They plan on charging either £1 or €1 which is about $1.50. Ryanair only fly within Europe at the moment and on board you can either pay for your drinks/food in euros or sterling. So you would either use a £1 or €1 coin in the coin-operated toilet. So you would only need one coin (unless you needed to go more than once!!!)
"The no-frills airline is working with Boeing to redesign the cabin and develop coin-operated toilets on 168 of its planes.
Not content with charging passengers for use of the facilities, the airline is also looking at reducing the number of toilets on board, leaving just one available cubicle for up to 189 passengers.
To use the remaining toilet on board, passengers would be forced to part with either £1 or €1 for each visit.
spokesperson for the airline said 'by charging for the toilets we are hoping to change passenger behaviour so that they use the bathroom before or after the flight'."
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