel characters are somehow different from every other Disney IP and can be used in a business that Disney vehemently opposes and runs totally counter to the company's squeaky clean image.
The only reason anyone "cares" is that they fall into one of two categories:
(1) The one-step-removed-from-full-pixie-dust addicts that allow themselves to believe they are interested in the Walt Disney Company's management and financial well being but are simply using it as a rationalization so as to not fully internalize the amount of time they spend thinking, writing, visiting, and talking about a theme park.
(2) The army of sycophants who hang on your every word given your inside info and connections with the company. Just another shade of the "I once passed by <insert celebrity here> in my movie aisle and couldn't figure out whether to go with crotch or a$$!" syndrome. Maybe if they pass by a few more times you might deign to acknowledge their existence!
And honestly, that's cool. I completely understand both sides of it (to a degree). It's pretty fun to be popular, regardless of the circle you're popular in, and rubbing shoulders (even virtually) with someone "in the know" can be pretty heady stuff to those that care.
But, in this particular example (and your tinfoil hat rantings concerning NextGen), I think you're spending a little too much time inside your head - and your personal crusade against Disney management - and dumping it all here, as opposed to hitting topics broadside that the vast majority here care about. Disney properties festooned on slot machines? I suppose that's of mildly passing interest. But not much. Specifics about certain executives, their behavior, and the impact on the parks? Much more interesting.
Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but if you feel this isn't a potential minefield of problems for The Mouse you are dead wrong.
Since my opinion is "I don't care whether this is a potential minefield of problems", there is no question of wrong or right.
I know, I know...."get out of my thread/lawn". Maybe I'll go with crotch this time.